For You I'd Count the Salt Under the Sea.

I'll Be Your Waiter This Evening.

“Hi, I’m Nora and I’ll be your waiter for this evening”.

That’s how my life starts. With that one line I’ve been repeating for a quarter of my life. It’s not glamorous, but it pays the bills to the decent sized apartment I lived in. I take pride in memorizing orders and serving customers.
Okay, so that was a big lie. Waiting tables is just a simple stepping stone: a means to a much desired end. An end I’ve already reached, and now I’m just waiting for others to recognise it.
I wish I could tell you I get the high end of the spectrum when it comes to the customers in this restaurant, but I don’t. I get the average Joes, the mundane Janes and the prepubescent douchebags. Just once I’d like to serve someone with ambition; someone who isn’t bored of their day job, like I have so inevitably become. Someone with talent, a killer sense of humour... or maybe just someone with decent hair, for goodness sake! I wish I had a better class of customer, but in a few months, this will all be meaningless and I will be able to finally walk off this stepping stone and into my dream job.

“Nora! Stop staring into space. I need you to man the front. Lisa is going to be late!”
My manager. She’s awesome. Really. But when she’s stressed, she becomes the monster, the boss from hell. I sigh. I saunter over to the front desk.
So what do you do when you are over your job? Befriend this lovely lady the world calls Sarcasm.
“Hi, welcome to the crap hole that is stealing my youth”. If I say it with a smile then the customers don’t even notice.
“Dinner for two?”
I pretended to scan the list. As if this place ever got that busy anyway.
“Sure”, I called someone over to guide them over to a table. Serving people on dates was always funny. I could always tell if the two involved were going to go on another date. Maybe I’ve been stuck here for too long.
I stood there for fifteen minutes, bored out of my mind. No customers.
I wondered what colour I should paint my living room walls. Should I have that feature wall? Should I make the feature some graffiti that I liked while walking past that park on my way to that interview the other day? I wonder who the graffiti artist was. I think graffiti isn’t always as shiet as people think. Some of it is actually really good. Like that one where the two skeletons are-

“Hello?” A hand was half heartedly waving in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts and got a good look at the guy standing in front of me, three other guys standing behind him. Surprisingly good looking, they mustn’t live around here.
“Hey, shiet, sorry. How many?”
“Four?” he shrugged. He had messy long brown hair, cute lopsided smile, San Diego shirt and skinny jeans. The rest of the guys had similar stuff, and a range of band shirts that I owned. I was about to tell them to sit anywhere where I could get a good view of their butts but the phone rang. Not like I was going to actually say that.
“Hello, this is – yer it’s Nora”, I answered, “Yer, you’re late assface. I’m stuck at the front. Yer, I’ll wait”.
I could see the guy in front of me smirk at my conversation. I stared at him pointedly.
“Nora? You don’t really look like a Nora”
“Oh, so you’re an expert in this field? Didn’t know scientists wore skinny jeans”, I retorted sarcastically. The guys behind him laughed. “It’s not really my name anyway”, I shrugged, “Jimmy here will seat you”.
The other three guys followed Jimmy towards the table but the guy I was being a dick to was still standing there. Lisa was back on the phone telling me she would be in soon, I said “Yer, okay” and put down the phone.
“What’s your real name then?” he raised an eyebrow, touching his messy brown hair.
“Anara” I smiled at him then looked down, writing down my ideas for my feature wall for my apartment.
“It’s a pretty name” he flirted.
I looked up, and smirked. I rolled my eyes, pointed to myself and replied sarcastically with “Pretty girl”. We both laughed before he walked towards his table. Just as he left, Lisa ran into the restaurant, taking my place so I could do was I was hired to do: Wait tables. With my luck I’ll get some crappy family with kids throwing fries in my hair. Jimmy walked over to me.
“Thanks for babysitting my little demonic brother last week. I owe you so I switched Larrissa and your tables and you’re serving those hot guys. I saw you checking that one out”.
Honestly, I love this boy. Way to make my night awesome. I thanked him and walked over to the table near one of the big windows.

“Hey guys, I’m Nora” I smiled at them.
“No, it’s Anara”, one of the other guys said, as if he was mocking the one who asked me my name.
“How do you know that?” I narrowed my eyes.
“Because you are all he’s talked about since he sat down”, another one of the guys added, “He thinks your ass is pretty fine”. The other three started laughing as he mouthed “WHY!?” to one of them. I smirked.
“It is pretty fine, isn’t it? Well, you can go ahead and stare at it all night because I shall be your waiter. You know, you didn’t even tell me your names”
“I’m Mike”, one of the guys introduced them (he was the one with longish black hair, a gray beanie and piercings), “that’s Tony”, (massive stretchers, tattoos all the way up his sleeveless arms), “Jaime”, (awesome blonde thing in his hair), “and your admirer is Vic”.
“Sweet. Well just wave me back over when you’ve decided what you want. Oh, and please don’t actually stare at my ass all night”.
“Can we at least watch you walk away?” Jaime joked, which earned him a punch in the arm by Vic. I laughed and walked over to another table.

“Hi, I’m Nora and I’ll be your waiter for this evening”.
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Hope you like it. Haven't written in a while so chyeaaaa.
- dyanne douchecanoe.