Status: Working to get this going!

Hard to Call This Home

Good Advice

Monet's POV

Jersey turned and looked at me. “Excuse me?” she said. I started to smile. “You heard me. You’re taking it WAY better then I did.” I repeated walking over to her. By the looks of her face, she still didn’t know what I mean. “God!” I practically shouted.

“What do you mean I’m taking it way better than you?” She asked. I rolled my eyes. “I mean finding out who your dad is. Unlike me, you might actually get through it in one piece.” I said, sitting down on the piano bench.

“What do you mean?” She asked. I sighed. “When I first found out Gerard way my dad--what Gerard Way’s your dad?!?!” Jersey said. I nodded, looking at her like she should have at least guessed. “Yeah. Talk about social outcast. I just got so depressed. I don’t like talking to people. I never have, and him being my father just made it so much more harder to talk to people.”

“Wow.” Was all she could say. "Yeah, I know. It sucked!" I said, almost laughing. She shot back. "But you will get through it, like I have. The important thing to keep in mind is you are NOT Frank Iero's daughter. You are just Frank's daughter. You were his daughter long before MCR made him famous." I said. She thought for a second, then nodded slowly. "You understand?" I asked. She nodded again, more urgently this time.

"Monet!" Dad called walking in alone. I for some reason, expected Frankie to be by his side. "What are you doing to her?" He accused. "I--nothing!" I exclaimed. "I'm just saying hi." He tipped his head to the side. "It takes you 15 minutes to say hi?" He asked. I nodded. "And saying my name! God forbid I let her know who I am!!" I sighed, walking past him.

"So, you're her father?" Jersey asked. He and I both nodded. "You look just like him." She whispered. "Great. I look like some fucking hobo!" I said, which earned a strong look from Dad. "J.K. God! I'm joking. I'm going back outside before you friken whip me!" I said, heading out before dad could say anything. I love getting on her nerves. It's just sooo fun!


With all the luggage all packed away in the car, Ray got back in the drivers seat, Dad sat in the front passenger, Frankie sitting on my right and me and Jersey sitting in the back. "Hey, dad uh, what's for supper?" I asked, because I could feel my stomach rumble. "You just ate before we came here!?!?" He exclaimed, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "I am a growing girl. I need at least six meals a day."

"Six?" Wondered Jersey. I looked at her. "I eat a lot." I said, laughing mostly to myself. "God damn! Um, you know what, it's fend for yourself tonight." He said. My face dropped. "What! It was fend for yourself last night." He shook his head. "No it wasn't because you practically begged Lindsey to fucking cook you that cheesy stuff."

" First off, It's Mac n' Cheese Dad. Second off, Lindsey's a good cook." I said. He shook his head at me. "Whatever. You can wait 30 minutes and when we get home you can eat then." He said. "Wait, you're not - we're not living in the same house?" Jersey asked. I shook my head. "No. We live like, not even 2 blocks away. But there's this convenient store in the middle, so we can like talk there. Or whatever, I don't know." I said.


Ray pulled up into the parking lot of Frank's house, and Frankie opened the door to retrieve Jersey's luggage. "Well, uh, don't really know what to say here. Um, trust me, living with Frankie won't be that bad. Um, hang in there," I said to Jersey who was getting out of the car slowly.

"You wouldn't by any chance have a cell phone I could call just to talk to you?" I shook my head. "I don't actually. Because Mr. I have an Iphone and a Blackberry," I paused to look at Dad. He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Broke mine, and won't buy me another one. Just call my dad's phone. I'll probably be the one to answer it." I said. She nodded and closed the door.

I rolled down my window as she and Frankie were heading up the stairs. "Remember what I told you." I called. She smiled, and nodded, and opened the door for her father who was carrying most of her luggage.
♠ ♠ ♠
Weird fact: I like stalk Gerard's Twitter for some reason, and I noticed that the most current update says Twitter for Blackberry and the second most current says Twitter for Iphone. It's like, dude! How many cell phones do you need? And do you really need twitter for both of them?

Anyways....hoped you liked. Comment telling us what you think so we can try and give you more of what you like! Thanks :)