Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


Jordan ran a hand through his dark brown hair, letting out a deep breath. He was confused. How could she be pregnant, he knew they had sex, he knew that is was probably stupid not to use protection but pregnant was one thing scout couldn't be.
"When did you find this out?" Jordan asked Andy who sat beside Jordan, his hand between his legs.
"when she got here, I asked her cause she suddenly didn't want Keegan and I to tackle her so I asked ad she said yes" Andy shrugged, "she told me not to tell you, she said she wanted to be the one who did but cats outta the bag now"
Jordan shook his head, his hands on either side gathering hair in the web of his fingers.
"I'm such a dumbass" Jordan shouted, "I could have prevented Scout from walking in on Josephine and I, I could have set up another time with Josephine and avoided the whole thing, I never even kissed her, she.!" he said.
Andy patted Jordan's back, "we have a week of tour, only three more shows to do, talk to her when it's all over"
Jordan nodded, exhaling. He didn't know how to be a dad, he was only 21, he had no idea what being a father was going to be like if he ever got the chance. Scout couldn't hate him forever.
But she could, she still hates her last boyfriend for cheating on her with a fan. Jordan though, never slept with Josephine, barely even kissed her, she just pounced like a lion on a gazelle, with force and the impression to kill.
Jordan knew he should be at the hospital right now with scout, he should be holding her hand, telling her everything will be okay, that they will get a place all on their own. It would have a yard, just like she joked about in the mall.
Jordan missed her already but he knew baby or not she wouldn't take him back, she obviously wanted nothing to do with him anymore. He wasn't alright with knowing she wouldn't ever want to talk to him again, it made his stomach tighten and everything around him seem Worse then it was. If scout wasn't in his life, he didn't know what to do. He needed her and he knew it, he had to have her with him but how would he ever get her to willingly see him. He just wanted to tell her he didn't cheat on her and he never would.
That's what he promised. Right before everything happened he told her he would never hurt her, he would never find anyone as beautiful or as special as her.
To know he told her that and to know he failed her made him want to scream. Scream at Josephine, at the world, at everything but what he wanted more than anything was to scream at himself for being so stupid. Of all things in the world to go wrong at this point he knew this must have been the worst by far.
He felt Andy get up and leave the bus, his head still hung as he starred at the floor.
He stood up and shook his head before heading out towards the venue.
The show didn't start for another 5 hours but he headed there anyways thinking maybe standing on the stage would clear his clouded mind.
Jordan stuck his hands in his pockets as he took a step onto the stage, people around him setting up for the concert that night.
Jordan took a deep breath holding it for a fee seconds before he let out fast.
He looked at the black empty space and did something he never Would have expected. Nobody would have ever expected.
He smiled.
He was going to be a dad, a young one but a dad non the less.
Though he was nervous as could be he was excited.
A baby, he and Scout were going to have a baby.
One with his blue eyes but scouts smile.
She would be the spitting image of scout and he would think so buy scout would think she looked like him.
He smiled, he may have lost scout but not for long. No way could he loose her forever not with a baby on the way. Jordan wouldn't let it happen.
He thought about everything and before he knew it he was called out to the stage.
This was Jordan's like, singing.
He loved it with all of his heart, he never knee where he would be without it.
Jordan jumped and sang interacting with his fans like he did every show. Try and get someone to sing into the mic but they would just laugh and shy away.
Jordan smiled at the crowed, his hands on the mic, moving the stand with him when he moved just a little.
"we have time for one more song" Jordan said as the crowed moaned out in displeasure, "I know it's sad. I love being with my home town fans"
The crowd screamed and cheered causing Jordan to laugh.
"if you guys have a video camera on, i want this to be on you tube by tonight, this next song I know you guys know and it's my girlfriends favorite song so I'm singing it not only for you guys but for her as well. It's called More Than Alive"
Jordan took the mic off the stand and jumped around as the music began to play, smiling at everyone as he opened his mouth and sang.
"You go for seconds and days
I live for moments to say
That I may never get a second chance
Don't throw it away
Living for dollars and dimes
They'll all diminish in time
Oh let that motion come and crash
Like a plane from the sky
It was a long ride down the east coast
In a city can't keep
Could you keep up on your feet
And I was struck down by the west coast
It was a quarter to three but it don't do sleep

Don't follow the freeway
Break the routine
Cuz everything is second to your dreams
If this is the green light
Take what you need
And break out of this hospital scene
I'm running through a stop sign
Countin up the quick lights
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
I'm running through a stop sign
Living so it feels right
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
Don't wanna slow it down

But I give impatience a try
Got a little enveloped in time
Cuz I watch you come and watch you go
And it don't seem right
Living for speed limit signs
Ignoring cross every line
Gotta let emotion take you over 20 miles at a time

Don't follow the freeway
Break the routine
Cuz Everything is second to your dreams
If this is the green light
Take what you need
And break out of this hospital scene
I'm running through a stop sign
Countin up the quick lights
I don't wanna slow slow slow slow down down
I'm running through a stop sign
Living so it feels right
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
Don't wanna slow it down

I'm running through stop sign
Got the world on my side
You know break light feeling more than alive
But it's so right see the shadow shadow tonight tonight
I'm running through stop sign
Got the world on my side
You know break light feeling more than alive
But it's so right see the shadow shadow tonight tonight
To see the shadow shadow tonight

Don't follow the freeway
Break the routine
Cuz Everything is second to your dreams
If this is the green light
Take what you need
And break out of this hospital scene
I'm running through a stop sign
Countin up the quick lights
I don't wanna slow slow slow slow down down
I'm running through a stop sign
Living so it feels right
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
Don't wanna slow it down
I'm running through a stop sign
Countin up the quick lights
I don't wanna slow slow slow slow down down
I'm running through a stop sign
Living so it feels right
I don't want to slow slow slow slow down down
Don't wanna slow it down slow it down slow it down

Jordan put the mic back on the stand and smiled, "thanks for coming out you guys. I'll be at the merch table in the lobby in about 10 minutes so I'll see you all there, goodnight" he called before walking off the stage. The crowed screaming as he did.
Jordan stopped smiling as soon as he was off the stage and grabbed a towel whipping away the sweat on his for head before he changed his sweaty shirt.
"Jordan you don't have to go out there if you don't want to" Travis said.
Jordan shook his head, "Jason can't do it all on his own" he said before walking to the merch table. Jordan put on a fake smile trying to make it as real as he could.
He didn't want to make his fans worry or question him. He wanted them to believe he was okay. To believe he was the happiest guy alive.
Jordan waved at the line of people waiting for him and keeping Jason busy.
"can I get a picture?" was the most question asked that night but one girl took Jordan by surprise, she could see right through his smile, through his façade, through him.
she walked up to Jordan with a smile but once Jordan smiled at her, it faded into a look of worry.
"I only met you but I can read people really well and even though your smile is working on everyone else I can tell there is something wrong" she said leaning on the merch table.
Jordan's smile began to fade for a split second, "nothing wrong" he said.
The girl snorted, "I'm sure there isn't. you know my moms a physc" she said and Jordan raised an eyebrow, "if you want to know about your girlfriend then I can let you know. I'll just have to see your hand"
Jordan was skeptical at first but he slowly nodded. Walking out of the booth, he motioned for the girl to follow him. He stood at the end of the booth the girl in front of him and she grabbed his hand, flipping it over and rubbed her finger against his palm.
Jordan didn't know what she was doing but he wasn't going to question it.
She closed her eyes, "Scout" she said, "your girlfriends name is Scout"
Jordan nodded though she couldn't it.
"your gonna be a dad" she smiled, "to a daughter but wait" she said quickly before dropping his hand and opening her eyes, "the baby, somethings gonna happen to it" she began, her face showing and expression of both shock and sadness, "Your gonna loose it"

Scout sat down on the blue plastic chairs in the waiting room of the hospital. Scout had her hand stomach as she bounced her knees up and down. She was nervous, more nervous then she had ever been before. She wanted to know what was gonna happen until she had the baby but then again she didn't exactly want to have one yet, she had her whole life to have kids but now, she wasn't so sure.
She hated the hospital but not as much as she did right now, last time she was here she had Jordan by her side. The one person she needed the most right now.
She missed Jordan. Something inside was telling her he didn't do it, that he didn't cheat on her, that he would never do that but another part of her was hating herself for ever trusting him. Forever thinking that he was someone she could be with and not have an issue not have a feeling that she would have to worry if he went on tour like she had to with Andy.
She tried shaking the thought of Jordan away but he kept coming back no matter how hard she tried.
She loved him and no one could take that away.

"Scarlett Smith" she heard someone call. She looked up and saw a nurse in blue scrubs holding a clip board.
Scout stood up and grabbed her jacket, "right this way" the nurse said.
Scout followed her down a few different hall ways before she opened the door and ushered scout inside.
"take a seat on the bed and the doctor should be with you in a few minutes" she smiled and scout returned it with a nod.
She tapped the heels of her feet against the metal frame holding up the hospital bed impatiently awaiting the doctor.
The door opened a few minutes later and a women, shorter then scout, with blond hair pulled up into a ponytail, walked in closing the door behind her.
"hi, you must be Scarlett. I'm Doctor Bernell" she smiled. "so your here for an ultra sound?" she questioned looking at her clipboard.
Scout nodded. "okay, so lay down and lift up your shirt a little"
Scout laid down on the uncomfortable green bed and lifted up her white v-neck to expose her stomach.
The doctor put on a pair of gloves and grabbed a bottle.
"this is going to be cold at first" she said an poured some clear gel onto scouts stomach. She turned on the TV and put a microscope onto scouts belly, rubbing in the gel.
The doctor moved the microscope around looking for the baby. After about 10 seconds scout began to worry that there was no baby but she was excited too.
"there it is" the doctor said cause Scout to shoot her head towards the screen.
Scout could barely make out the image but in the bottom of her stomach was a dark mass, the doctor said she was about the size of my pinky in height. Scout couldn't help but smile at it though she felt scared.
"it looks like your about-"
"three weeks" scout said before the doctor could.
The doctor smiled, "yea" she said.
The doctor talked to scout about what the baby would look like in a few more months and everything scout really needed to know before she gave scout a hand full of paper towels to rub the gel off.
Scout sat up and looked at the doctor who took off her gloves and tossed them into the waste basket in the corner.
scout ran her hand through her brown hair an let out a sigh. The doctor looked up and raised an eyebrow at scout.
"is there something wrong?" the doctor asked.
Scout out her hands together. "I just have a question" she began, "about abortion"
The doctor took a seat in the rolling stool across from the bed, "what would you like to know"
"how many weeks do you have to be before an abortion isn't an option?"
"it's about 10 weeks but there are other ways to terminate a pregnancy such as taking a hot bath, drinking alcohol, Jogging, Many different things and these are the things we don't want you doing if you do plan on continuing with the pregnancy"
Scout nodded and the doctor before looking down at her hands.
The doctor began to walk out of the room when scout stopped her.
"I want an abortion" Scout said quickly, not looking up.
The doctor stopped and looked back at scout.
"you sure?" she asked and Scout nodded, "okay."
♠ ♠ ♠
Final Chapter :(
its sad but i'm not leaving ya'll hanging here, i'm to nice.
i'm already working on the Sequel to this that will be called Drain Notes
thank you to everyone who subscibed and commented on this story, i probably wouldn't have continued it if it wasn't for you guys and all the support and wonderful comments i got from you all.
i feel like i just won a mutha fuckin Oscar or something :)
anyways, thanks again you guys you mean the world to me.
i'll see you guys next story and until then.
keep smiling like donutes -------------> :o
