For You I'd Count the Salt Under the Sea.

Two's Company, Three's an Awkward Situation.

I tried to push Vic off me so I could answer my phone, seeing it was my godson calling.
“Leave it” he smiled.
“Can’t. He only calls this late when it’s an emergency”, I made a face. Vic copied it and rolled off me. “You know, one day, child, I will kill you” I spoke into the phone. My dipshiet godson was in trouble again. “What do you mean you have no idea how you’re getting home!? You really need to be less of a douchebag. Yes I’m coming to get your dumb ass. Where are you? Okay, stay there Ghosttown, I’ll be there eventually”. I sighed.
“Ghosttown?” Vic inquired, still lying on the floor next to me.
“Yer, his mother used to be obsessed with that ghost town in Bodie Hills so she called him Bodie. Quite cruel actually. So I call him Ghosttown” I shrugged, “And this means that I can’t go to that party with you now. Because I’m going to have to pick him up from wherever the hell he is and he’s probably going to stay here for the night because I’m driving him to that gig or whatever tomorrow.”
Vic sighed. “That’s okay, next time. Maybe I’ll bump into you sometime soon?”.

Vic smiled, like he knew something secret, and started getting up and heading towards the door. “Oh, you drove me here. Can I get a lift to the party, which also happens to be where I live?”
I rolled my eyes and nodded, grabbing my keys and wallet from the bowl near the door and leading him towards my car. Vic put a Queen album into my CD player while I drove off in search of my idiot godson.
“Tell me about Ghosttown” Vic spoke out randomly above the sweet sound of Freddie Mercury.
“He’s a douche? Haha, nah he’s alright. 15 year old silly emo kid, but likes most of the music I do so we usually go to gigs together. I think he spends more time at my place than at his own house. That’s about it really. You can ask him stuff yourself, he’s right there” I smiled at Vic and then gave my godson the finger from inside the car. “Stay here a sec, Vic. I need to yell at him”. Vic nodded as I got out of the car and walked over to Bodie.
“Ghosttown. You know, I was about to jump that beautiful boy in my car before you called. And I was going to a party with that same beautiful boy tonight, which is now a No Go because of you, so you are so very aware of how much you owe me, right?”
A deer-in-the-headlights look spread across Bodie’s face before he nodded. I ruffled his hair and laughed, kissing his cheek.
“Don’t embarrass me, please” I smiled, hugging him from the side as we walked towards the car.
“Because you don’t embarrass yourself enough, right?” Bodie replied like a smart-arse, smiling while running to the car faster than I could whack him. I narrowed my eyes at him and got in, introducing him to Vic. They chatted away about random bands, with Vic giving me the occasional direction towards the party.

“Woah, Nora, may I stay at this party for a while?” Bodie’s eyes were wide at the amount of couples and drunk people strewn across the front lawn, the walls looked like they were spitting out people.
I sighed, looked over at Vic, who made a ‘Yer I really don’t think so’ look.
“Vic said no. But you can ride shotgun and pick whatever the hell you wanna blast through the CD player on the way home. I’m going to walk Vic into the party so he doesn’t look lame. Stay here” I shot Bodie a look and left.
“Thanks for not allowing me to be lame and walk into the party by myself” Vic laughed, leading me through the halls towards the kitchen where Mike, Jaime and Tony were standing, chatting with some people. When they saw me, they all greeted me. One of the girls spoke out Vic’s name and started to have a small flirty conversation with him, which made me want to kick her with my Docs.
“Okay, well I gotta leave. Bodie’s waiting” I told the guys, and Vic tried to ignore the other girl to say bye to me.
“Hey, we’ll catch up later, okay?” Vic smiled weakly before he was attacked with more questions from the other girl, whose arm was slowly snaking its way around Vic’s waist. She rolled her eyes at me when Mike offered to walk me to my car.
“Sorry you couldn’t stay. Come by here anytime. Someone’s usually home” Mike smiled, handing me a bottle Vodka that I didn’t even see him take, “From us to you”.
I laughed, thanked him and hugged him goodbye. Once I got in the car, I handed the bottle to Bodie to hold on the way home.

“Who was the other one?” he inquired.
“Vic’s younger brother”
“They look oddly familiar”, Bodie stated while unscrewing the bottle and sniffing the Vodka.
“Really? I think I would remember those four cuties if I ever saw them around. And would you get your face out of that? I’m not letting you drink until you’re at least fifty-three!
Bodie laughed and put the lid back on, rolling his eyes.
By the time we got back to my apartment, Bodie was half asleep in the passenger seat, complaining about the small walk from the car to the elevator of the apartment building. He crashed in my bed without even bothering to take his shoes off, which I had to do so he didn’t ruin my Batman blankets. I took my gift of Vodka to the alcohol cabinet, shoved on a movie in the living room, made some popcorn and sat there for three hours, distracted, thinking about how to act more vague and awesome around Vic. Also, I really need to redo the feature wall in my living room. It is way too bland being one colour at the moment.

Sitting at home watching movies instead of hanging out at one of the awesome-est looking parties...
Oh my god, I’ve become my mother!
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhhhhh, I got nothing to say here except for
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, his name is my name toooooooooo .
I don't know what goes on in this brain half the time.

Comment and tell me what you want to see, because I'm lacking a bit of direction right now.

-douchecanoe. (: