Who Are You? And Why Don't You Love Me?

A normal school day part 2

Ok. I survived through the first lesson.
Only six more…
Fuck it.

I went down the corridor in the direction of Mikey’s class. We met in the middle of our ways to each others classrooms.
“Alicia, she’s georgeus” quickly said Mikes, before I could even say hi, with a giantic grin on his face.
“Pretty cool!” Again, I had time only to answer and smile, then I’ve been interrupted.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, we got a new guy in class, Bob.”
“So?” He’s gay, or what?
“Oh, nothing, just, he hasn’t got any friends, he’s from Chicago, you know, though he’s cool. But he’s not gay.” He told me all that and grinned.
“Too bad” I showed him tongue.”So, you want me to become friends with him,huh?” I guessed again.

Oh, what a brilliant kid….
Shut up.

“Actually… Yep… You don’t want to have more friends?...” God, he knows my weak points… and together with these puppy dog eyes I just couldn’t object.
“Okay, okay, where’s he?” I asked Mikey with sham patience. Really, I was so exited to meet that new guy… Yay!
“Em… right behind you..”
Oh thanks Mikey for making a complete fool of me…
“Oh…. Um… hi.” I finally said, blushing and turning to a higher(not difficult) blond guy, with short hair and a piercing in his lower lip. Pretty cool!
“Hi Frankie!” He smiled shyly and we shook hands.
“Mikey, I’m gonna kill you!” I said turning to him, then back to Bob. “I don’t like people calling me Frankie. It’s better Frank. Or pansy if you don’t like calling me with my name.” Bob looked like he was holding backlaughter.
“What are you laughing at?” I asked him a bit angrily, cause I simply hate laughing at me.

Thank the bullies…
You’re true at that point.

“No, nothing, just….” He looked shortly at Mikey who stood behind my back, and I got the point.
I quickly turned and hit Mikey’s stomach with my head. He doesn’t like that, lil’ bastard…
OUCH!” He shouted like he was dying, or something, though I didn’t hit him hard…
“You Little bastard!” He shouted at me with a mad look on his face. See? We even have the same speaking habits!


Mikey started to prepare for a fight, the same as I did, but we haven’t even started, when I saw a big back in front of me.
Huh? What the fuck?!
“Bob, out!” I told him, but all I heard was:
“I gotta get out?! You better stop it, then I’ll go!”
Damn it… I’m going too call him ‘Bob, the Muscle’ now.
“O.K.” That was Mikey.
“Pansy, you agree too?....” God he can be pretty convincing…
“All right. But no more joking of me, you got that?” I asked just to be sure, I was almost convinced, that Mikes wouldn’t like too feel my angry forhead on his belly again.
“So, Pansy, friends?” Bob got out his hand for a “friendshake”.
“Friends” I smiled widely and saw Mikey smiling too.
“Great, now that we’re friends already, you two can show me the school, huh?” asked Bob, but that moment the bell rang, only to take us to the next lessons.

Oh no, I forgot!
Don’t have any more Skittles!
That’s bad…
That’s even worse…
♠ ♠ ♠
yep, I edited this at last, so it all makes sense...
next chapter's on it's Way, but, you know, I have like... 7 more written already, i just have to copy them onto my computer...^^
Oh, and what happened to the readers?? I mean, the first two chapters were read by 50-60 people, and the third... by 28?? c'mon dudes and dudettes! and comment please!!
c ya, xo