Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


The next morning Scout awoke to her cousin shaking her violently. Scout kicked at her cousin but missed as she rubbed her eyes and sat up. Scout wasn't a fan of being awaken at early hours and was normally found to be in a grumpy mood during the day. She pushed her messy hair out of her face and looked up at her cousin, her eyes still heavy.

"What? What in the world made you wake me up this early," Scout sighed.

"It's not that early, it's 11. What the hell happened to you last night? You just disappeared! How did you even get home?" her cousin asked, her hands on her thin waist.

"I got a taxi, okay. I know I should have called or something and I'm sorry" scout rolled her eyes.

Scout pushed her self up more letting the blankets fall or her body.

"Who's is that?" her cousin asked.

"Who's is what?" she questioned.

"That sweatshirt. I know that's not yours. Who's is it"

Scout looked down at the sweatshirt she didn't take off. She smiled. "It's Jordan's"

"Who's Jordan?" her cousin questioned sitting down on scouts bed.

"A guy I met, last night," Scout pushed the covers of herself and stood up, shuffling towards the door.

"What!? Tell me everything!" her cousin said running after her.
Scout crossed her legs on their couch eating a bowl of cereal. Tiana sat next to her impatiently awaiting to hear the events of the previous night.

"Okay." Scout said setting the now empty bowl down. "When I was sitting outside this guy came up next to me and sat down. He and I talked and I got cold so he gave me his sweatshirt. That's all" she shrugged.

"Are you going to see him again?" her cousin asked.

"I don't know. I don't even have his phone number. Speaking of which, have you seen my phone?"

Her cousin shrugged and dropped her hands into her lap.

"That's weird, I don't remember bringing it home with me. Ashton's supposed to call me later about her new songs.... Shit Ashton!" Scout shouted and ran to find her cousins phone. She found it about 5 minutes later and quickly dialed her own phone. It rang 4 times before a voice answered.

"Hello?" Jordan asked not sure of what to say.

"Thank god you found my phone!" Scout smiled excitedly not knowing who was on the other line.

"No problem. I figured you would be calling for it eventually" Jordan assured.

"Is there anyway I can get it today?" scout asked hopeful.

"Yea, you can come pick it up right now," he said. He gave her an address and she thanked him before hanging up.

She quickly brushed through her naturally straight hair and slipped on her shoes. She got into her car and drove off towards the address. She knew she was speeding but her phone was her life. It had everyone and everything in it. All her musicians, other producers, meetings, dates, signing, gigs, everything.

She pulled up into the parking lot of the apartments and walked up to the buzzer. She read over the paper in her hand and scanned for the last name.

"Magnies, Georges, Kimble's" she read quietly, "Witzigreuter" she smiled before pressing the buzzer. After a few seconds someone answered.

"Yea?" Jordan asked.

"Hi this is Scarlett, I'm Here to pick up my phone" scout answered.

"Oh yea, come on up" Jordan Buzzed scout in and she skipped the elevator going straight for the stairs. She ran up the 6 flights before reaching the apartment. She caught her breath before she knocked three times on the white door. She heard some noise and a few shouts coming from behind the door before a guy appeared in the doorway.

"Hellooooo" the boy smiled, leaning against the doorway.

"Hi I'm here to get my phone" scout said trying to look past him.

"Witzigreuter! Someones here looking for their phone" the boy shouted over his shoulder. "I'm Keegan" he said holding out his hand.
"Scout" she said quickly shaking his hand before he was pushed out of the way.
"Jordan?" Scout smiled when she saw the familiar face in front of her. "You’re the one who stole my phone?" she joked.

"I didn't steal it. You left it" he smiled handing over her iPhone.

"Thank you" she said a million times.

"Don't mention it" he smiled, "I see you still have my sweatshirt" he pointed out.

Her face grew red as she looked down at herself. "Yea, you can have it back if you want it," she said as she began to unzip it.

"No it's okay, it's cold out side. And the way your dressed your gonna need it" Jordan and scout laughed.

"Well thanks again for my phone" scout said as she began to walk down the hall.

"Wait!" Jordan said quickly. "Will I get to see you again?"

Scout walked up to him and asked for a pen, possible permanent.

Jordan disappeared into his apartment only to return with a black sharpie. Scout took it and wrote on his arm her cell number. She gave him back the sharpie and gave him a smile.

"Bye Jordan Witzigreuter" she waved and walked back down the stairs. Jordan couldn't help but smile. He closed the door to his apartment and quickly snatched his phone putting her number in. Jordan's friends found him overly excited when he entered the living room.

"What's got you all chipper?" Andy asked.

"Nothing. I'm not chipper," Jordan said offensively.

"He met a girl," Keegan sang. "She was just at the door. She's hot and from what I got, she's into Jordan here."

"What kind of girl is dumb enough, or blind enough to crush on our Jordan?" Jason asked.

"Apparently her" Travis smiled.

"You guys shut up!" Jordan said rolling his eyes. "I only met her last night. I don't like her and she sure as hell doesn't like me"

"We will see about that, when we leave your gonna call her or text her or something" Travis said.

"Am not!" Jordan protested. He wanted to text her right now, make sure she didn't give him a false number. The boys got up and headed out towards the door later in the day. Andy turned around and patted Jordan on the shoulder.

"Don't stalk the poor girl either, okay?" he smiled. Jordan rolled his eyes and pushed Andy out the door locking it behind them. He rubbed his face as he grabbed his phone and sat down on the couch. He muted his TV and scrolled through his contacts, pausing on Scout's name. He starred at the contact for a while before setting his phone on the table.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohh chapter 1 and 2 in one night, on a roll, even it chapter three all done for 1 comment :)
it's not as long as the first one butttt ya knoww. no? Okay.
I'm writing this whole thing on my iPod so sorry.
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