Status: Brand new. Needs comments. (:

Coffee's For Closers

Should I Write Myself Out Of the History Books?

"A girl like you should not be going after a guy like that."

"Excuse me?"

"Gaskarth. I see you checking him out, and trust me, sweetie. He'd never go for a girl like you."

She was tall. Much taller than myself. Her hair was an alburn color, pulled back in a tight pony tail, loose ends curled toward her bright red lips and overly painted face. Her green eyes flickered from my brown, to the other side of the coffee shop. Alex Gaskarth stood tall, but his body was leaning over a tiny railing. He was talking with his customers, his fingers moving with is mouth. His honey-brown hair laid perfectly across his forehead, and our pale yellow shirts brought out his chocolate eyes and bright smile.

"I spent some time with him," the girl continued. "I'd heard about how he was from other girls, so I took caution. Let him chase me a bit, but eventually I caved and let him take me on a few dates. Each was as cheesey and romantic as the first, but after about six of them, we did the unthinkable."

"So the rumors are true?"

"You bet your butt they are," another girl slid behind the counter. She had sunshine blonde hair, and stood about an inch smaller than I. She flashed me a grin as she poured a cup of hot chocolate. "Alex is a nice boy. From a distance."

"So you've done it, too?" I asked, pushing a piece of my brown hair away from my face. "Slept with him, I mean."

"Lucy? No," the first girl spoke again. "She only made it to second base."

"And I'm thankful for that, Bri," Lucy rolled her eyes. "Watch out, honey. You're next."

"But Bri just said he wouldn't go for me," I spoke, happy to now know both of their names. "I'm just the new girl."

"Alex would hit on a mannqeuin if the boobs were big enough."

"Which is why he wouldn't go for her," Bri smirked. "She's so tiny."

"Not all of us have extra fat to spare," Lucy commented, sending a wink my way. "Besides, babe," she placed her free hand on Bri's shoulder, as the other was holding the hot chocolate. "Our daddy's can't afford boob jobs."

Bri's mouth fell open as Lucy set off to deliver the hot drink. She blinked a few times, staring down at her chest with confusion. With a huff, she shook her pretty head.

"So why did Alex leave All Time Low?"

"That's a mystery, isn't it?" She shot me a glance. "Are you a fan?"

"I used to be."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but he won't talk about it. A lot of fans come in here with the intentions of talking to him purely about his music, about why the band fell apart. To ask him why he doesn't even keep in touch with the members anymore. Most of the time Alex just pretends they didn't speak. I heard all of his fans were loyal. Like, freakishly loyal. They walk in here with their hopes and dreams, and they walk out of here crushed."

"I can understand that. One minute they were prepping for a new album, the next the band doesn't exist anymore."

"Yeah," Bri shrugged. "Shit happens. Life goes on. I think you've watched long enough, Chairity. Get out there and clean some tables."

With a push of her hand, I left the cherry-wood counter. The lights were dim in the shop, but the colors were bright. It was just like any other coffee shop. Tall, circular tables, with beautiful designs. Abstract art, light music, and books. In the back, there were mugs for sale, and hand-packaged house-blend coffee at the front counter.

Having watched Lucy for the better part of the day, I grabbed an old rag from a plastic container and a bottle of cleaner. I sprayed down one of the empty tables, moving my hand in circles to clean the germs away.

"It's a winding road, I've been walking for a long time. Still don't know, where it goes. And it's a long way home, I've been searching for a long time. Still have hope, I'm gonna find my way home."

"I honestly think you're the only person in this place that knows any of the songs we play."

"Oh?" I glanced up. My heart started skipping beats as our eyes locked. Alex Gaskarth was no more than a few feet away from me. "It's a good song."

"It is coming from your lips."

"I'm sure it'd sound just as good coming from yours," I commented, trying to play it cool. "I remember once upon a time all you knew how to do was use your voice."

"That's in the past."

"All these dreams took me so far, and I felt I just couldn't go on. And I want to hang out the window of your car, and see just how good this baby can run."

"And she ignores me." He sighed, a cocky grin on his lips. "I guess it's not so bad."

"Nope," I grinned up at him. "Sometimes you just have to give things a second chance."
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