Status: Trying my best I can to update and keep the storyline good! Please give feedback, it helps make the story better! And don't mind the typos. I'm getting to them ASAP! Enjoy! ^.^

Realm of Stories

Chapter 2


Aria switched back into her skinny jeans and hoodie as she zapped back into the reality. She left the library and rushed to her chemistry class. Her lab partner was Stefan. She didn't mind working with him too much. He seemed nice and I guess they were friends. She saw Cam and smiled at him as he stuck his tongue out at her.

"Ms.Knight, where were you?" asked Ms.Thompson angrily.

"I was in the library returning a book, sorry, there was a long line." Aria replied.

"Take a seat.'

Aria silently slid into her seat, smiling at Stefan. The teacher explained the experiment quickly and passed out their materials. Aria grabbed their lab kit almost crashing into Stefan who was holding onto the substances.

"Sorry!" Aria squeaked.

"Haha, its okay, so where'd you go during study hall? I needed to borrow your trig notes." Stefan said, trying to make converstion.

"Oh, I just remembered I needed something from Cam and he couldn't find it. Him and his filthy locker." Aria replied, thinking about her super lame excuse.

Stefan laughed, "I hope you guys didn't get caught in an avalanche. That wouldn't be fun."

"Oh I'm pretty sure it'd kinda suck." Aria said, smiling.

Aria reached for the glass rod when her hand brushed against Stefan's, she felt an electric spark causing her to meet his gaze. She could've sworn she saw a hint of gold in his eyes.

"No, he couldn't be a shapeshifter, he's holding a plain silver rod in his hands and its not burning him. Its probably just the light." Aria thought.

They both looked away quickly and continued on the experiment. The bell rang and everyone raced out of the classroom to lunch.

"Um....wanna help me clean up?" Stefan asked Aria.

"Sure, its the least I could do for almost spilling chemicals all over you." Aria said, laughing.

Stefan laughed with her as he started gathering all the beakers and taking them over to the sink. "So, what are you doing on Friday?"

Aria was caught by surprise at the question. "Oh, uh, nothing I guess. I might hang out with Cam but he's so annoying sometimes."

Aria noticed a hint of gold in Stefan's eyes again, she looked down, noticing a big, heavy ring on his middle finger.

"Where'd you get that ring from? It looks so cool!" Aria exclaimed.

"Oh, this old thing, my parents gave it to me, apparently its an heirloom or something," Stefan replied.

Aria noticed the symbol on it. It looked like a moon joined with the sun, she knew she'd seen it before, she just didn't know where. She finished putting away all the lab kits and grabbed her stuff.

"I'm gonna head out before Cam chews my head off for being late. See ya tomorrow!" Aria said, heading towards the door.

"Cya!" Stefan replied.


Cam left the classroom thinking about Aria. He'd known her for a while now. They were the best of friends, or so he thought. Lately he'd noticed a change in her. He felt like she was keeping something from him. But he put it aside. He loved her like a sister, sometimes even more. And he loved flirting with her. She was so much fun to tease. Cam threw his books in his locker and waited for Aria to finish cleaning up.

"Dude, how long does it take to clean up?! I haven't talked to you all day!" exclaimed Cam as he saw Aria come out of the classroom.

"Saw-ree, Mr.I'm-Too-Lazy-To-Help!" Aria said as she laughed and hugged Cam.

"Next time your late, no hug for you!" replied Cam smiling at Aria.

"Whatever you say, I know you can't resist me." Aria winked at Cam and started to walk towards her locker.

"Gosh Aria looks so beautiful. She's sucha tease." Cam thought to himself.

Aria grabbed her coat and scarf.

"Wanna get coffee at Starbucks? I seriously need some caffeine!" Aria asked.

"Sure, anything with you's fine with me." Cam said in a flirty tone, smirking.

"Oh hush, your sucha flirt I swear." Aria replied, hitting him lightly and playfully.

Cam grabbed her hand and pulled her against him.

"Can't help it with you teasing me like that." Cam replied

Aria twisted around jerking her arm out of his hold and catching him around the neck.

"And you grab onto me like that again and you'll regret it." Aria said, swiftly and playfully.

They both glared at each other as Aria let go of Cam. They left silently and walked to Starbucks. Cam pulled the door open and held it for Aria smiling. Aria went in and ordered for the of them as he got them a table.

"Oh crap! Dude, its 12:30, we're gonna be late for class." Cam exclaimed.

They grabbed their coats and coffees and ran back to school. They found the door locked and took an extra 5 minutes trying to pick at it. When they finally got it they ran upstairs. Thankfully their teacher was out in the bathroom. They ran and took their seats. Cam took occasional glances back at Aria, smiling. She always was bored in this class and never paid attention to what she was doing. He knew he 'd be able to watch her closely in this class. She'd always wrinkle her nose in that adorable bunny-rabbit way. He loved observing her in her deep thoughts. She'd smile in ways she never did with him. She'd always hold onto her necklace. The one she never showed him. She always kept it hidden except for when she was thinking. During the summer, he'd catch her underneath the cherry blossom tree messing with it and laughing to herself. He took mental notes of her position and expression. How every hair fell so very perfectly. He'd sketch it later and put it with all the other drawings of her. He spent the rest of class staring at her, not noticing Stefan watching him.