Status: it's like a makes me want to give up on life.

Unrequited love

For a day that won't happen again for years

Oh how the moments drag by until I see you. I can see your hair from here, wavy and wild the exact way I like it. You are standing, your hands in your pockets. I smile from where I stand with everyone. How I wish you could see me, standing there, skinny jeans and a sweatshirt, bold blue eyes and an adoring smile.

You stand with them. Those people who separate you so far from me. Those people who stare at me as I walk up and hug you. You are bewildered as I nestle my head into your chest, the only place I have ever wanted to me. Euphoria flows up and down my veins and I look into your eyes. How did I get here?

How is it that suddenly you do see me, and you look at me with something I KNOW is there. Something I can feel every time your eyes lock with mine, every time our hands touch. Those people seem to drift away, in fact the whole world drifts away while I stand talking to you. I am unsure of what to say.

I would do anything to just give you the feeling I feel all the time so that you can at last understand it.

But I begin to talk to you like I would anyone else, although its far from normal. You cant see it, but my heart is beating slower then normal, in slow motion in fact. Your eyes are so stunning, such a lovely color.

I tell you
"...supposedly I'm one of Ms.C's most promising students." You smile and say
"Well of coarse!" and then you go on to talk about how its hard to get into intermediate unless you know the teacher. I nod solemnly and you stop and hold my head in between your palms and electricity flows around us. The most amazing words come out of your mouth that I still can barely believe it all really happened
"Unless you are beautiful, blonde, amazing and perfect like you, its hard to get it." We stare at each other for a moment and then I smile and take your hand that's still by my head.

"_____, you honestly just made my day." You smile and I tell you something different.

At some point our bubble begins to fade and I see that you long to be with those people who are your group, those people you belong with. I sigh and pick up my things saying
"Well, You should go and hang out with everyone, I'll see you later" With a smile and a flip of my hair. I didn't stay long enough to see your response, but I know it was suttle. I know it matters nothing to you whether I'm there or not. But it will. And soon.

I can't help but put myself into your shoes. Even to me I seem like a child. But I'm so far from it. How is it that three years can be such a big difference?? You are my sun and moon.

I do love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is very isn't in my imagination.....for once.