Who Are You? And Why Don't You Love Me?

A normal school day 1

Frank’s POV

Yet, another idious school day.
And only God knows what for
You're right here. Only God knows. At least I bought skittles, so I can focus on them in the classes…
Yeah, your stupid thoughts focused on sweets. Can’t think of something more important?
You are my thoughts, dumbass... Of, what?Girls?
You’re gay, smartass.
No, really...?
Okay, i give up.
Wait a minute.

God. I even speak to my own mind…
That means you’re going mad.
Oh, just shut up.

I walked through the hated doors of my hated highschool and for a nice hello heard a voice from behind. Hated voice, to be clear:
“Hey sissy, found a boy for yourself already, fag?” Yeah… Mark, school jock, football team captain, lider of the bullies and a homophobe.
Hated homophobe.
“O hi Mark, nice to see you too.” My answer didn’t surprise him, he just laughed at me, until I wen’t away down the corridor.
So, that’s my hell world.
It gets better only few times a day, when I meet with my best, and only friend, Mikey.
Like now, for example.
“Hey, Mikes!” I shouted to his well known back.
“Sup, Frankie!” he shouted back straight as he turned to me. He was really thin, a year older(that’s why we’re in different classes) and much higher than me,not that Mikey was extremely high, only I wasextremely short. Actually that’s not very difficult knowing that I’m only 5’2”… He’s been wearing his “microscopes” so far on his nose, they almost fell every time he shook his head. And he was smarter. That’s not hard too, really. My best grade ever was B+ in third class of primary school.

Dumb Idiot
Shut up. I never repeated classes.

“Told you not to call me that!”
“Forgot” a evil grin came to his face
“As always…”We laughed at each other friendly.
“Heard the news?” Mikey asked
“You have a girlfriend?” I guessed looking at his face showing pure love for someone, and I don’t really think it’s me.
“How do you know that!?” He asked, silly boy, confused and shocked, then blushed brightly red “Yeah, you’re right…”
“Oh, you know, you look like you’re fallen in love, with those hearts instead of pupils.” I Iaughed at him, then got a light punch on my shoulder.
“Ouch, it’s true!”
“You’re so gay…” Mikey laughed at me back.
“Being sensitive doesn’t mean you’re gay!” I objected.
“Yeah, but you are!” I couldn’t hold my laugh
“Okay, maybe a little… What is she like? And what’s her name?” But just as I asked, the bell rang and the crowd pulled us in different directions, into our classes for the first lesson. I got to ask him again on the next break. And now I’m just going to be bored to death on the lesson… Hey, I forgot!!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, don't know if you get the point of the story, cause the corsiva just doesn't show.... anyway. the thing is, that Frank has got a split personality, and the "monologues" are just his talks to himself.
i'll try to make it look as it's supposed to, but not promising anything.
Xox. Yvonne
EDIT.: yeah, I edited, i re-writed i added the corsiva, sooo... READ IT!!!
^^ xo. Yvi.