For You I'd Count the Salt Under the Sea.

Proposals of an Unusual Kind.

Alarm, yes. Of course you must ring just as I am about to sever Obiwan Kenobi’s head from his shoulders. Ugh.
But it was okay because I remembered what happened last night and it plastered a smile to my face. No amount of dead Jedi scum could top that happy feeling. I got dressed and grabbed my keys and headed over to work. Lame.
When I got in, Jason, the resident sous-chef asked me if I had breakfast yes. After I said no, Jason threw me a pop-tart from his plate and pulled me into a bear hug.
“Boss lady said she wanted to talk to you today. Before you leave.”
“Did she say why?” I felt scared. She’ll probably tell me to keep Vic away from here.
Jason shook his head in a ‘no’, shrugged and apologised. I thanked him for the pop-tart, chocked full of sugary goodness, and threw on my apron. There was nobody to serve just yet, so I just sat down at a random table and nibbled at my makeshift breakfast, smiling about last night.
“Hey baby”, Jimmy popped out of nowhere. Recovering from my miniature heart attack, I hugged him, reluctantly offering him a bit of pop-tart. If he said he wanted some, he would have broken my heart.
“Nah, babe. It’s all good. How was the interview yesterday?”
My smile disappeared. I didn’t want to think about it. And Vic was the perfect distraction until a moment ago.
“I’m not sure. Really nervous about it. I think I did alright, truthfully, but I’m pretty sure there is someone more interesting or with more experience than me”, I sighed.
“Wow. Then what was that smile about?”, Jimmy persisted.
“Oh, that... The credit for that goes to Victor Fuentes”.
“That cute band guy? What happened? OH MY GOD! Are you pregnant? You slut!”, Jimmy’s eyes widened.
“What? No! It was sweet, not smutty. Gosh, Jimmy. You’re such a slaggy bitch sometimes,” I punched his shoulder playfully and got up to do some actual work.
“Your mother says it’s my most admirable quality” Jimmy yelled after me.

Five minutes left, before I confront my boss. Before she tells me that Vic cannot come here anymore because his feminine figure makes all the lady patrons of this place insecure about their waistlines.
I walked over to the elderly couple I had been serving with their bill.
“Was that all I could get you?” I smiled at them.
They smiled, not wanting to seem rude or anything, but wanted me to call them a cab, if I could.
“Of course I can”, I beamed back, telling them they could wait here until it arrived as well. I called up a cab company for them and then sauntered over to my boss’ office.
“Hey, Nora. Take a seat”
“If this is about Vic, then I’m really sorry. I know I can’t let him come here all the time and-”, I started ranbling.
“Nora, who the fuck is Vic?” My boss gave me the most confused face ever, but it was funny to hear her swear. I laughed a little, told her to never mind; that I was going crazy.
“Okay, well, anyways. So you’ve been here a really long time and your annual leave needs to be taken. You have two months worth of holidays accumulated, so could you plan a holiday or something before the end of the year? You need to at least pretend you have a life”, the boss lady laughed at herself.
I never thought about my holidays. I was always around and never went anywhere, anyway. I nodded, realising that I’d probably have two months of lounging around my house and getting fat to plan. Maybe I could finally get around to that feature wall…
“Alright, sod off then. Go enjoy your youth and all that fun stuff” my boss smiled at me, and ushered me out the door.

I drove home, thinking about what I could do for two months. Sit at home and twiddle my thumbs? Fuck that. I shrugged, walked up my stairs and started to pull out my keys, when I heard my home phone ringing just inside the door. I fumbled with my keys and threw my door open, running to my phone. I knocked it off the cradle and it fell.
“FUCK!” I tried to sound unflustered when I answered it properly, “Hello?”
“Did you just fucking fall down?” the voice on the other end laughed.
The tension in my shoulders released; it was Vic, he always made me feel less tense.
“No, dropped the phone. What do you want?” I rolled my eyes, and returned to my widely ajar door to close it.
“No ‘Hello, baby. How are you? I miss you so terribly’?” Vic feigned a hurt voice.
I sighed. “Hello, baby. How are you? I miss you so terribly” I replied sarcastically.
“That’s better”, I could hear the smirk in his voice, “Hello, dearest. I’m fine. I’ve missed you too. We should go out. On a date. That’s what I was thinking”
I blushed, even without anyone to see it. I walked over to my bedroom and started unbuttoning my shirt.
“Oh, really now? And I suppose you thought I’d say yes to this idea?” I smirked right back, playing hard ball.
“Yes, indeed I did” he laughed, “Wait, are you undressing? I can hear rustling. Oh my god, you’re getting naked! I’m coming over to your place right now.”
I laughed. “Shut up, Vic. I am not undressing”, I said as I slipped out of my work pants and into my pyjamas. What? It’s not like he could see me!
“Liar. So about this plan? Is it approved of?” Vic inquired, and I could almost imagine his eyebrows raising comically.
“Yes, yes it is approved of. Kind of glad you finally asked me out” I sighed, throwing myself onto my bed.

“OH! NO! This wasn’t me asking you out, Anara. This was to see if the plan was a good idea. No, no. I must act like a complete cheese ball and throw rocks at your windows and send roses to your work. This isn’t the asking you out part. This is the prelude” Vic sounded determined to get this fact across straight to me.

This wasn’t the asking out bit. This was the ‘I’m trying to make sure you will say yes so I don’t look like a complete jackass in the middle of a street’ bit…I think.
“Oh, okay. I’m pretty sure I understand, Vic.” I nodded, playing with my hair.
“Good. Are you going to be at home tomorrow night? Around eight-ish?”
“Suppose so. It’s not like I have a life or anything” I yawned into the phone.
“Good. Because this has to be all dramatic like ‘Sixteen Candles’, and basically every other Molly Ringwald teenage angst movie. Wait on your balcony around eight-ish tomorrow night, so I can do this shiet properly. I gotta go now, the boys are gonna be practicing tonight. See you tomorrow”
“Okay, I shall be waiting. Say hi to Mike, Tony and Jaime for me. Good night!” I hung up the phone, and put it away.
Maybe I’ll get to bed early tonight, so that I don’t have shopping bags under my eyes for when Vic asks me out. He’s such a drama queen. You’d expect this kind of stuff if he was proposing to me, not proposing a DATE with me.
I yawned again, turned all the lights off and crawled into bed, thinking about what I was going to wear when Vic Fuentes asked me out properly for the first time.
♠ ♠ ♠
OKAY GUISE! I just want to apologise for the really long wait for this chapter! I tried to make it as lovely and cute as I could, but I really just needed this bit to set up the rest of the story. Hope it was still entertaining for you! Leave me comments and all that jazz.
Once again, I'm really really sorry about the wait, and I'm on holidays now so hopefully I can throw a few more chapters in during my lounging around at home.

-douchecanoe. <3