Status: Trying my best I can to update and keep the storyline good! Please give feedback, it helps make the story better! And don't mind the typos. I'm getting to them ASAP! Enjoy! ^.^

Realm of Stories

Chapter 1

“Crap!” I yelled to myself.

BRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I was late for school, again.

“I can’t keep going on these late night adventures!” I thought to myself.

I got up, and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My long black hair hung in its natural blade straight design. My pale blue eyes looked grey in the light. My pasty white skin made my faded pink lips look duller than usual. I ran to the bathroom, brushing my teeth while brushing my hair. I slipped on my jeans and a hoodie as I ran out the door.

“Mr. Howards is gonna kill me!” I screeched at myself.

As I ran to History class, I thought of last night. Of my meeting with Zane in Venice. The twinkling stars, the blissful moon, oh how I wished to be there right now.

“Late again Aria?” Mr.Howards said as I entered class.
“Sorry Mr.Howards, I over-slept.” I replied.
“Of course you did. Take a seat.” Mr.Howards answered.

I sat down next to Cam. He was, as usual, on flirt mode. Smiling and winking me good morning.

“Can’t this day just be over already?!” I thought to myself.
History eventually ended, but the day dragged on. It felt as if time itself had stopped. I wanted to escape. To run away into one of my books. You see, I am a Story Changer. I was born with the power to enter the realm of books. I can travel into books. I can fight dragons, fly with birds, find treasure, meet my prince charming, and live happily ever after. I can always escape into a book, whenever and wherever. All I need is a book. I headed off to the library when I bumped into Stefan.

“Oh crap! I’m so sorry!” I replied.
“No, it was my bad, I’m sorry, I’m sucha clutz!” Stefan apologized.

I, embarrassedly, walked away hurriedly finding an empty aisle full of books. I was on the brink of entering “Peter Pan” when I felt someone watching me. I saw Stefan, sitting in the corner holding a book up to his face, but occasionally stealing glances over at me. I couldn’t just disappear right before his eyes. I put "Peter Pan" down and went into an aisle grabbing "The Little Mermaid", I glanced over at Stefan, noticing him trying to find me. I opened the book and closed my eyes thinking about the ocean and Ariel. The world started spinning around me and I was sucked into the book. When I opened my eyes I was sitting by the shore.
"Gosh Aria's beautiful. Why am I such an idiot?!" Stefan thought to himself.

He'd been walking and thinking about her when he ran straight into her. He'd had a crush on her since the day he first saw her.

"I should ask her out." he thought to himself.

But that'd mean that he'd have to tell her his secret. He knew she she wouldn't like him if he told her what he really was. He grabbed a book and sat down at a table where he could see Aria. He snuck occasional glances at her, until he saw her notice. She got up and walked over to a bookshelf. He could see the side of her until she moved farther into the aisle. He got up and walked over to the shelf. When he got there, all he saw was a book lying on the ground where she was standing. He picked up the book.

"The Little Mermaid"? What? She was standing right here, I know she was. Where did she go?, she couldn't be......unless she is." Stefan thought.

He'd never expected this. Aria? A story changer? This changed everything. Now he knew he really couldn't let her find out his secret.


Aria looked around, breathing in the beautiful ocean. She needed to find Zane. She felt so alone without him. Zane had been her best friend since she was 5 and her parents abandoned her at an orphanage. Zane and her played together everyday, even though he was 2 years older than her, she felt a special connection to him. He was like her older brother. After a while she started liking him more than a friend, and things changed between them. Now she was sure she loved him, and so did he.

She ran up the shore climbing on to the deck. She noticed her outfit had changed into a dark blue sun dress and intricate sandals.

"At least my legs look great." Aria thought to herself.

She noticed a figure, almost a silhouette in the setting sun, wearing a white button down shirt and dark pants. Tall, dark brown hair, and muscular, she knew it was Zane right away. She moved toward him, and smiled when she saw him turn around to face her.

"Aria, woah, what happened to your clothes? Not that that looks bad or anything, you know you'd look good in anything, but not really your style is it?"

"Shut up Zane!" Aria said as she laughed, "Its not like I had a choice, I kind of just dropped in."

Zane laughed and smirked, "I'll shut up if you make me."

Aria knew what he meant, and feeling mischievous, she ran on to the beach when he leaned in for a kiss, laughing hysterically.

"Catch me if you can, slowpoke!" Aria screamed to Zane.

"Hey! You got a head start! Not fair!" Zane yelled back as he started running.

Aria was ahead and running towards the water, as she got closer to the water she concentrated on changing her clothes. Her clothes turned into a swimsuit as she popped out some gills and thought up of night vision to use underwater. She dove into the ocean, swimming quickly.

Zane watched as Aria's clothes changed.

"Why is she so temptingly beautiful?!" Zane thought to himself.

He ran as his clothes turned into shorts and he grew gills. He dove in after Aria, following her and increasing his speed until he could almost touch her toes. He caught up to her and grabbed onto her as the setting quickly changed to the first time Ariel met Eric. They're clothes changed back into their original form as they both laughed.

"I caught you! I think I deserve my kiss now." Zane said slyly.

Aria smiled, saying, "You cheated but I think I don't need to punish the both of us for that."

They kissed, and Zane felt fireworks go off. He'd always liked Aria, but was too scared to tell her. He'd always been the shy one. He was always happy with her. It was as if she was the world, and when she was with him, he held the entire world in his hands. They broke the kiss, and started to walk, hand in hand.

"Don't you have to be in school?" Zane asked.

"I'm pretty sure they won't miss me there." Aria replied.

"But its not safe for us to meet like this. What if someone saw you?" Zane said worriedly.

"No one saw me, I'm positive. But I do have a chem exam. I'm gonna have to go in a couple of minutes so stop your worrying and chill for once, hun." Aria said as she smiled and poked Zane.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." Zane smiled, and kissed her again.
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Work in progress! Please leave comments, they all help! :3