The Married Life...?

I'm From Where Now?

I looked at her and I knew my heart was pounding uncontrollably, and the worse part? I had no idea why.

"Becky!" Chelsea sighed her voice exactly the same as it was just last year. "Oh, hey there Raph!" the way I recognized that tone I knew.

I knew she was after him too. Felt my chest tighten.

"Hey, Chel," he smiled. My heart felt as if it got punched without warning, it hurt. I swar I felt my eyes begin to water. The memories began to flood my mind like a hurricane.

I made me feel dizzy an sick.

"Chelse! Meet my fwend fwom back home! She soo pwettay!!" Becky smiled actually showing me she had no front teeth probably getting it pulled out by the dentist.

Wearily I smiled back at her, I just couldn't resist ok?! She's 4!!

"Huh?" And with that she finally looked down at me. I stiffened in reply.

"Lovely?" I heard Raph whisper to me as I looked up to face Chelsea.

"Hi," I let out of my breath I had no idea how long I held it in but I did.

"Ah," Chelsea trinkled her eyebrows "Have we met before?"

I though long and hard about my answer.
If I say yes, she'd recognize me right away, the slut! Though I could always say no, and get that queezy feeling in my stomach for awhile for lying. But if I say no I'll have to make up more lies, like my name and stuff.

"Not that I can remember," I confessed wishing what I had just said was true I wish I couldn't remember how I knew her, what she did to make herself known to me and how she made me feel...

Slowly I turned my gaze and face to Raphael hoping he'd see how desperate I was to get out of there. He caught my look and replied a sneaky one. I got nervous all together!

"Of course you wouldn't have met Lovely before!" Raph laughed seeming so convincing as Chelsea turned to look at him.

"Why so?" she asked curiously.

"Lovely just came here from...Philippines!" Raph smiled hoping his lie would work.

"Seriously? My friend used to live ther with her brothers and sisters which part is Lovely from?" she asked switching glances between Raph and I.

"Oh, she's from Pampanga!" Raph replied smoothly.

"So...she speaks Tagalog?" she asked him.

"Well yeah speaking of which, Lovely you're late for your English lessons!" Raph smiled reaching for my hand on the coffee table.

"Yes,yes English lessons!" I faked trying to go along probably making it all look like rubash!

"Oh, okay then. It was nice meeting you...ah...Lovely!" she waved as Raph walked swiftly out of the store me in tow. As soon as we were out we ran about 3 blocks laughing like crazy.

"!" I gasped between breaths.

"I...really...agree!" he laughed. How sexy he looked, hair wind blown, out of breath as his chest heaved and hoed and to top it off and smile on his face.

After a few minutes of laughing and catching our breathes he finally spoke.

"So how do you know Chelsea?" he asked making the memories flood into my mind.

Slowly I felt the tears fall...

Suddenly I was wrapped in warmth and as I look up I couldn't resist I just had to...
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:D yay!! Okay this might seem a little soon but...

Raphael or Jerry? ;)
