Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


When Thursday morning came scout was nervous. She hadn't really slept the night before only managing to get three or so hours in but she wasn't tired when she woke up. She was so full of excitement that it kept her going without passing out. She couldn't understand why she was so nervous or excited she just was, she liked Jordan and all but she wasn't falling for him. The two had just barely met four days ago but she found herself thinking about him more often than usual. She figured she was just excited, this being her first real date in almost a year. She thought she might have forgotten what one would do on a date.
Does she let him hold her hand, or does she keep them hidden in her pocket.
Does she kiss him at the end, or just turn and walk away.
These non-blind dates seemed foreign to her and she thought they might as well be.
She contemplated on what to wear for a bit before she took a shower and got herself ready.
Her cousin was still in bed for Scout could hear the snoring coming from her room down the hall.
Scout grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and scribbled down a note for her cousin, so she wouldn't worry. As scout slid on her sneakers she heard a faint knock on the door. She quickly glanced at herself in a mirror, smiling at herself in pure pleasure at the fact she didn't look half bad. she made her way to the door and wrapped her fingers around the gold knob. She yanked open the door to reveal a smiling face. 
Scout smiled at instinct before opening her mouth to speak, "hey" she said.
"hey, you ready?" he asked and scout nodded. She held up a finger before slipping g her coat on and grabbing her house keys. 
She shut the door before her and Jordan hurried down the steps of her front porch. The walked side by side to his car before getting in. The warmth hit scouts face and she moaned in pleasure as the hot air hit her face. It was rather cold outside and from Tuesday to now, Indiana had received three feet of snow and more was to come. On new years eve they were to get another 11 inches poured down on them starting at midnight.    
Jordan pulled out of scouts driveway before he began to strike up a conversation. 
"so how ya' been?" he asked not quite sure of what to say.
"good, been really busy down at the studio, you?" she looked at him with a smile awaiting his answer.
"good, the guys have been bugging me the last few days" he laughed.
"about what?"
Jordan thought before he answered, "you" he said nervously.
Scout replied with an "oh" before turning on to a less nerve wrecking topic, "so, Mr. Witzigreuter" Jordan looked at scout for a moment, "what is on today agenda?" 
A smile spread across Jordan's face as he drove down the road, "that's for me to know, and you to find out" he smirked.
"that was an ass move" Scout joked making Jordan chuckle.
"in all honesty though, I had nothing planned, I figured we shall go wherever you want to" he shrugged.
"where ever I want to?" scout asked raising an eyebrow questionably.
Jordan bit the side of his lip and nodded once.
"I wanna go to the mall" Scout said with a smile.
"the mall? Of all things in Indiana the mall?" Jordan laughed.
Scout nodded.
Jordan let a smile sneak upon his face and looked at scout with a shrug, "to the mall it is then"

Jordan and scout walked along the mall going into every store they found.
In the jewelry store Jordan purposed to scout jokingly, and scout replied in a very old southern voice, "I thought I'd be spending my days alone, oh yes. Mr. witzigreuter sir, a thousand times yes"
Jordan laughed at how dramatic Scout had made the ordeal and so had the clerk.
Scout went to the bathroom as Jordan looked around the jewelery store, looking at all the necklaces and bracelets.
"can I help you sir?" the clerk said. 
"yes, I want to by that necklace" Jordan said pointing to the necklace in the glass case.
The clerk nodded and got it for Jordan, he placed the necklace inside a velvet box before Jordan paid and stuck it in his sweatshirt. 
When scout came back she lightly tapped Jordan on the shoulder, he turned around a smiled. 
"hello wifey" he said jokingly.
"I found the coolest store. You have to come here" she grabbed at his hand and yanked him towards the store.
Jordan looked at their hands and smiled at the warmth it gave him.
She pulled Jordan into an old second hand shop that had ball gowns and old suit's for men.
Jordan shook his head with a chuckle, "did you really bring me here?" he asked.
"why, yes. Yes I did. here!" scout said pulling out of the old suit's that looked like an old 18 century war outfit. "put these on" she handed it to him before shoving him into a changing room. Jordan huffed but got undressed.
Scout looked around the store before she found a yellow dress that she liked. She grabbed the dress and the matching umbrella and she too got changed. The hardest part of putting this dress on was the metal skirt, she couldn't seem to get it to fit just right.
She tried her best to tie the back up before there was a knock on the wall.
"ready?" Jordan asked.
"yep" scout replied. She grabbed her umbrella and took a step out.
Jordan was all decked out with his sword and outfit and scout in her Louisiana style dress.
They looked at themselves in the mirror.
"look at my ass, this dress hides my ass" scout said.
Jordan just laughed at himself.
"oh Mr' Witzigreuter, were gonna be married! I shall wear my best gown. We should get married on the bridge down by the bayou." scout said putting that fake accent again, " we will have kids, three of them. Two boys and a girl. And we can watch them play out in the yard, while we sit by the porch drinking our afternoon tea, and oh the neighbors, oh how try will be jealous I married a war man, a real north war boy, an old southern gal like me, oh Mr' Witzigreuter. Let's go, right now, to the chapel out I can't wait any longer!" 
Jordan laughed at scout, "I don't see why you weren't an actress"
"little ol' me would never make it out there. They would eat me up, a southern lady can't survive anywhere else other than the south. But now I have big strong, war man to protect me" she said still in character. She opened up her umbrella and her fan, twirling the umbrella over her shoulder as she fanned herself. "OK I'm dying in the dress, let's change" 
Jordan agreed and they got back into their normal clothing. Jordan and scout exited the store and looked at the time.
"it's all ready one! Oh my god, I didn't realize how hungry I was" scout said and as if on cue her stomach growled.
Jordan agreed and they went the food court and got something to eat.
They sat down and dug in only stopping to take a sip of their drinks.
"New Years eve is in two days" Jordan said suddenly.
"I know, can you believe it? Twenty-ten is almost over, so much has happened this year"
"like jersey shore" Jordan said.
Scout burst into laughter at Jordan's sudden remark.
"right you are" she laughed.
"do you have anything planned for New Years eve?" Jordan asked hopeful.
"no, my cousins going to a party at her friends house, why?"
Jordan rubbed the back of his neck and took a deep breath, "I was hoping, well wondering if maybe you wanted to come to my buddy Andy's house for the night, maybe, possibly, I don't Know" 
Scout laughed at house nervous Jordan was acting, It didn't bother her, she actually found it kinda cute, "sure" she smiled.
"really?" Jordan asked a bit surprised.
"yea, really"
"are you sure about that you don't have to come I mean-"
Scout cut Jordan off, "if your trying to talk me out of it, it's not gonna work. We are going to your friend's house, what time does his thing start?"
"then at 7 you shall pick me up at my house" 
Jordan smiled, "alright" 
When they finished eating Jordan brought scout back to her house. They sat in her driveway completely silent for a few moments, unsure of what to say.
"thank you," scout said, "that was fun"
"yea" Jordan smiled.  
Scout smiled and looked at Jordan for a moment before looking down at her hands.
"I'll see you Saturday then" scout said before unbuckling.
"yea, Saturday"
Scout pecked Jordan on the cheek quickly causing Jordan to blush once again. "call me" she said and got out of his car and walked to her front door. Jordan waited until she was in her house before he backed out and headed for his apartment. Scout opened the door to her place and yelled her cousins name. No answer, she noticed her cousins car in the driveway and her keys and cell phone on the counter in the kitchen. Scout heard a noise coming from the living room and saw a thin leg poking out from the floor in front of the couch. 
"Tiana?" scout questioned.
Her cousin whispered something, that scout couldn't quite make out.
She took off her coat and walked to where her cousin was. 
"tiana what are you doing on the floor?" scout said before she saw her cousin. She gasped before screaming her cousins name. 
Blood pooled down her cousins stomach as she held her stomach in pain. A bloody knife laid next to her. Scout grabbed her cousins bloody hand.
"Tiana!" scout cried, "Tiana, can you here me?" scout screamed. Tiana gasped for air, she wasn't blinking, her eyes wide and looking Scout right in the eye. Scout pulled out her phone and dialed 911. Her hands shaking and bloody.
"911 what's your emergency" a lady asked on the other line.
Tears rolled down scouts cheek as she tried to speak. Her voice shaky, "my cousin's been stabbed. I need help now!" she cried.
"what is your location?" scout quickly gave the lady her address between sobs. "someone will be there shortly, stay on the line until someone is there"
"thank you" scout said, she looked at her cousin, tears rolling down both their cheeks, "it's gonna be okay, I promise" scout whispered as she pushed away the hair covering tiana's eye, smearing blood onto her four head, scout heard the sirens drawing closer and closer to her house. 
Before she knew it, there were people in her house lifting her cousin into the ambulance, scout right behind them.
Scout held her cousins hand as they drove to the hospital, the medic's trying to stop the bleeding as best they could.
Tiana smiled at her cousin before she closed her eyes, slipping in to unconsciousness.  
♠ ♠ ♠
Surprise XD
new chapter! I'm sick today so I stayed home and I've had time to type so I am :)
sudden twist, yeah?
I should probably inform my cousin she was stabbed in this story..... Nah, I won't.
New chapter maybe tonight since I have time and all but for 1 comment. Just one. Pleaseeee, at least it's not 25 cause then there would never be an update, :P
l o v e & r o c k e t s,