Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


She gazed down at her cousin, who was kneeling on their kitchen floor a puppy dog look upon her pale face. Her cousin had done this a few times before, met someone and told the guy to bring his best friend. Her cousin wanted to find someone just right for her, she went through guys after guys setting her cousin up on blind dates but she always came home due to complete boredom.

She crossed her arms and shook her head. "I can't believe I'm doing this, fine. I will go this one last time, if I don't like him your not setting me up again, got it?" she questioned.

Her cousin jumped off the floor and hugged her, thanking her repeatedly, and going on about how she wouldn't regret it.

She simple rolled her eyes and pushed her cousin off before slowly walking up the stairs and towards her bedroom.

She took a seat at her vanity mirror, taking a good long look at herself before she slowly applied her makeup. She slipped in her contacts, without them she would be blind, and finished up her eye's. She never used a lot of make up. A little foundation, like she needed it, some mascara and some eye liner. If she felt the need to wear more or was in just one of those moods, she would.

She put on a pair of skinny jeans and a nice black v-neck with a blue tank top underneath. She brushed out her hair once before slipping on her flats and walking downstairs.

Her cousin sat on the couch, fully dressed, awaiting to leave.
After her cousin had noticed her arrival she smiled and bounced off the couch towards the door. Her cousin started her car and they drove off silently to their dates.

Her cousin parked her car and they got out, she felt nervous, she always did when her cousin did this to her but she couldn't help it. Everyone is nervous when going out on a date; it's just a normal human emotion.

They walked into the restaurant and her cousin exchanged a few unheard words with a waitress. The waitress pointed outside towards the patio. Her cousin nodded and waved her over towards the door. They walked through the door and she followed her cousin to two boys that sat at one side of the table, talking and laughing with each other.

She mumbled a few reassuring words to herself before walking behind her cousin to the two smiling boys.

The first boy stood up, a satisfied look upon his face. "Tiana," he smiled when he saw her cousin. "Come sit," she nodded and took a seat across from him after he had sat down.

Before long she also took a seat across from the other boy. He reached his hand out and introduced himself. "Hey, I'm Jarred," he smiled.

"Scarlett" she replied, returning a smile. They shook hands and she could tell this was gonna be a very uncomfortable night.

With in 20 minutes of the date the boy had showed his idiocy and Scarlett was rather bored, like she always had been on blind dates.

She stood up and looked at her cousin. "I'm gonna get some fresh air, I'm not feeling to hot."

"But we're outside" her cousin said.

Scarlett ignored her cousin and walked back through the restaurant towards the front door. She slipped outside and took a seat on one of the two benches.
It got colder outside and Scarlett wished she brought a sweatshirt. It was getting closer to winter and the snow would be falling soon. She looked around the street, the many cars passing by horns beeping occasionally and a middle finger flew out at someone.

Before long she felt a presents near her. She looked up and saw a boy, a different boy, standing next to her. "Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked.

"No, not at all" she responded before sliding towards the end of the cold bench.

He took a seat next to her and sighed. "May I ask why you’re out here?" he asked her.

She laughed. "My cousin dragged me here on a blind date and the guy is a total moron"

The boy laughed. "My friend did the same thing. Only I have to endure the girl alone"

Scarlett smiled. "Is she that bad?"

"She has been spending the night on her cell phone or looking at her self in her pocket mirror, oh and she started to flirt with our waiter"
Scarlett snorted. "What a tramp."

This made the boy laugh. He never met a girl who didn't mind what she said. He sort of liked that.

"I'm Jordan by the way," he said holding out his hand.

She grabbed his hand and smiled. "Scarlett, but you can call Scout," she shook his hand and sunk back in her seat. A cold breeze swept over her as she shivered. The boy noticed her chills and took off his hoodie before he wrapped it around her. She thanked him and slid it on.

"No problem," he smiled.

Scout stood up slowly. "Well it was nice meeting you Jordan, but I have a 'stomach ache,'" she air quoted stomach ache to point out she was faking. "And I must flag a taxi down so I can go home."

Jordan stood up after her. “Good luck flagging a taxi on a Friday. It's almost impossible," he huffed.

"Eh it should be no problem, show em' a little leg maybe some cleavage and they'll be paying you for rides," she smiled.

Jordan laughed at her sarcasm. "I'll be seeing you around then."

"Maybe," Scout smirked before she ran off towards the road.

She had no problem getting a taxi and before she knew it she was home curled up in her bed drifting off to sleep.


Jordan was left to go back to his awful date but after Scarlett left, he found in her place a cell phone she had left behind. He flipped it open quickly and stuck it in his pocket glad that he had another reason to see her. He smiled at himself knowing that by tomorrow she would have called. He walked inside the busy restaurant to find his date with a phone in her newly manicured hands.

He rolled his eyes and sat down at the table. She looked up quickly before gazing back at her phone.

"So you wanna head back to your place?" she asked him, still looking at her phone.

"No" He said, easing an eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse slipping her jacket over her arm. "Whatever," she said standing up." You were boring anyways" she walked away, bumping into their waiter and slipping a piece of paper in his pocket before heading out the door.
Jordan rolled his blue eyes at the girl.

Scout was right; she was a tramp. Jordan hated saying it; he wasn't that type of guy, the kind that would say something hurtful to women. He paid for the meal and left the restaurant, leaving the waiter without a tip as he got into his car and drove home.

He found his apartment empty, sort of shocked that it was. He normally walked into his apartment to find his friends on the couch playing video games or destroying his living room and kitchen. He never minded his friends being there he just wished that they knew how to pick up after themselves. He dropped his keys on the island in his kitchen and placed his phone next to them as well.

Before Jordan could walk into his living room, his front door burst open and his name was yelled from the doorway.
He should have expected them to show up at some point. It never stayed quite.
He watched as his four friends made their way into his kitchen filling in the seats around his island.

"Jordan!" Andy yelled giving him a hug. "How was Holly?" he asked with a smile.

Jordan rolled his eyes. "I hate you for setting me up with her, she's such a nice girl, she's pretty and loves people. She is so your type" Jordan said mimicking Andy's voice.

"She wasn't that bad" Andy exclaimed.

"She flirted with our waiter. And she said I was boring, I'm not boring!" Jordan pointed out.

Keegan took a sip of the milkshake he had brought with him.

"You are kinda boring," he said.

"Shut up! I am so not. She just doesn't understand my awesomeness." Jordan

"Whatever you say." Keegan placed his empty milkshake container on the counter and walked away.

"Keegan, come on man. You do this every time your here. Pick it up," Jordan said.

Keegan spun on his heels and grunted. "Dammit Witzigreuter! You do this every time!" He shouted and picked up the cup tossing it into the trashcan. Jordan just shook his head.
He was used to it. Keegan always saying random things, Andy dancing, Jason and Travis always talking about stuff nobody ever understood but Jordan didn't mind. He loved the guys; he doesn't know where he would be without them, that's why he tries not to let them get to him to often.

Jordan and the boys watched a hand full lame 90's movies before Jordan went to his room. The guys had taken up every inch of his living room as they lay spread out attempting to sleep.

Jordan set the girls black phone on his bed side table as he got ready for bed, trying to take as much time as he could. He wasn't quite ready for bed yet he couldn't wait for Scout's phone call. He was over joyed that he would see her again but he couldn't understand why. He barely knew the girl but something about her made him eager to see her, to hear her voice, to make her smile. He stared at his ceiling for what seemed like hours before his eyes grew heavy and he too fell asleep.
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First Chapter :]
I'm kinda excited for this story not sure where it's gonna go from here, I have the second chapter ready but, I'm normally not a comment whore or anything, I would like at least 1 comment pleeassseee.
That's not to bad right?
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Zelda :]