Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


Scout sat in one of the blue chairs in side the hospital waiting room. Her hands were stained with dry blood she never washed off, she didn't care it was there, she was worried about Tiana. Her legs bounced up and down at she stared at the white depressing floor. It was quiet in the room, and she hated how quiet it was, she hated how every time she heard doors opening she cringed hoping it's nit a doctor coming to teller her her cousin was dead and there was nothing they could do. She heard the doors to the hospital slide open and she looked up, she stood up quickly and ran into Jordan wrapping her arms around his torso. She broke down immediately as he pulled her head into his chest holding there and letting her sob, her fresh tears staining the front of his shirt. Jordan whispered into her ear tellin ember it was OK and not to worry that Tiana was gonna be alright.
 As soon as Jordan got the text from scout he drove straight here to comfort her. He sill always remember the words in the text, how even though it was short he could read the horror in them. he knew she needed him and he knew he had to be there to make sure she was OK.
Scout pulled away from Jordan, her cheeks wet. Jordan took his thumb and wiped away the tears and mascara giving her a reassuring smile.
"she's gonna be fine" Jordan said before kissing her four head. He made her sit down in the chair again and he took a seat next to her.
"I don't know, she was bleeding so bad. The worst part is I could have been there and this never would have happened, if we were some where closer to my house we could have stopped whatever happened. Just by a few seconds, minutes maybe"      
"it's not your fault, don't look at it that way, non of this is your fault. Things happen all the time that we can't stop" Jordan assured her. 
"I can't loose her, not after my parents, I just, I can't do it Jordan, I can't" she cried, Jordan wrapped an arm around her and she leaned into his chest, new tears forming. 
"your not gonna loose her, I promise you that" Jordan said before kissing her four head once again.
Scout heard doors open and bother her and Jordan looked up.
A doctor in blue scrubs walked out and looked at scout. Scout sat up,  getting out of Jordan's grip. Jordan dropped his hands into his lap as the doctor walked up to them a clip bored in his hands.
"Ms. Smith?" the doctor questioned.
"yes" scout said quickly.
the doctor took a deep breath and sat down on the table across from scout and Jordan.
"your cousin is fine" he said, and scout let out a sigh of relief.
"she lost a significant amount of blood and It will take a few days for her body to....... Regained the amount of blood lost. She has a rare  problem found in 1 out of 100 people. It's cause by a lack of something in her body, we can't determine what it is in her body yet but after a few test we can find that out, we want to be in the safe side right now and wait till her blood levels are higher before we draw any blood. Her condition causes her not to heal as fast as most people. She can go home Saturday morning and Tuesday we want her back here for a checkup see how everything is doing. We don't want her walking for a few days, Monday morning would be a good day to start walking, a few steps no long walks, or stairs, or anything. We suggest she doesn't bend over only cause of the pain. She just woke up if you want to go see her"
Scout nodded with a smile, tears of joy rolling down her cheeks.
She grabbed Jordan's hand as they followed the doctor down the hall to Tiana's room. The doctor opened the door letting scout and Jordan walk in.
Scout stood next to Jordan watching as Tiana glued her eyes to the TV.
Tiana looked at scout and smiled "Hey cuz" she said.
"hey, how ya feelin'?" scout asked, barely above a whisper.
"it hurts like a biz-nitch" scout laughed, "who are you?" Tiana asked looking at Jordan.
"Jordan" scout said.
"Ah, Josh" Tiana joked. Scout rolled her eyes before pulling a chair up next to the bed.
A nurse walked in with a plate of food, she out it on the tray  she pulled up over Tiana. Tiana sat up, wincing at first but shaking it off. The nurse walked out if the room and Tiana gave the food one look. She made a disgusted face and looked at scout.
"got any ramen noodles on ya'?" tiana asked cause scout to laugh. "I can't believe they serve this stuff, it looks like....." Tiana stabbed at the meat stuffing on her plate and picked it up with a fork, "road kill, should it all get picked up like this or no?"
"no" Jordan smiled.
She dropped it back down on her plate and wiped her hands, "yea I didn't think so, so any ways. I want ramen noodles!" she said, in all seriousness.
"you silk get some when we get home" scout said.
"WHAT!? That's not until Saturday. Are you fucking high!? I can't live off this garbage until Saturday!" Tiana yelled.
"well your gonna have to" scout smiled. Tiana crossed her arms forcefully causing her to wince out in pain. "whoa, take it easy, T"
"I keep forgetting about that" Tiana said.
"you need to be more careful, don't hurt yourself"
"ah, to late" Tiana shrugged, "wow I have to pee"
"well want me to go get a nurse?" Jordan asked.
"nah it's cool. I think they shoved a tube up my.."
"Tiana! We don't want to hear that" scout snapped.
"well I don't know what musician boy is into" she said with a smirk, pushing herself up more.
"neither do I, but I don't think he wants to know where they shoved a tube!" scout whisper-yelled.
"you never know" Tiana smirked.
"I'm pretty sure I don't want to know" Jordan stepped in.
"alright" Tiana said. "can someone please get me some better food, like a pudding or a milkshake, maybe some food that doesn't look like it was once alive?"
"I'll get some, there's a McDonald's like half a minute down the road" Jordan said.
"you sure?" I asked him.
"yea, Chocolate?" he asked.
Tiana nodded.
"be right back" he said.
"alright" scout said before Jordan bent down and kissed her four head. When the door was closed scout looked at Tiana, tiana's eyes on her a devious grin on her face. "what?"
"YOU GUYS LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!"  she gushed loudly.
"shh, Tiana. The doctors are gonna think something is wrong with you!" scout said.
"ah let em' my doctors friggen sexy, like scrumptiously sexy"
Scout rolled her eyes, "your such a dork"
"I know. I'm just proud of you. You finally found someone with out my help" 
"I think you had some part in it" scout smiled.
"how?" Tiana questioned.
"if I didn't agree to go on the blind date the other day I never would have met him"
"well then your welcome"
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, you gonna be okay?" scout asked.
"your such a bitch,  you can pee like a regular human and I got a pee through a tube they shove in my..."
"Tiana! Stop with the tube!" scout yelled as she walked out the room. She quickly went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, wiping away at her smudged eye liner. When she returned to the room Jordan was sitting on a couch with a bag of food.
Tiana was sipping from her large chocolate shake container.
When she noticed scout she stopped sipping her milkshake.
"I friggen love this kid." she said a mouth full of shake, "your okay in my book kid" she said to Jordan who smiled.
"got you something too." he smiled.
Scout thanked him and took a seat next to him on the couch.
Tiana had her food spread out along her tray, all her previous food in the garbage.
As they ate and talked, Jordan said something nobody was expecting.
"there were two cops outside talking to your doctor, they were talking about you"
as if planned there was a knock on the side of the door frame. Everyone looked up at the two police officers in the door way.
"Ms. Lauziere?" he asked. Tiana replied with a yes. " I'm officer Black and this is Officer Lopez, we wanted to ask you about what happened today at your place"
Tiana gulped loudly but nodded.
They pulled up chairs and pulled out a recorder, setting it on her tray.
"now Ms. Lauziere start off by telling us what you remember"
Tiana looked afraid as she opened her mouth and began to tell her story.                    
♠ ♠ ♠
As I promised, chapter 6, it's just a short one, couldn't leave you guys hanging, and thinking she died, I couldn't kill my cousin out of a story.
I want to thank
and NotTonightJosephine
for commenting :)
means so much to me..