Call Me Tomorrow: Memoir of a Lover

The Meeting of Like Souls

It was a year and a half ago, in the backyard of my home, that I saw a beautiful young woman and her mom and dad moving in next door to me. Her hair was that of a dark tone that glistened in the sun. Her skin was pale and translucent like moonlight shining upon the river on a summer‘s night. Upon her lips, she wore dark lipstick and on her nails, she wore black nail polish. She looked as if a goddess. So beautiful and unattainable. Even her walk was smooth, as if calculating each step to entice my very core. She wore clothes that appeased her powerful beauty. So dark and powerful, I knew her soul was deep. She wore a dark hoodie that seemed to mask her true soul. Like that of a shell upon a frightened sea creature. Her jeans were a dark blue. They were neither baggy nor tight. I knew then that she was not like the rest of the girls in my school. Whores that wanted nothing but to be noticed for their curvy features only to simply wish for a night of pleasure, nothing more. I knew that this woman was different. I could feel a glimpse of a soul, similar to mine. A dark soul that wished to find true love, the meaning of life, the reason for existence in a cold world that sheds nothing but hatred and despair. As I stood there, seeing this siren walk so elegantly toward my direction, my heart pounded like that of a drum. She walked closer and closer with a smile. As she finally stood in front of me, I felt such a powerful glance from her eyes. I could not help but stare into her azure eyes. As our eyes made contact, something inside me pictured many scenes of bliss. Bliss similar to that of feeling calm under the oak tree on a windy Autumn evening. As she reached out her hand, she said, “Hello. My name is Cherice” I thought to myself, “Cherice. Oh what a beautiful name struck down from the heavens itself.” I grabbed her hand and said, “Hello. I am Kit. It is nice to meet you. Where are you from?” She looked at me and said, “I am from New York. My father moved here on account of his job. He is probably going to remain here. I hope that everything works out.” I said to her, “I am sure it will. None the less, we are glad to have you here.” Cherice says, “By the way, Kit, I like your shirt. Not many people have similar styles to mine, haha.” I thought to myself, “This angel just complimented me. Oh what glorious occasion this shall be! Whatever divine presence has blessed me through his Providence.” I laughed sheepishly and said, “Thanks Cherice. After I get done mowing the lawn, I am going for a walk. If you wish to accompany me, I would be more than happy.” Cherice agreed and went inside to finish moving furniture.

After mowing the lawn, I stepped outside to start a brisk walk. I was surprised to see Cherice standing at the sidewalk, waiting on me. She looked so elegant standing there. The setting sun’s red haze intensified the pale luminescence of her skin. The dark clothing and dark nails and lips seemed to show her intensified power. So unattainable, so lovely as a rose, I felt bliss yet pain hit me at once.

“Hey Cherice. I am glad to see you here.”

“Haha. A walk would do me good, Kit”

We walked along the sidewalk as the red summer sun began to set. I looked to her and she looked at me. Oh those beautiful blue eyes. They seemed to pierce the very depths of my soul. She looked upon me and smiled, I returned the smile. We walked further along, discussing our hobbies and interests.

“So Cherice, what type of hobbies do you enjoy?”

“Well, I enjoy reading fiction, researching astrology and listening to music. When I listen to music, the world seems to disappear and gives me some great idea for poems.”

“So, you’re a poet?”

“Yes, I write quite a bit.”

“I think that is awesome. I like to write myself, but not many know about that. That will be our little secret.”

Cherice laughed at that comment. I knew then, that she and I shared something. This feeling of exuberating happiness took over my every thought. Walking beside this beautiful siren was like walking beside someone I have known for many years. We continued walking to the local park, discussing religion, life, mysteries and so forth. She and I agreed on every subject. We both love astrology, poetry, and even enjoyed Anne McCaffrey books.
We finally arrived at the park. It was not yet time for the sun to set. The wind was blowing at a slow speed, yet fast enough to blow our hair. I could not help but notice that Cherice’s hair blew so beautifully in the wind. Those long, dark threshes blew amongst the wind seeming to captivate my attention for all eternity. I dared not stare for too long a time, as I did not want to unsettle her. As we sat down on the bench, I decided to tell Cherice why I love walking here.

“You know Cherice, I love coming to this place. There is something I want you to see.”

“Ok, Kit. What is it you wish to show me?”

“Just wait another minute or so. I timed today so I could see this sunset. This sunset eases my heart when the skies are clear, such as today.”

“Oh, Kit! You and I are not so different. I often find myself watching the sunset, too. It seems to relax my very soul.”

“Wow! You are so very deep, like me, Cherice. We should write and share poems with each other, someday soon. I have always wanted to share this depth with someone, but people around here are nothing but shallow fools obsessed with their own lives. They follow blindly, like sheep being led for the slaughter, to appease a society that is corrupt and on the verge of collapse.”

“How right you are, Kit. We, as of now, are committing cultural blasphemy.” Cherice laughed at the injustice of this world.

“Ah Cherice. Look how beautiful the sky is, today. It’s as if Heaven, itself, is falling down in pieces before us.”

Cherice and I looked intently upon the scene. So beautiful the sunset seemed, as I sat beside this raven haired siren. I knew while I was setting beside her, the very fibers of time and space stopped dead in their tracks. Never before had my heart felt feelings like this. I felt as if a tiny child opening presents on a snowy Christmas morning. I was so excited to share this moment, especially with someone like Cherice.

After we sat for what seemed like days, we returned to the sidewalk and walked toward home. Along the way, we spoke of how beautiful nature really is and that most people take it for granted. We seemed to agree on each and every subject. It seemed, for once in my life, something good had happened to me. For the first time, I was actually happy. Many years, I had felt as if whatever divine presence had long forgotten me; it was as if he or she had simply cursed my birth with a never ending nothingness. However, now there is this beautiful angel beside me. She seems to be so much like me that I can be open with her about anything.

As we rounded the corner to our homes, I slowly walked Cherice to her front door. We were talking so much about life, we did not seem to want to leave each other’s company. Such depth of conversation, we had never had with anyone else.

“Well Kit, thanks for letting me see the sunset with you. It was very beautiful.”

“No problem Cherice. Hey, if you’re not doing anything tomorrow, let’s walk around or you can chill with my friends and I at the mall. If they give you a hard time, I’ll set them straight.”
Cherice giggled, “Ok Kit, that sounds nice. I am sure your friends will be fine. Besides, I may find a new journal to keep my poems in.”

“Ok, I will see you tomorrow Cherice. You should come over our house for lunch, then we can leave.”

“Sounds good”

“See you tomorrow, Cherice.”

As Cherice walked back into her home, I slowly walked toward mine. I could not help but stare up at the sky in a distant daze. I could not believe this day was happening. How could someone so amazing and tantalizingly beautiful want to be around me. Her beauty was too much for my unworthy eye. Her hair, her lips, her eyes, they all are such passionate gems that not even the gods dare touch. As I walked into my room, I decided to write in my journal.
“Today was one of the greatest moments in my life. I have met someone who I can’t get off my mind. Everything about her is everything I have ever wanted. Oh this burning love of mine, so bright and blazing like fires of an incandescent flame, sparks only for you as I gaze into those light, blue gems upon your face. This broken peasant only longs to be by your divine side. Oh heart of hearts, how must I beat for thee?”

After much thought and concentration, I decided it was time to listen to some music. I sat upon my bed, laying and looking up at my ceiling. I laid there for what seemed like hours, until Mother and Father walked in.

Father came in and said, “Son, I see you have met our new neighbors. I couldn’t help but notice you and their daughter went for a walk, you sly devil.”


Mother put her hand on my father’s back, “Now Dan, leave him alone. Son, I think she seems nice.”

“Yea Mom, she’s pretty awesome.”

Mother smiled. “You could use someone new to be around.”

“Yea, we’re pretty similar.

Dad smiled. “Atta boy!”

“God Dad!”

At that exact moment, my sister walked in and started drilling me with questions.

“So what’s your little girlfriend like?”

“Shut up Alexis before I throw you out of the window”

“Oooh, someone’s defensive. I think somebody’s in love.”

“That’ll be enough, Alexis,” said Mom with a stern look.

“Son, you just have fun and keep your heart guarded. Don’t fall too fast.”

Father looked serious. “Yea son. We just worry, ya know. Just remember, you’re a good kid. I’m sure she’ll fall for you. Just use that ole family charm!”

“Sure Dad...”

After all the drilling questions from the whole damned family, I decided it was a good time to get some sleep.