Status: New story. Keep or trash?

Love Unedited


I had finally moved into my new house after living in a hotel for 3 months. Sam was my next door neighbor that had been in my english class the year that had just finished. Our families went to the pool together, and I began crushing on him. He had a nice tan and abs, and he was funny. I loved his green eyes with gold specks, and he I liked his smile.

My friend Hannah and I got his number one night when we were playing with chalk in the streetlight. We started texting and after a week of flirting and texting we started dating.

He was sweet and I liked kissing him. I went to the football games, and watched him in the band at halftime. We went on dates, and hung out at each others houses. We had late night talks and he walked me to class. And we kissed and messed around and after 7 months we lost our virginitys to each other.

But after 8 months, things got boring, and we hardly talked anymore. I broke up with him, but we're still friends now. He was the first boy I said I love you too, but I think I loved him as a friend.