Status: New story. Keep or trash?

Love Unedited


I have never fallen for someone as fast as I fell for you. I love your blue eyes, and your stubble. I love wasting days in my bed with you. I felt so comfortable in your arms, I loved the way I could talk to you about anything. You made me feel perfect and beautiful. You made me so damn happy. I still look at my tattoo, we both got, and I remember everything I had with you. I felt like I'd known before you in a past life. I have never felt something so perfect, but it wasn't real. I was in love with the idea of you. You were an asshole, but I gave you a second chance, and you gave me so many of the best experiences of my life. And then when I moved and needed to talk to you, you called me stupid and it really hurt me. I thought about you for weeks after we broke up. I thought 'what if' I hadn't left. "what if" we had made it through. "what if" I moved back. But I've realized that's pointless. You were mean and as much I love you, I couldn't go back to that.

I love you and a part of me always will. But I'm not in love with you anymore, and I can't miss you anymore. I really do wish you the best.