Status: New story. Keep or trash?

Love Unedited


i met Travis freshman year, but we never talked until the summer after sophomore year.He sent me a message on facebook, asking if I had a boyfriend, and then he asked me out. Until then we had never really talked, so we texted and got to know each other.

He had curly brown hair, and intense brown eyes. I knew that his favorite color is green, and he's a lifegaurd at the Shlitterbahn waterpark, and when we went on a date that Friday I learned that he was the best kisser I know. We had a blast going to Shlitterbahn, and I loved the way he bent his head and his eyebrows furrowed together when he worried about me. He cared if I ate, and he kissed me and said we could do something else, when I was too scared to go on the rides. He was funny, and he loved to tease, and we had such an amazing day at the waterpark. The next day we went swimming and to the movies again. I loved that when he smiled his eyes lit up. I loved that he was nice, and cute, and he always made me smile. He seemed perfect to me.

Too bad I fell for a player. He ignored me for 3 weeks saying he was grounded, and then broke up with me on facebook. I really fell IN love with him, in just a week. Is that possible?