Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


                                    * * *
Over the past three weeks Jordan and Scout had spent almost every waking our together and never got tired if each other.
Tiana had gotten better and was walking she even got back to work at the studio which Scout liked very much. She no lover had to work alone and could get more time with Jordan if she wanted to.
Jordan hadn't told scout about the tour yet and in a way he didn't to, he wasn't ready to say goodbye just yet. Him and Scout had finally gotten close and though he couldn't bare to say it, he knew he had to tell her.
Tiana and Jordan sat in the living room as scout was getting dressed in her room.
"when do you leave for tour?" Tiana asked though she knew.
Jordan sighed before he answered, "three days" he breathed.
"you haven't told her have you?" Tiana asked.
"nope" Jordan said poplin the P.
"Jordan!" Tiana whined, "you have to tell her, your only hurting yourself the longer you put it off"
"I know, I know" Jordan sighed rubbing his face. "I want to tell her, I really do but I don't know how to"
"it's simple, just walk up to her and tell her, your leaving for tour"
"your leaving for tour?" Jordan and tiana's head snapped in the direction of the door where scout stood.
Tiana and Jordan didn't know what to say, they looked at each other hoping for one of them to say something.
"hey" Jordan said getting up and kissing her on the lips. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her into him. She wrapped her hands around his neck and he began deepening the kiss.
When he finally pulled apart scout looked at Jordan, a smile spread across his face.
"what was that about?" scout asked smirking and a bit surprised.
"I don't know I missed you" Jordan shrugged.
"all I did was change clothes, I was gone for not even ten minutes" she laughed.
"I know" he said and kissed her again, "I wanna talk to you" 
Scout looked at Jordan, a worried look on her face but she nodded slowly. He grabbed her hand and pulled her after him up the stairs and into her room. He closed the door behind him and sat scout down on the bed.
Scout watched as Jordan paced back and forth.
"Jordan" she laughed, "stop pacing and just tell me already"
Jordan stopped pacing and took a deep breath placing one hand on on his hip and the other rubbing his face.
"I'm leaving for tour" he said.
"I know that" scout said.
"no scout, I'm leaving for tour on Saturday"
"but Saturday" she thought, "is in three days"
"I know" 
Scout looked dumbfounded, she searched around the floor, "how long?" she asked.
"how long?" Jordan asked.
"how long have you known and not told me" she asked.
"three weeks, but scout" he said sitting down next to her, he grabbed her hand in his, "I wanted to tell you, I really did but I didn't know how to tell you"
Scout shook her head, "it fine, I just kinda wish you told me sooner so I didn't have such little time with you"
"come on tour with me then" Jordan smiled.
"I couldn't Jordan, I have a studio I have to manage"
"Tiana can take care of it, come on scout please"
Scout looked at Jordan her eyes sorry, "I would love to Jordan, I really would, but Ashton's album is coming out soon and I can't, I'm so sorry" Scout said said placing her hand on Jordan's cheek.
Jordan, though upset, smiled a little smile, "it's alright" he said.
Scout kissed him gently on the lips. "get some sleep, it's getting late" he said.
"do me a favor" scout said, her eyes closed.
"anything" Jordan said, his eyes also closed.
"stay with me" she whispered, "just for the night"
Jordan kissed her again, "of course"

Jordan woke up the next morning, his arms wrapped tightly around scout's waist.
He rubbed his eyes before he tossed his legs off the bed and pushed himself up.
He slipped on his sweatshirt, hat and shoes before walking quietly out of her room.
He wrote scout a note and placed it on her pillow. He knew It was cheesy and very cliche, but he had to make it back to his apartment and get ready for tour. He found his way back to his apartment and took his time to pack trying to make the time go by slower.

Scout turned over in bed, she felt alone, she sat up and looked around her room. Jordan was no where to be found. She went to get out of bed when her hand gently grazed over something. She picked up the piece of paper and read it.
"I'm Sorry, I'll call you- Jordan" she read out loud.
She sighed and got out of bed making her way down the flight of stairs.
She made herself something to eat as she waited for her cousin to wake up.
Scout figured Tiana would be hungry when she woke up so she made Tiana a small plate of pancakes.
Scout needed something to pass the time, without Jordan here and Tiana still asleep she had nothing to do, nothing to occupy her mind.
She cleaned, folded laundry, took a shower, anything that could pass the time but the whole time she did her mind traveled to Jordan. He was going on tour and that made Scout nervous, it made her stomach tighten. She figured Jordan was a good looking guy, he probably has tons of girls throwing themselves at him and at any moment he could cheat. Though she knew Jordan was better than that she couldn't shake the feeling that it was possible. Something about the thought made her-
"hey" Tiana said, pulling Scout out of her thoughts.
Scout shook her head, trying to figure out what to say.
"um Hey!" she said with a smile.
"what ya doin'?" Tiana asked taking a seat on the couch.
"um I don't know" scout said itching her head.
"where's Jordan?" 
"again, I don't know"
"you don't know?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
"yea, I woke up and he was gone, all he did was write me a note"
Tiana made an o shape with her mouth. Scout turned her body around to look at Tiana.
"Tiana can I ask you a serious question?" scout asked.
Tiana nodded, "of course, what's up?"
Scout took a deep breath, "I know this is a stupid question, but  it's been bothering me all day, do you think Jordan's faithful?"
Tiana opened her eyes wide, "of course I do, what's got you thinking other wise?"
Scout shrugged with a grunt, "I don't know. I don't want to think he is going to, really. I just, something inside of me isn't completely sure"
As Tiana opened her mouth to say something, there was a knock on the door.
Tiana rolled her eyes, "this conversation isn't over" she said as she walked up to the door and turned the knob. Opening the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
oi, how's it going?
So, I never got those two comments I asked for but I'm a sucker so I posted it anyways.
Hope you like it.
I'm working on chapter 13 right now, an I'm about half way done sooo, yea.
Well i' gonna go play some Left4Dead.
Peace bitchess.