For You I'd Count the Salt Under the Sea.

It Was Probably Whiskey.

My mouth felt dry and scratchy like it usually did when I drank the night before. The unmistakable signature of whiskey.
I opened my eyes slightly and saw that my head was tucked into a bare chest. As soon as I saw that, my eyes popped open in shock.
How did I end up here and what the fuck did we do last night?
I lifted up the sheets just a little bit and saw that I was still clothed, but not in my own clothes.
Oh, sweet baby Jesus. I’m pretty sure it was PG-13 last night. I would have remembered if it wasn’t, wouldn’t I? Stupid whiskey.
I rolled over and discretely looked at the bright orange watch Vic had on. I would have checked mine but I’m pretty sure that lesbian never returned it. It showed me that I had about two hours before one of the most important interviews of my life. I had to go, and fast.
Should I wake him up? Or shouldn’t I? I’ll leave him a note.
I found a post-it note that was on the bedside table and wrote him a small note telling him I was late for work. There wasn’t even space to elucidate how important this interview was on the post-it. I didn't know where to put the note so he would see it, so I just stuck it to his forehead. I ran to the laundry, where someone had already folded my jeans and left them on top of the dryer. I shoved them on and ran towards the door, making sure I had my keys and still wearing the SD singlet.
“Leaving already?” Mike yawned from the kitchen as I passed, scaring the shiet out of me.
“Uh, yeah. Got to be somewhere in two hours” I shrugged.
“Work?” Mike sipped something out of a mug. I’d say coffee, but after seeing Mike make love to various bottles of alcohol last night, it was probably whiskey.
“Not really. It’s an interview” I smiled back.
“For what?” Mike raised an eyebrow. How did he look so animated this early in the morning?
“A new job. Well, an internship, at a place I hope will offer to let me stay on. You didn’t think I was going to work at that restaurant my entire life, did you?” I nudged him with my shoulder.
“Who am I to judge other peoples’ dreams” Mike laughed and told me to leave before Vic caught me running away with his singlet.
“Tell Vic I said ‘bye’” I nodded, and headed out. I tried to get home as fast as I could without committing too many traffic violations. I had so much to do. Sober up, eat breakfast, shower, look decent, find my folder full of various documents showing just how awesome a candidate for this internship I was. With any luck, I could do the first three simultaneously.
After I was convinced I had all this done to an exceptional degree, I drove myself to the interview that will probably set the course for the rest of my life. I’d wanted to be a psychologist for as long as I could remember and this was the first real chance I could take to getting there. I hope I won’t blow it.
I looked down at the folded SD singlet that was on my passenger seat. I sighed at my lameness. As if his singlet was going to be the lucky charm I needed.
I reassured myself that everything was going to be fine, took a deep breath, and stepped into Dr. Melinda McDougall’s office.


[Okay, so I don’t like switching between characters often, but there is only so much you can write with first-person personas).

My eyelids felt heavy, and I tried for what seemed like minutes to lift them with my mental ability. But I couldn’t see very much at all, just this dull yellowy colour, no matter where I looked.
“What the fuck...?”
Oh my God, I’m blind. My mother was right. Too much television makes you blind. I’m fucking blind!.
I sat up quickly and touched my face, and I felt a post-it note stuck to my forehead. Once I pulled it away from my head, my eyesight was restored.
Thank God no one saw that embarrassing freak out.
There was something scrawled on the post-it, and I read it after glancing over to my left, where Anara was mere hours ago.

Thanks for the invite. I’m late for something. Still have your singlet though. If you find my watch, let me know.
- Anara. (:

I sighed. Of course. She probably got a bit weirded out after the de-pantsing incident last night. I rolled out of bed in search for caffeine and fresh clothes. Mike was already up, although I’m pretty sure that’s because he didn’t actually go to sleep at all.
“Hey, bro”
“Coffee?” Mike offered, although I wasn’t thoroughly convinced that he was drinking coffee himself. It was probably whiskey. I poured myself some (coffee, not whiskey), and asked if he saw Anara leave.
“Yeah, had something work related and was going to be late. She told me to say ‘bye’ to you. So... ‘bye’,” Mike lifted up his hand in a lazy wave, “And she took your SD singlet”.
“Yer I know. Bitch”, I joked. I wasn’t actually angry; I was just thinking about spending the day rolling around in it, smelling Anara’s perfume.
Wooow, that sounded mega-stalkerish. I need to get out more.
“Hey Mike, Anara told me this joke last night. It’s pretty bad”
Mike nodded, telling me he wanted to hear it. I told him pretty much word for word what Anara had told me.
“Dude, that’s not even funny” Mike looked confused.
“I know right” I laughed, following him to the living room. He shoved Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in the DVD player while we cleaned up the living room. The people who passed out on the floor got up to the sound of the movie and either left or hung around to clean stuff up and watch the movie with us. After that, we put on the next two Harry Potter movies.
One girl, Mike’s hot lesbian friend, came up to me and handed me a watch.
“It’s that pretty girl’s watch. The one everyone thinks is your girlfriend? Nora, or something. I told her I’d make sure it got back to you or her, so here” and with that, she said ‘bye’ and left.
At least there are two legitimate excuses for me to go visit Anara.
Maybe her home. We have some unfinished business on a small patch of her floor.
I smiled to myself and checked the time. She’d probably be home by now. I got on my scooter and rode over to Anara’s apartment, going via her work; because that was the only starting point I knew the directions from.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t at home. I sat on the last stair near the elevator. And waited. And waited some more. I heard the bell of the elevator and I ran to see if it was Anara.

It was not.

Some old lady gave me this incredulous look like ‘I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly’ and walked past me. I headed back to my seat on the staircase. I sat there for ten more minutes before deciding to go home. I looked up to see Anara’s eyes giving me a weird look.
“Hello?” her eyebrows knitted, like she was confused by something other than me being on her staircase.
“I was waiting for you. Thought you would have taken the elevator” I shrugged, still sitting down.
“I’m not sixty. I can walk up two flights of stairs, Grandpa Vic” she laughed, walking past me to open her door, holding it open for me.
“Your face is a grandpa” I retorted, closing the door behind me, then stood there looking confused by what I just said, “That doesn’t even make sense”.
“Yer, but neither does your face” she replied, making me laugh.
I hugged her as a proper hello and kissed her cheek.

I think, just maybe, I’m starting to fall for this girl. That’s the next logical step after practically stalking her, right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, finally updated.
Oh, and seeing as it's the 10th of February where I am..
Let me know what you thought.