Make a Wave

Nick Jonas

"Leah! Where are you!"

"Up your ass, through the woods, around the corner, and in a hobos box"

"So in your room?"


My best friend could be so annoying. He was like my other half. My very annoying other half. I mean, I love the guy to death and would take a bullet for him but sometimes he got on my nerves. I remember our first fight. Joe had shot my cat, Rudy, with a BB gun....10 the head. I wanted to kill him. And to top it off. My dad had to have him put down. No, Not Joe(I don't care how funny it sounds), the cat. Nick was mad because I was mad at Joe and he didn't know why. How did we make up you ask? He bought me my lazy-ass bulldog Rocky. Then Tori, Kacey, Corey and Craig moved next door.. thats a story for another day though. :) All I have to say is that you're best friends from Michigan come to live in Wyckoff= trouble brewing.

"Come on Leah! Lets go outside. It's soo nice out!"

"Nick its pouring down rain."

"My point exactly."

"Sarcasm. One talent you don't have"



"Shut up"




"Fine. You win"

"Yey" I sounded bored out of my mind.

"Come on Rocky. Want to go for a walk?"I laughed when all Nick got was a grunt as the dog rolled over to have his belly rubbed.


"Shut up"






"I love you"

"You what?"
"I love you Leah" I stared at him. He loved me? Boring, quiet -sometimes loud and crazy, Leah?I was all "O.o" in my head.

"But why? I'm just a girl nobody likes"

"I like you"

"No.You don't"

"What? I'm confused"

"You love me dumbass"

"Yea. Suree"



"Get out of my room"

"I can't"


"Joe locked us in. And even if I could. You have a tight grip on my ass."

"Aw. But I like your ass. It's squishy"

"You didn't just say my ass is squishy"

"Uhm Yea. I did. Because it is."

"I hate you"

"Psh. You love me". I heard the lock on my door click and it squeek as it opened.

"SHUT UP AND DRIVE"Joe sang. He had his earphones plugged into his ears.

"SHUT UP AND LEAVE. LEAVE...LEAVE!!!"I sang and he frowned,but did leave.

"You're brother is. uhm"

"Stupid? Crazy? Joe? Hyper-Active? All of the above?"


"Emo? Depressed? Unusual?"


"Weird? Random?"



"Shut up and kiss me.". We did just that, until we were short of breath.

"I love you Leah-Beah"He said.

"I know Nix-Mix"


"I have my ways"

"Tell Me"







"Look! I'm making you happy"

"Oh shut up. Why are you looking down there anyway?"

"Well if you haven't noticed, I'm really short. So its just kinda BAM"


"Oh well"


It's been 10 years. Together Nick and I have made 3 beautiful babies. Our oldest and only boy, Havan Nicholas will be 7 this summer. The twins, Isabella Jade and Rouge Noel will be 4 in Novemeber. Yea we gave Kevin a neice and nephew for his birthday. I'm currently expecting our 4th child. A boy we plan on naming Sethen Gregory. So what about our friends? Corey announced he was gay and has a "partner" together they've adopted 2 asian children. Lily and Jacob. Tori and Joe have been married for 13 years Nick and I did and have 7 children. Their oldest,Maikya Jordan will be 10 the same day as Havan.The triplets Kory James, Liam Taylor, and Joseph Adam just turned 8. Gavin William, will be 5. And Aiden Elizabeth and Brayden Grace will be 1 in 3 weeks. Kacey and Craig got married 3 months after Tori and Joe and have 2 kids Alexandria Olivia will be 5 and Jackson Paul will be 2. She is also pregnant with her 3rd child they're naming Alliah Faye.Kevin and Danielle married and have 4 children. Paul Kevin, Allen Drake, and Brendon Logan are 6 and Caitlyn Brenna is 2. Whats that saying from Jon & Kate Plus 8? Oh yea..

It might be a crazy life... but its our life.