The Married Life...?

Flash of the Past 2


"OHMYGOD, Heather!" I heard someone yell as I hit the hard Gym floor.

"Jack, man you're so dead! You know who Heather's boyfriend is right?" someone was talking but I was t really listening my head hurt.

"Fuck, like I give a shit!" Jack swore probably pissed. I was sure I was playing floor hockey why am I on the floor and why does my head hurt?

"Dude, Heather's boyfriend is Jerry, y'know Deatherwood." I couldn't put a name to his voice but I knew he was in my class.

"Deatherwood...? Shiiiiit!" Jack swore heavily. I heard people passing in the hallway by the door. The net we were shooting at was right beside it. We were playing half court and the teacher went to the office after being called.

"Heather! " someone from the hallway gasped coming up to me, I was staring at the cieling.
"Hey you asses aren't you even gonna help her?" the person spoke trying to lift me. I remembered that voice, Sandi!

"We-I-She-" they stuttered nervously.

"Sands I'm fine I think my head just hurts." I spoke up.

"Don't try and save their asses Heath they're dead meat." Sandi slid the last three words out with such a voice and look of danger I myself was scared too.


"Heath baby, you sure you alright?" Jer Bear asked me. We were in my room apparently my parents were so worried that I might get a concussion or something they drove me to the hospital for a check up. Like I said I was fine but no one listens th the 'injured' chick.

"Jer Bear I'm fine don't worry." I whispered snuggling closer to him. He smiled and hugged me closer surrounding me with his warmth. He explained to his parents that he'd just visit me for the rest of the day, apparently his parents understood and let him skip school. Stupid choice if you ask me just feeding on your son's worry.

"Heath, if anything ever happened to you...I wouldn't know what I would do...Heath you know me best out of everyone and anyone out there you know all my secrets...Heath if I lost you I'd just lose my whole world! Hell I'd even give up the world if it meant I'd get you..." Jer whispered to me, I felt a warm tear land on the top of my head. I looked up at Jer, I'm the only one who stayed with Jer as long as I've had besides his parents,

"Who did this to you?" he whispered ever so gently into my hear.

"I'm not telling you."'I whispered right back smiling.

"Heath...don't make me..." he smiled holding me tighter I tried squirming out but fail miserably.

"Jer please please please please please!" I begged before screaming with laughter. I wiggled around quickly kicking and all trying to escape his touch.

"Who was it Heath!" he demanded tickling my rib cage I screamed laughs out as I ran around the room. He tickled me for hours till I was breathless and on the floor but I didn't speak a name...
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