Status: Active

Wait and Bleed


Tom's weary eyes opened when he heard a sudden thud next to him. He sighed as he looked at his unconscious twin. Now it was his turn. Tom didn't honestly know what she had in mind, but he knew it wasn't going to be pleasant by any means.

"I'm guessing the pain was too much for him. He passed out within a matter of minutes. After he kept screaming for you of course." Tom couldn't bring himself to look at her.. How could he let this happen. He's suppose to protect Bill. "Stand up Tomi."

With all the might he could muster, he slowly came to his feet. He towered over her by a lot, but he could never get away. Last time he tried she nearly killed him.

"Good boy. Let's go." She took his arm in hers. He walked slowly due to exhaustion, dehydration, and hunger. As they went up the stairs, Tom could hear the TV. They were talking about him and Bill. "Mmm yes. You and your brother are the headlining topic right now. All over the news. As well as MTV and VH1. Which is strange because we aren't even in Germany." Tom's head snapped in her direction. Where had this tiny monster taken them.

"Was? Was meinst du wir sind nicht in Deutschland? Wo zum Teufel sind wir?" A swift kick with her heels sent him to his knees.

"What did I say about using German in my home?" She was enraged. He was screwed. For a small woman, she was strong. She picked him up swiftly, pushing him into her "Entertainment Room". Too tired to stand, Tom managed to get to his hands and knees. He soon felt a stinging sensation followed by a loud 'thwap'. He winced in pain but kept his screams inside.

"You were doing so well Tom. So well." Her eyes narrowed as she slid the Cat 'O' Nine Tails through her hand. "But then I bring you your brother for company and you forget everything I taught you!" Another 'thwap'.

"I'm sorry Mistress Ravyn..."

"Sorry?" Another crack of the Cat 'O' Nine Tails. "I'll show you sorry..." After an excruciating five minutes she stopped. Tom's back was ripped open, bloody, raw, and in immense pain. "Tomi I've grown to like you. I really have. Except when you pull stupid shit like this. You and your brother are mine now. No escape. You know that."

She made him stand, bringing him to a wall. She strapped him into it and cut his shirt completely off. "When are you going to learn. Just last week I almost killed you! Do you want that?" Tom shook his head. His back was killing him and he just wanted this to be over. Slowly his gaze met hers. She really was a pretty girl. Just psychotic. His head hung low from lack of energy. "Don't worry. Since your brother is our new permanent resident it makes for a celebration. Which means food for you. But first..."

Her wicked smile lingered as Tom watched her walk to her "Toy Chest". He looked down and mentally began bracing himself. Her menacing heels clicked their way back to him. His eyes widened when he saw this 'toys'.

"Mmm yes these are new. This one is called a Hot-Iron-Prod and this is called a Copper Boot. And this little guy is called a Neural Pinwheel. Let's have some fun...Shall we?" Tom knew no matter what he did, he wouldn't be prepared enough for this.

Bill finally came too. Hoping it was all a nasty nightmare, he frantically tried to feel around. Only to have the razors in the cuffs cut into his skin. Making him whimper in pain. He sighed defeated. He was now in Tom's old position. Bill could only imagine what was happening to his poor Tomi. As if on cue, Tom's ear piercing screams reached Bill's sensitive ears. He couldn't help but start crying. Tom never showed pain. Never. What could she be doing to him that was causing him to scream in such agony.

At this moment Bill realized this was their life now. Now and forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Was? Was meinst du wir sind nicht in Deutschland? Wo zum Teufel sind wir? - What? What do you mean we aren't in Germany? Where the hell are we?


Thank you to:

The Listing Girl
TK Addict

For commenting. This one is just for you guys :) Keep those comments coming and this story will continue