I Woke Up Naked with a Headache...and a Husband?


"So what are you going to do if you really are pregnant and he doesn't want it and you two get a divorce?" Jiminy asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Probably get an abortion. I know that I'm not ready for this child, my life is still to hectic for me to settle down, and nor do I want to put anymore children into the system when there are still so many who are waiting to be adopted. But if he does want the child but still a divorce then I will sign my rights over. I'm pissed at myself for not remembering a condom, and then forgetting to go to a pharmacy to get the plan B pill."

"Babe you know you don't have to get an abortion. God knows we would help you raise the kid. Hell, John would teach that child to call him "Daddy" instead of uncle." Derek said. I looked to John and saw he had a giant grin on his face as he was nodding his head in agreement. I shook my head.

"I can't do that. You know that it would feel like I trapped you from a real relationship. But guys remember, right now I'm at a maybe, we won't know for sure. I have to wait two weeks to see if I get a period or not. Until then I'm not going to fret it. Right now I am going back out into the backyard to hang with the rest of my family, help decide what we are going to do for dinner, then go home and relax some more. Then tomorrow I have to go into the shop and do inventory, count the books, and explain everything to my friends in the shops what happened. They got a glimpse of the ring and tried to ask questions but I told them to wait until we got home."

"You know that they are going to kill you. Like I want to kill you because I want to hit the clubs soon and I know that there were a couple guys that I talked to while you were gone who seemed really cool that you might like. But now you have to crush their dreams because of that piece of jewelry on your finger."

"Yeah the jewelry that I don't even know if it will stay on." I pilled myself away from the guys and was about to head back outside when my phone started to ring again. I looked at the screen and saw Val's name and the photo id.

"I swear Val if you are going to try and yell at me." I muttered before answering




"Hey it's Val. Look before you hang up or think I'm going to yell at you, I just want an explanation on why you're not on birth control."

"It's simple, my hormones can't handle it. I have to take hormone medication as is because I had my thyroids removed when I was younger. Well my doctor suggested taking the birth control to try and help balance me a little better, but it didn't work. What happened was that I would take the three weeks of pills, and then the week of sugar pills and during that week get my period. Well then I would start the next month and after the first week I would have my period again but the bleeding would be even heavier. It was so bad one time that I had to be admitted to the hospital for blood loss. My doctor and I have tried countless times as I got older, but they all ended in the same results, and the doc didn't want to take the risk with the shots if my body couldn't handle the pills. So that why I try and make sure the guy wears a condom at all times or I get the condom for girls, or whatever that's called."

"Holy shit! No wonder. Damn, well are you still able to take like the Plan B pill and shit if you forget?"

"Yeah I can but you have to remember Val. It's been about a week since Zack and I had sex, and all the boxes and doctors say to take the pill no later then 120 hours after intercourse. Best results are 72 hours. I have to wait to see if I get my period first, and the last time I had it was literally the week before being in Vegas. I have to wait about two weeks. If nothing then I make an appointment to be tested. But right now I'm not going to fret over it, I will cross that bridge when the time comes."

"But what if you are pregnant? What are you going to do?"

"It all depends on Zack. It's not just my child, but his also."

"Yeah but it's your body."

"If he and I stay together, but he and I agree that we're not ready, then I get an abortion."
♠ ♠ ♠
So let me start off with NO HATE MAIL/COMMENTS!!!! Any hate mail will about the abortions will automatically be deleted. Everything written about the abortion stuff is my thoughts and feelings. Yes I believe in them, hell I almost was one. If you don't like it then stop reading or move on. And the story about the birth control problem is true. It didn't happen to me, but my mom. It wasn't so bad that she was admitted to a hospital, but it is true that she would take a month worth, get her period, start a new pack and get it again about a week in the new pack.

So now on to the comments-
sins-97-You'll hear about husband uno in a little bit. also my brain thanks you for the compliment.
JustThinking-thank you!
AshlynnTheRevLover-I hope Zack will stop being an asshole also!

Now the recommenders!
Desert RockandRoller
Killer.kill her

To everyone else, thank you for reading and please drop a line sometime.
