Who Are You? And Why Don't You Love Me?

Not an update, but read it.

[A/N] yeah, so this is not an update, but please read it, really important.

Okay, so first, I'm REALLY sorry for the lack of updates and shit, but you know how it is… Lack of time, bitchy parents, stupid internet, lack of motivation…
Yeah, you got it, I’m talking ‘bout the comments… I mean, I have two stars already(great thanks for this, btw, it really means a lot to me!^^) and five subscribers, but, that’s interesting, only three people commented, with a total of six comments.
I suppose so.

There has been lots of things that happened to me lastly, that were the reasons I didn’t write…

I broke up with my boyfriend, after he told me, that HE JUST FORGOT ABOUT ME on the Valentines day, when I was in Austria… And he’s not feeling guilty about it.

I told my friend I’m bi after I kissed her in the middle of a full, well lighted gym hall after a carnival ball at our school…I admitted to her, I really liked her whereas she told me, she likes me too, but in a friend way… and we actually lost a bit of the great contact, I was so happy about…

I had a MAJOR argument with my mother, about her being a bitch to me, and me DARING to be emo, and DARING to be vegetarian, and actually ’bout all that was cumulating inside of both of us, about each other… It was so major, that she actually no longer talks to me, unless she really needs to…

My other friend started making fun of me being bi, AND so that it’s not so simple, she was Sisko’s (the girl I like so much) best friend, so they had an argument about that and they no longer talk to each other, cause Sisko stood on my side…

I lost contact with my old class almost absolutely, I hardly talk to my, once, best friend because she found herself another friend, now, that we’re in different schools…

My now best friend has major problems with her mother at home too, and we’re so much frustrated, we had been even talking about running away from homes…

I don’t have any money, cause all I get is ten zloty a week (it’s like… 4 $, or 1,5£.)and I need to eat something, when I go to any of my extra lessons, getting home about 20, and my parents told me they won’t give me any, exept if I need to pay for my dance lessons or dinners at school.
Because I’m ‘TOO EXPENSIVE’, like if I was some kind of a whore…

Enough reasons to not update??

But don’t worry, you’ll get an update in about an hour.
Oh, and re-read the first chapters, theire a bit edited, and I finally added the bcc coding, so it’s understandable now.
Xo. Yvi.