Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


Scout searched Jordan's face for some sort of emotion. She was confused and bit surprised that Jordan was standing in front on her porch.
"Jordan, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be at your friends party?" scout asked, still in shock.
"I just cut a 20 minute drive into 10 minutes" Jordan smiled.
"why?" scout asked.
Jordan looked down at the girl, "I knew you couldn't make it to the party-" he began but scout cut him off.
"and I'm sorry" scout said her hands in her pocket.
"that's fine" Jordan smiled, "I was just happy that you said yes to coming to it" 
Scout looked down at her feet, "how could I say no?" she said sheepishly.
Jordan looked in side the house at Tiana.
"three seconds" she mouthed holding up three fingers at him. Jordan looked back at scout, he placed two fingers under her chin and lifted her head up to look at him.
As Jordan heard the crowd in the TV yell "happy new year"
He leaned into scout and placed his lips on hers for a few seconds. Those few seconds felt like minutes, it may sound cliche but Jordan felt something he hadn't felt in a while. It felt like a lightning bolt had hit him, electricity flowed through his body as it did with scout. 
Scout felt like a thousand butterfly's were flying around in her stomach, her knees began to give out, they were getting so weak.  
It was a short kiss, but passionate non the less, it was a kiss she could get used to. The kind of kiss that no matter how short, will always leave her breathless.
Jordan put his for head against hers as he dug out the necklace in his pocket and grabbed her hand.
He placed the necklace in her hand as he brought his lips to her ear.
"happy new year" he whispered. His hot breath against scouts cold ear sent shivered down her spine. With a smile Jordan walked off the porch as scout stood there, unable to function. She didn't know what do to or what to say, she just stood there motionless. She felt like her body had just gone into shock, she wasn't expecting that, she wasn't even close to figuring out what his motives were to kiss her but she didn't care, she had just gotten the best new years kiss and she wouldn't ever forget it.
 She watched as Jordan drove down the street before she opened up her hand and pulled the necklace out. She dangled it in front of her face, watching as it spun around, occasionally hitting the light from inside and shining just a tad. She remembered seeing this necklace before, on TV. The open heart collection. She smiled as she walked back into the apartment closing the door behind her.
She sat down next to her cousin, who was still straining to look at the front door.
"did you get some?" Tiana asked.
Scout didn't answer, her eyes were glued on the necklace in front of her.
"what is that?" Tiana asked her cousin.
"a necklace" scout smiled admiring it.
"well hand it over and let me put it on you" she said motioning scout to hand over the necklace.
Scout did and turned around gathering her hair in her hand and putting it up, revealing her bare neck.
Tiana let the necklace drop on to scout's chest. Scout let her hair fall down her back and grabbed at the necklace.
"you better keep that boy" Tiana pointed out.
Scout smiled as she looked down at the necklace, "I was planning on it"

Jordan couldn't help but smile the whole drive back to his house.
He had finally brought up the nerve to kiss her and oh how it felt good. He couldn't stop smiling even when he was at his apartment. He had this tingling feeling on his lips where hers were just. A few minutes ago. He figured that feeling wouldn't last long but it was worth a shot to try and get it to last as long as it could. 
Jordan found his way to up the steps to his place.
"Mr. Witzigreuter, you look rather happy this evening" Mrs. White his neighbor said. 
"evening, Mrs. W" Jordan smiled at her.
Mrs. White was an elderly woman, about 80 years old, and very old fashioned. Jordan was nothing but nice to her and her being around so long she could tell there was something up with Jordan.
"why so happy all of a sudden?" she asked Jordan, her small white curls motionless.
"just excited for the new year" Jordan said with a smile.
"Jordan, if I didn't know any better I would say you found yourself a girl" she smiled.
"That I have" Jordan said, his smile growing wider.
"well she must be something if she has you smiling the way you are"
"she most certainly is, goodnight Mrs. White" Jordan waved.
"Good Night Jordan, don't loose her now" 
"I'll try my best not to," Jordan said before he walked away. He entered his apartment, locking the door behind him. He put his hands on either side of his head, taking a deep breath. He was excited, ecstatic even. He had finally found a girl, a girl he liked, a girl who wasn't fake. Jordan spent so much time thinking about scout he forgot about the tour, the thought of her washed all thought of tour away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've been typing like mad all weekend and I've got chapter's 11 and 12 all done.
Chapter 12 is the longest out of the three.
Big things coming your way love's.
I will post chapter 11 for 2 comments, please.
Also, check out my Alex Gaskarth story I'm working on.
Ps- I want y'all to keep smiling like donuts-----------> :o