Dear Brendon...

Hey...Do You Wanna Go On A Double Date?

Dear Ryan...

So...I was wondering...mostly because Jordan brought it up....but do you wanna maybe go on a double date with him and me sometime?

If you don't have a uh...."significant other"....Jordan has a few friends he could try to set you up with.

Sorry if this seems a bit straightforward...seeing as how we never really hang out when we're not at practice...but...well...I get bored easily. I'm done writing now.

TTYL ^_^


"There, are you happy now? I sent the damn email," I said, looking over at Jordan.

He smiled at me. "Yes, now we can have friends!" he replied, clapping his hands enthusiastically.

I rolled my eyes. "We do have friends. Just not gay friends. You're such a fruit."

"Oh, I'm the fruit now? Mr. I-take-two-hours-to-get-ready-to-sit-home-and-do-nothing."

"Shut up," I said, blushing slightly.

"Blah. Let's watch Sixteen Candles or something."

"Brilliant idea, my good sir."

"Bren...I hate to tell you this, babe....but you're kinda gay."

I laughed. "Gee, thanks for noticing."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's way short, but I needed to get this out, and it's leading into more Ryden-y stuffs =P

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