Status: Just getting started

The Wintergrass Family

Walter and Gernie Get Fired Up and Junk

I smiled a little as I removed my frying pan from my pillow case. Thoughts ran through my mind if I should actually attempt to cook myself something, but
last time Mr. Conklin called the police about the fire. Mr. Conklin always had to involve law inforcement with my bad habits, even though I tried to persuade him to test
out a few. But he simply insisted I was mad, and moved on.

Setting the frying pan down on the couch, I turned on some Springer as I watched him on the telivision. I quickly glanced at my wall of Gerald Springer and
grinned out of the corner of my mouth as I saw the countless posters and inreplacable memorbilia.

Mom interrupted me with a blast from her shotgun, as I soon got giddy. Last time I called the home depot to replace my roof they thought I was some sort
of lunatic, or something. "Mammy, whatchu' doin' in there?" I ran with pure delight into the bedroom where the shot had been fired. She set the gun aside and wiped
her hands off on her bright pink track pants.

"Ah, it's nothing Walt. I thought I saw some Nazis creeping in through our nice home establishment."

I slapped my knee and flailed my arms as I heard Mammy say that. My laughter soon became contagious as drywall from the ceiling fell onto my bedwraggled
face. I heard Mammy grunt and leave the room, and say something about calling Borus. Man, I couldn't wait until Borus saw this, maybe he'd get some sort of kick
out of guns firing as I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Good time to say that this story is being written by two very bored punks. Those two bored old chaps consists of Isabelle (teenagemutantme) and Phoebe (YoshiPhoebe). We each will alternate writing chapters. This lovely chapter was written by Isabelle. If you so happened to stroll by and read this, we'd love to hear what you thought. The good, the bad, the creepy; We want to hear it! Thanks!