Status: Just getting started

The Wintergrass Family

Springer Windows

(Walter point of view)

I found the home depot quite a bundle of fun. There were lights to turn on and off, doors to swing back and forth and people with aprons galore. I took Mammy back to the carpet section, holding her brittle little hand
as she smacked me every time I tried to have a thumb war with her. "How are ya'll likin' the new Home Depot?" a guy with an bright orange apron asked. It took everything I had to sit their still, and not take his
apron from him.

"We like it just fine ya' damn Nazis..." Mammy said with eyes wide, but not facing the man.

"Excuse me?" he asked, but brushed it off. "Do you need any help looking for anything?"

"WELL HOWDY!" I shouted with glee, surprised he asked me a question I knew the answer to. "Oh yes, indeedy I do!" I saw him laugh a little, although I did not know why. I was taking myself quite seriosuly
as I took the screwdriver out of my murse. "Where do I per-form that dental operation?"

"Excuse me?"

"Boy, you sure got somethin' in yo ears! Where's my cigar?" Mammy asked, and I giggled a little, feeling the happiness in the room.

"What I'm trying to say is, my Mammy, this nice woman here, has some stuff goin' on with her teeth. If you could point us to the room where I can perform some surgery on her, that'd be dandy."

"I don't understand, Sir."

I soon become frustrated and started hitting myself with my murse. I didn't understand why people did not catch my drift. I was compeltely clear with the man, and all he had was more questions. "Well if you
ain't got no dental room, then where are the Springer windows?"

"Springer windows?"

"Jerry Springer windows. The most amazing man, next to my brother Borus," I could feel my face flush up as I talked about Borus. "He's quite a beautiful fellow. But anyway, the springer windows
show a translucent picture of Mr. Springer, like a ghost? If you ain't got that, you ain't got nothing. And we'll be leaving this establishment soon."

"Uhhh... I don't think we have any. We have sprinklers if that's what you mean?" the man in the apron said. That's when I started to spin until I reached the exit door and lost Mammy in the parking lot. I didn't
bother to look for her, she had slept in Mr. Conklin's bathtub one night and got out alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want more readers, and more subscribers. If I don't get them I'm going to beat you like Walter beat himself with his murse xD

Written by Isabelle :3