Status: sequel! 5 comments get an update. First 10 chapters are already done!

Her Forbidden Fight


The dark streets were lit dimly making it look scarier than it should. The cold wind blew and I shivered, Max’s arm moving instinctively over my shoulder pulling me closer to him as we walked in.

So far so good. No Ace. He doesn’t usually come to the ‘slums’ fight club much anyway.

Max pushed me against the wall once we were inside.

“Look, I know this no fighting thing is killing you. That is the only reason we are here. Remember your promise. No fighting just watching.”

Quickly I nodded my head and pulled him father in, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. My nerves seemed to relax along with my muscles. I felt totally at home.

With drink in hand I made it towards the ring watching as two men fought. Amateur at best, there form was all wrong, and way to cocky.

Max seemed to read my mind. “You could kill them both in one round.”

I just smiled and nodded.

The fights continued deep into the night. Fight after fight, almost filling the craving I had to fight. Almost.

Around three o’clock it was the final fight. Between the king and the nights champion.

Two men stepped up and I froze.

The small man in the striped suite held one arm up in the air from each fighter.

“Fighter Ty Nix, raining king against tonights champion Ryan Blaze.”

Tyler was king. Which meant this was not one of my uncles Fight clubs.

Oh hell, this is bad.

Before I could finish my thought I heard Max yell and then I felt someone grab me.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for the comments guys. Keep them coming :)