It Was Enchanting to Meet You

Chapter 1

Michelle P.O.V

Fatima: I can't believe your moving to Poway

Me: I know!! I'm gonna miss you, Keily, Yarnet, Mariah, And..(Fatima cut me off)

Fatima: the guy named Isaac that you have been crushing on since kindergarden?

Me: Exactly!!! I will never let that go! He was my first crush.

-school is over-

I walked home thinking about Isaac and how he would feel if i told him I'm going to move to Poway.
When i got home i took off my shoes, ran to my room and dropped my purple backpack on the bed.
I ran back downstairs to find my 2 pain in the neck older brothers who were watching Naruto (so two thousand late)
on the laptop. They'll be going to college in 2 days which is the same day we move to Poway. I started packing up
pictures i found under my bed and my toys i haven't used since the 2nd grade. It was 6:00 pm which means 2 more hours
until Glee appears on Fox 11. While waiting i did some crappy homework which was 8 pages long. Finally it was 8:00 pm i
turned on the living room tv and changed it to Fox 11. It was a Britnney Spears episode, been there seen that dont
wanna go back. I turned off the tv and continued doing the crappy homework. I FINALLY finished homework and tried to
sleep. I couldn't sleep tonight 'cause all these thoughts in my head about telling Isaac. At 3 am i finally fell asleep. As
always my alarm rings at 7 am and i scream at the same time so i can wake up my brothers. I quickly brushed my teeth and
changed into skinny jeans with a red flannel and black white converse. I grabbed a waffle out of my dad's hand
and ran out the door. Fatima, Yarnet, Keily, and Isaac all walked up to me when i arrived at school.

Me: Isaac i have to talk to you alone

(i grabbed Isaac and dragged him)

Isaac: What? What is it?

Me: I'm moving

Isaac: WHAT?!?

Me: you heard me! (i punch his arm)

Isaac: OW!! When and where are you moving?!?!

Me: I'm moving tomarrow to Poway

Isaac: Poway?? Thats like 5/6 hours away from here when you go by plane

Me: Don't be upset

Isaac: I'm not upset

Me: This is my last day here

(Isaac walks away)

I'm gonna skip all the crappy things we do in school

I walked home with Fatima

Fatima: So.. what happened when you told Isaac?

Me: He started freaking out

Fatima: Ooooh

Me: I know right!!

Fatima: Well that's ok he'll get over it soon

Me: I hope

( I arrived home)

Me: Bye Fatima i'll miss you

(i gave her a big hug)

Fatime: I'll miss you too

I took of my shoes, ran upstairs, started packing the rest of my things. I found a picture of Isaac and
I from the 2 grade on my birthday. I smiled and decided to pack it in my suitcase instead of the box.
I walked over to my brother Mikee's room to see that there was nothing left in his room just all... emptiness.
I walked over to my other brother Mico's room and saw the same thing as my other brother's room...emptiness.
My parent's room wasn't all empty yet. Their bed and tv were still there. I spotted my mom wiping a tear
from her cheek. I walked back to my room to pack my clothes in the suitcase and last i put the picture of
Isaac and i on top. We loaded the moving truck and car. We had to sleep on the pull out bed couch in the
living room since it was the only thing left that wasnt in the truck yet. We all fell asleep. We got up early and drove to
the airport and got our plane tickets. We went aboard the plane and soon we were off.

Me: Bye New York. ( i waved goodbye)

Few hours later we landed and drove to our new home
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 1 :)

Twitter: Mich3ll3AllStar
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