The Married Life...?

Right now...

I felt my stomach tighten as the hobos surrounded me. I felt a gasp as one stormed the side of my cheek with his dirt covered hands.

"What a catch!" he smiled flashing greenish yellow teeth at me. I was too afraid to look at his eyes and see the danger in them I felt.

"Sorry fellas but she's with me." a strong voice stated ripping me away from the hobo which held me swiftly. I gulped as I clung closely still terrified. My voice was muffled into my throat as I tried to speak.

"Dammit...we have no chance..." I heard a greasy voice sputter as I clung onto the person harder.

"Thanks." I heard the person say as the hobos steps faded.
Slowly I began to open my eyes and I felt them lead up to his face...Raphael

I was about to pull away feeling dirt all over my skin and embarrassed beyond belief. What was I to be embarrassed about anyway?

"Lovely," he whispered pulling me closer to him "Everythings fine now." he told me assuringly. I took in a deep breath taking in his scent as well.

"Thank you," I whispered honestly. His eyes flickered down at me and only then did I realize how tall he was.

"Loves let's get you a cup of coffee," he smiled genuinely I felt my heart race. I nodded slowly and followed him letting him wrap his arm around my waist, giving off this protective feel around me making me feel safer. Only if he knew how safe I wanted to be right now..

-At the Coffee Shop-

"Two French Vanilla medium coffees please, thanks." Raphael ordered. The cashier smiled and pressed the buttons for our order. How'd he know I liked French Vanilla coffee?

"How'd you know I liked French Vanilla?" I asked as we walked off into a table by the window.

"I didn't...its my favorite," he smiled sitting across from me. I blushed absently. What's gotten over me?

"Really?" I asked smiling "Mine too."

He smiled at me then looked away slightly his smile grew bigger.

"Raphael!" a cute voice squealed behind me...
I turned to face this happening right now?
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay this story wasn't planned thoroughly enough I only know the end so far and...well...inning sure I can get there...this story was supposed to be REAL short...
