Who Are You? And Why Don't You Love Me?


<At the lesson>
I always sit in the back of the class, but today our fucking teacher decided to re-seat us.

Fucking asshole

Anyway, now I sit in the second row right in front of the teacher and behind the schoolbitch slut, Sophie.
Oh, I forgot, guess who sits right behind me.
Yup, you’re right.

Why does life has to be so cruel??...
Oh, yeah, you poor, poor kid, what about me?! I’m stuck here, in your stupid mind-
Shut the fuck up, okay?
Thank you.

Back to real. Now, most of the lesson is like… a disaster. I’m asked almost every fucking five minutes by our teacher dumbass, Mark laughs at me as I were some kind of a clown anytime I’m wrong(what happens terrifyingly often), Sophie does the same, exept that Mark kicks me on my back every time too, and Sophie writes letters to me. Like the last one for example.:

”Hey faggot, if you wan’t to cut yourself, just don’t spill too much blood on the floor, my shoes would get red.
I hate you, and you know this”

I was like… WTF!?
„(…) or my shoes would get red.”
I mean, did she really just write it?? That was real or ironic?....
I decided to write back.

”Hey slut, don’t worry, the only thing I’d like to cut is your throat.
I hate you too.More than you hate me.”

As I only threw it back, she read it with an evil grin on her face, she erased few words, wrote something on a different piece of paper and raised her hand…
“Yes, miss Hephtorn?” Mr. Walsh asked almost drooling, everyone knew he was in love with that bitch, he would do anything for her.
“Sir, Frank is insulting me and threatening he’ll kill me!"
"Excuse me, mr. Iero, what did you JUST SAY!!??"
Oh shit.
I said it out loud…
“You see, sir, and I have other proofs here!” She showed him the ’edited’ letters with a smile looking like she was going to go to bed with him, just to tread me into mud, together with some shit…
“I… I… She wrote first, she-“I tried to object, but he was too much of a stubborn jerk to even listen to me.
“OUT OF THE CLASS IERO!! I will count with you in a minute, now OUT!!” He looked like a red bull, he was so mad, he started to pant.
I just immediately grabbed my bag and books and got out of the classroom, accompanied by classes giggles.
I waited for few minutes, and was just about to go away unseen, but class door were slammed open, and Mad Walsh came out.
“That’s enough Iero, you have detention. Whole week, from today, after lessons, with me.” He said, still panting I might notice…
“But, Sir, you haven’t even listened to my version of the facts yet!” I almost shouted that, but held my fury inside.
“So, tell me then!” He said it actually, like he already knew what I’ll say.
“She wrote me a letter, that I’m a fag, and that if I would like to cut myself, thatI shouldn’t spill blod on her shoes. I wrote her back, thya same as she wrote me.” I said ot as calm as I could, but you could still hear my anger hidden in my voice.
And the only thing I heard was:
“Oh, really. Well I have proof, that miss Hephtorn just wanted to help you.” He gave me a ‘I’ve-got-you-liar’ look and a paper he was holding in his hand all the time.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is for Blair., for being a nice help in.. my life, for keeping me insane, and driving me crazy sometimesxDD and for letting me tease you!!xDDD So chapter as you wished!
You know you love me!^^ <3

to all of you>>Read the A/N chapter, please, you'll find out why I didn't write earlier.

and comment, please!!
xo, Yvi.