Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


Tiana slammed the door as soon as she saw the familiar face in front of her. She scoffed as she rolled her eyes and began to walk away.
"who is it?" scout asked standing up.
"no body important" Tiana said, venom in her voice and her teeth clenched together.
Scout rolled her eyes and walked towards the door. 
"come on Tiana, open the door. I need to talk to her!" the boy on the opposite side said.
Scout stopped in her tracks, "is that-" she whispered.
"yea" Tiana said.
Scout felt her hands tighten into fist and her mouth grow dry.
Scout reached out towards the door knob, "don't do it scout!" Tiana pleaded.
"if I don't he'll never leave, you know he won't"
Scout tightened her grip on the door knob and pulled the door open.
Scout leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms, taking in the warmth of Jordan's red sweatshirt she kept from the first time they met.
"what do you want, Andy?" scout asked, annoyance in her voice. Andy Snyder, oh how Scout hated him, with all her heart. She wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face as hard as she could.
"I came to apologize" he said.
"it's a little to late for that, don't ya think?" Tiana asked him from the kitchen.
"hey Tiana" Andy waved.
Tiana said her hello's by flipping him the finger.
"I guess I deserve that" he said, "look Scout"
"Scarlett" scout corrected him.
"right, I know what I did was stupid, but I was a drunk and alone"
"oh save it Andy, just because you were drunk and alone doesn't mean you couldn't have stopped yourself from doing it. You did it and you have to live with it. You think I wasn't alone, you think I didn't think about it? Cause I did, but I know how to be faithful, I learned from that, I learned that if my boyfriend is on tour I have to wait for him, I have to control my self" scout yelled. "you cheated on me, with one of your fans, that's what hurt the most, I don't know if you've done it every time your on tour or not but right now I don't really care, I met someone else" she said.
"who? Is he a musician?" he asked.
"his names Jordan and yes he's a musician, what's it to you?" she snapped.
"scout just hear me out"
"go" she shook her head before she walked back inside closing the door behind her. "that's why I'm worried about Jordan" was all she said to Tiana before she walked up stairs. She closed the door behind her before she crawled into her bed and cried.

Jordan placed his bags in the hall way leading towards his door. He was upset he was leaving tomorrow and leaving scout would be the hardest part of it all. Jordan set his last bag down before he looked at the time. It was almost 7 and he knew scout would still be up.
He grabbed his keys and walked to his car silently driving down the road towards her house.
He knocked on the door waiting patiently for someone to open it.
Tiana stood in the door way and let out a small smile.
"she's up stairs, and she's not in the best mood, she had an unwanted visitor this afternoon"
Jordan nodded before he walked up the stairs towards scouts room. He knocked once before opening the door and finding scout in her bed, curled up.
Jordan took a step in closing the door behind him, "scout?" he asked wishing she wasn't asleep.
Scout turned her head to look at Jordan who was making his way to her bed. He laid down next her and pushed her hair out of her face, "hey" he smiled, "what's wrong?" he asked, truly concerned.
Scout took a deep breath, "my ex-boyfriend" she said, "he showed up earlier and tried to apologize"
"apologize for what?" he asked.
"when we were dating, he went on tour and slept with one of his fans, and now he just thinks I'm fine with it and that we can be friends or something" she looked Jordan straight in the eye, "you wouldn't do that to me, would you?" she asked.
"Of course not, I couldn't even begin to think about hurting you like that. Scout," he said putting his fingers under her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes, "I would never meet anyone as beautiful or as special as you"
Scout smiled before kissing him on the lips.
"you should get some sleep, you've had a rough day"
"I don't want to, your leaving tomorrow, I wanna spend as much time with you as possible"
She kissed Jordan again, only this time she kissed him with more force and more passion, it took Jordan by surprise. She place her hands on his face as his hands pulled her closer into him.
His hands found their way up her shirt and onto her back, her fingers getting caught in his hair.
They didn't come up for air, they didn't want to.
Jordan rolled himself top of Scout, his hands on either side of her head, holding himself up. She grabbed at the bottom of his shirt, trying to get it off of him, he sat up and took it off tossing it to the floor.

Scout sat up in bed, running her hands through her messy brown hair, she looked over at Jordan's still body. She held the blanket up to her chest, trying to remember what exactly happen the night before.
She bit her lip, holding her breath as she dug her nails deep into Jordan bare sweaty back not really caring if it was hurting him or not. Jordan barely noticed that she was making marks. She gasped, arching her back so far she was almost sitting up, burying her mouth into the crook of Jordan's neck. Her hot breath hitting Jordan's sweat covered neck. She let out a moan as a wave of pleasure swept through her body. her nails dug deeper into his back, her toes curling up, as he kissed her neck. They breathed so heavily as their wet bodies pressed against each other. She kissed Jordan as she fell back into the pillows, their lips not parting as they lowered themselves back into the bed. Jordan rolled off of Scout and fell back into the pillow as they tried to catch their breath.
Scout rolled over to look at Jordan who did the same.
She snuggled herself into his chest and breathed deeply.
"Jordan" she said, "I love you"
Jordan held her into him, "I love you too."
Scout stood up and through on her pink booty shorts and Jordan's sweatshirt. She tried to be as quiet as possible as she walked out of her room, and down the stairs.
She walked passed the living room only to stop and take a few steps back so she stood in the door way.
Her cousin was sitting on the couch, her legs crossed, a bowl of most likely ramen noodles in her lap.
"hey" scout smiled taking a seat next to Tiana.
"what up Sex Monkey" her cousin said, still looking at the TV.
"what?" scout asked.
Tiana looked at her cousin, "oh shut up, you know what I mean, I totally heard you a music boy last night, I couldn't sleep cause of you two!" she whisper-yelled.
Scout's face turned a bright red, as she covered her hands with her face. "oh my god! I'm so sorry!" scout muffled into her hands.
Tiana let out a laugh, "it's fine just next time, either keep it down or do it at his place"
Scout smiled, shaking her head, "I'm still really sorry"
Tiana smiled, "so tell me, was he amazing, did you, ya know?" Tiana let out a moan.
Scout slapped her cousin across the arm, "shut the fuck up, he is still up stairs"
Tiana laughed and mouthed sorry. Scout rolled her eyes as she walked into the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. She pressed her stomach against the counter, looking out the window above the sink. 
She set the cup into the sink before a pair of arms were wrapped around her stomach. She smiled grabbing at the hands.
"good morning" Jordan smiled into the crook of her neck.
"morning" Jordan turned scout around kissing her hard against the lips. "when are you leaving?" she asked when Jordan pulled away.
He still held her up against him when he said, "an hour"
Scout tried not to pout but failed, Jordan looked her in the eye, and smiled.
"don't be sad, I'll be home before you know it" he said kissing her.
"you better be" she smiled into his lips.
"I gotta go" Jordan said letting her go.
"no" she whined.
"I have to help load the bus, I won't leave until you show up"
"promise?" she asked.
"promise" he smiled and kissed her before he walked out the door and drove towards his apartment.

Scout and Tiana drove to the bus, reading the directions Jordan gave her off her phone.
Scout smiled as she watch Jordan toss a bag into the side if the bus.
She smiled as her and Tiana got out of the car. Jordan heard the car door shut and looked in her direction. He smiled closing the door of the hatch.
"there's your girl" Andy smiled. 
Scout ran towards Jordan, jumping onto him with a laugh, as she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into a kiss.
Jordan set her down, "what's got you all happy?" he asked her.
"you" she smiled kissing him again. "I don't want you to leave" she pouted.
"I don't want to leave" he told her, his hands on her neck, his thumbs rubbing her cheeks.
She gently wrapped her fingers around his wrist and looked at him, her face sad.
Jordan gave her a reassuring smile, "I'll be home before you know it" he said again. 
Scout kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
She tilted her head to the side, kissing him more passionately.
"'yo Jordan, we gotta go!" Keegan yelled from the bus.
Jordan put his for head against Scouts.
"I have to go" he whispered.
Scout closed her eyes, "I wish you didn't have to"
"neither do I" he said, he kissed one more time, grabbing her hands, "I love you"
She smiled at him, "I love you too" 
Jordan began to walk away, there hands not coming apart, like they did in the movies, where their hands stayed together until they couldn't reach anymore.
Jordan took a step onto the bus and turned to look at scout, he waved at her and she smiled, her eyes filling up with tears.
She waved back before he got on the bus and the doors closed.
Tiana wrapped an arm around her cousin, "he'll be back" she said.
"I know" scout said, letting a tear fall down her cheek.
And together they watch as the bus drove off into the distance.
♠ ♠ ♠
I tried so hard to avoid a sex scene but it had to be exciting so, tadaaa.
OMG if you haven't seen Jordan's new Hair than look it up :)
it's radtastically beastin!
read about whats to happen with the story
PS- NotTonightJospehine your in the next chapter :)
and Andy comes back, in the sequel :o
I just gave it away :(
but yes there will be a sequel :)