For You I'd Count the Salt Under the Sea.

The Balcony Scene.

I yawn after hearing a knock at the door. I trudged over to get it, hoping it was Vic forgetting something else. It was Bodie. At eight in the morning.
“Bodie, what are you doing here?” I rubbed my eyes and put the kettle on so I could have some tea.
“Yeah, well, you see, I was on my way to school and decided to come here instead” he beamed at me and raided my fridge, grabbing the last of my chocolate mousse.
“Dude! Not cool. That was my last mousse! And hey, you’re not allowed to miss school. No school, no gigs. That was the agreement, right? And I know that there is a Chiodos gig soon, because I’m going to that!” I smirked, winning, while pouring myself a cup of tea.
“Dude! Unfair! It’s just one day! I didn’t do my homework for first period!” Bodie argued through a face full of mousse.
I sighed. I’d be the worst parent.
“Okay, skip first, but you’re going to the rest of the day. I’m putting some Daria on” I sat down on the couch with my tea.

After chilling for a while, I dropped my troublesome Godchild off to school and headed over to a Mexican restaurant for some Nachos. I basically bummed around until it was around the time Vic was supposed to come over. I made sure I looked halfway decent for him. With a Corona (with freshly cut lime, of course) and pretzels in one hand, I opened the door to my balcony and looked up at the sky. It was quite pretty, a sight I hardly got to see because I was usually at work. I put my pretzels and Corona on the table near me and hopped onto the ledge. This way I could look at the sky and notice if Vic came around. I sat there and waited. And waited. And waited.


So I sat on my balcony, a Corona slowly getting warm in my hands.
Where the fuck was Victor? He told me to wait here for him and then he doesn’t turn up? It’s been an hour and a half…
Why I waited that long is probably the better question.
I sighed, giving up and coming inside to the warmth of my couch. I had ordered some Thai food an hour into waiting because I was sure that he’d want to come upstairs and chill after doing whatever it was that required the use of my balcony. I ate a small portion and put the rest away, opting to watch Wayne’s World until it was a non-embarrassing age appropriate time for a young adult to fall asleep.

Once I was finally tucked away into my bed, my mind raced over everything that could have happened to make Vic stand me up. It wasn’t even a date or anything, so at least I wasn't sitting in some restaurant in a girly ensemble looking like a proper douche. It was a stupid, cheesy, Molly Ringwald-romantic gesture to ask me out.
I’m starting to wonder if Vic watched too many Molly Ringwald movies when he was younger. He’s such a girl. His life goal was to probably be Molly Ringwald.
My phone vibrated just as my mind slowed down enough to float my eyelids closed. I yanked them open to see the Caller I.D.


I answered, but didn’t even get to say hello.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I couldn’t even get to my phone to at least text you. I’m so very sorry!”
“It's okay, Vic”, I slurred a little from drowsiness.
“Oh my God, you’re slurring! You drank yourself stupid over this! Alcohol is NOT the answer, Anara!”, Vic laughed. “Sorry if I work you up as well. It’s like- Oh shiet, it’s 1am!”
“It’s okay. Stop apologising. What happened anyway?” I yawned, trying to keep awake for his epic excuse.
“It’s too surreal to say on the phone. Come around to me and Mike’s place tomorrow night, okay? We’ll explain everything then. Promise me you’ll come. Pinky swear!”, I could imagine Vic beaming from excitement. It only made me more curious.
“Okay, I’ll be there. You could even ask me out then” I offered, not really wanting to wait on my balcony a second time.
“Are you crazy!? This must be done in proper Ringwald fashion!”, Vic feigned seriousness in his voice, which made me laugh.
“See you later, you needy girl”
“Good night, Nora
“Night, Victoria”, I giggled madly and hung up.
Whatever he skipped out on me for seemed pretty important, and sounded like it was a good thing. Whatever it is, I shall find out tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT! Uni sucks and with any spare time I get, I sleep. But I have a few ideas for next few chapters.
Oh, I totally got to hang out with PTV in Melbourne and Sydney (: They're such quality guys. Meet them if you get the chance, they're absolute sweeties.