Status: Just getting started

The Wintergrass Family

Got Some Panty Snatchers

Borus point of view

"Okay, he is certainly going to pick girl number two! No doubt about it! Wait! No! She has has all the moles removed from her body?! No! Well there goes any chance she had with him!" Walter harrassed as he shouted into the phone. He always loved to watch Baggage right before bed, as we talked over telephone. I never found Baggage quite amusing. Nothing could ever replace re-runs of the Golden Girls. Not even the ones I had seen over ten times. Betty White always kept my teeth in line.

Our conversation went at a slow pace as Walter continued to inform me on how everything was going on his television program. With no interest, I stared off into the darkness of my living quarters. My day dreams came to hault as I heard an abnoxious thud. It must have been coming through my bedroom. In that case, I knew what the noise was.

"Walt, they're here." I whispered over the line, to my sibling.

"Who is there, Big Brother?" Walt yelped back to me, with excitement in his charming voice.

"The Panty Raiders. They are here again for the third time this week. I can hear them, they are all up in my room. Walter, I'm gonna' go get them thiefs out of my condo. If I'm not back to this here phone in ten moments, tell Mammy...that...she is an old bag." I set the cordless phone down on my lazy boy and motioned over to my old record player. Next to it, was a sturdy umbrella that would surely keep me safe.

Toes tipping, hands shaking with a tight grip on the handle, I made my way down the short hallway to the bedroom. I tipped my head to the creaky door and placed an ear on the wood. Inside, I could hear menacing giggles and my drawers being searched. Filthy panty snatchers. With my bottom lip trembling, a old shaky hand reached for the door knob. Suddenly, my confidence boosted and I quickly turned the knob and pushed the door open.

"WHAT YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! YOU GET YO' DAMN FINGERS OFF MY LUCKY UNDER GARMENTS! YOU THINK YOU CAN BREAK INTO MY HOUSE AND STEAL MY PRIVATE POS-SEC-CIONS? NOW YOU ALL GOTTA DEAL WITH ME, MY MAMA, AND THIS HERE UMBRELLA!" I said yelled as I beat the umbrella to my palm. The thugs raced to the window while chuckling at me. I tried to follow closely behind them and hit them, but their scattering confused me. Once the leader of the hoodlum pack opened up my window, they all started throwing themselves out, along with my panties, and dive-bombing my front lawn.

"HECK NAH! GET BACK HERE! I'M NOT DONE WITH YA'!" I desperately shrieked while swinging my yellow umbrella out the window. Once they hitb the sidewalk and starting
sprinting away, I knew it was over. Stupid underwear stealers.

Disapointed, I started to gather the underwear that had been dropped, and shoving it into my pillow case. Then, leaving the room and returning to the living room, I picked the phone back up.

"Walter? You there?" I said with my melancholy voice. I could hear some heavy breathing on the other line, then suddenly a yelp. "Walter?! What's wrong?" I said with concern.

"Oh sorry about that, I'm here. Mammy is teaching me how to do yoga with cleats on. Lots of fun!" He replied cheerfully.

"I didn't catch them. I think I just need to come up with a plan. I'm getting sick and tired of all this thiefing in my condo. It ain't going to happen again no way, no how."

"Oh so sorry, Borus. You'll catch em' up real nice, I know it! Anyways, I need to get going, Mammy's got some dental work to be done tommorow. Taking her on down to the Home Depot. Love ya!" Walter said and quickly hung up his line.

He was right. Those panty snatchers shall be caught!
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, got tired of waiting for Isabelle to write a chapter so wrote one myself. So yes, this one was done by me (Phoebe). Hopefully you enjoyed it (all you 3 readers out there that did not subscribe).

Btw, Isabelle is writing a new story that is AMAZING and it actually has people reading and subscribing, unlike this little story. So check it out on her page (teenagemutantme).

Thanks for reading all you silent readers out there and if you want to absolutely make my week, you could comment ans subscribe. No Pressure:)