Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


Scout finished putting on her shirt before she opened up her door.
"yea?" she asked Jordan.
Jordan quickly stuck his hands into his pockets.
"oh um, I wanted to just uh say that, I uh, I wanted to thank you for letting me take a shower. At your place. Here" he said. 
Scout laughed, "your welcome?" she asked.
Jordan nodded before he spun on his heels and picked up his bag. He power walked down the stairs, hitting himself in the head.
"god Jordan your stupid" he said to himself as he sat down at the table.
Ten minutes later scout walked down stairs in a completely new outfit.
Her make up and hair was done and Jordan thought she looked beautiful.
"hey" she smiled pulling out the plate of pancakes and a fork.
Jordan nodded with a smile as she sat down and poured syrup onto her plate of food. "I'm gonna eat, brush my teeth and then we can go" she said quickly. Once again Jordan nodded.
He felt so stupid for what he said earlier, he didn't know what he was doing, it was a spur of the moment type ordeal. Scout ate quickly before brushing her teeth and heading out the door with Jordan.
They got in their separate cars and drove towards the hospital. 
Scout walked up to Jordan who was already half way across the parking lot, she pushed her body next to him and grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers with his. Jordan smiled down at her and she returned the smile with a blush of the cheeks.
They turned the corner towards Tiana's room but when they got there she was no where to be found.
There was no bed, not nothing.
Scout began to panic, she couldn't help but get the feeling that her cousin was dead, she didn't want to think it but she couldn't help herself.
A nurse walked by her and scout grabbed her arm politely.
"excuse me but where is Tiana Lauziere?" scout asked nervously.
"she's in the OR, poor thing started bleeding from right through her stitches. she had a sis in her abdomen that ruptured. She should be out in about 30 minutes." 
Scout thanked her before looking at Jordan.
Jordan pushed her bangs out of her eye. "she's okay. She's a tough girl. She'll make it" Jordan assured.
"I hope so" scout said before they walked into the now vacant room.
30 minutes passed by, than an hour, than two and slowly scout felt her eyes grow heavier. She pushed herself into Jordan as they sat on the couch, bringing her legs up. Jordan wrapped his arm around her torso pulling her into him. He bit his lip awaiting her cousin. Scout's breathing softened after a while and Jordan too began to feel tired,. He fell asleep not to long after.

When Jordan awoke, he noticed a bed back in the room and Tiana sitting up watching TV. she had IV attached to her and tubes up her nose, the beeping from the heart monitor going at a steady pace. Tiana noticed Jordan was awake and smiled.
"hey lover boy" she said, her voice hoarse.
Jordan rubbed at his eye's "hey yourself" he said mid-stretch.
"how long have you guys been here?" she asked.
Jordan glanced at the clock on the wall and thought.
"four hours or so" he went to sit up but remembered scout was still pressed against him.
Jordan pulled her closer and looked at her.
"you can't hide it" Tiana said.
Jordan looked at her confused, "what do you mean?"
Tiana rolled her eyes, "oh don't play dumb with me, I know you like her, everyone knows you like her. The nurses know you like her"
Jordan blushed, "it's not that obvious, is it?"
Tiana laughed but winced a little, "it's as obvious as Ricky Martin being gay"
Jordan smiled as he looked down at Scout's sleeping body.
"I guess i do,"
"you guess" Tiana rolled her eyes, "such a dork"
Jordan breathed a small laugh, his eyes still on scout.
"I know about the tour" Tiana said quickly, her voice just above a whisper. Jordan looked at her quickly, "Glamour kills tour, I know they moved the date, and I know your headlining it too"
"how? The date was just moved yesterday"
Tiana picked up her laptop and opened it up. She cleared her throat and winced.
"traviibear posted- tour dates been moved to January 18the, still can't believe were headlining. So excited. See you guys soon" she closed the laptop and looked at Jordan. "I follow your band on twitter"
"don't tell her, please." Jordan pleaded.
"i won't, but your gonna have to at some point. Your probably the first guy she has actually taken interest in, in a while"
"i really don't want to have to go on this tour but it's good for me, to spread my music around"
"it's your tour, just break my cousins heart and I'll put a knife in your stomach"
Jordan chuckled, "promise"
"what about a tour and a knife?" scout said as she stirred awake.
Tiana and Jordan exchanged a look, "nothing, just talking about how excited I am for the All Time Low tour, and that it's gonna be a night to remember, not a knife" Tiana said.
Scout nodded believing every word that left tiana's dry mouth.
Scout sat up and looked at Jordan, his blue eyes full of sleep.
She gave him a half hearted smile and placed her hand gently on his leg. 
"you should go home, you look like you need some sleep, in your own bed"
"no, I want to stay here with you" he protested.
She blink keeping her eyes closed for a few seconds, "Jordan, go home. We'll be fine, you have a life, so go and um, live it"
"You sure?" he asked.
"yes, I'm 100% sure, go home" scout smiled.
Jordan stood up, "call me if you need anything" he whispered before placing his hand on the back of her head and kissing her for head.
"bye Jordan!" Tiana said.
"bye, quit bleeding" he said.
"can't promise anything" Tiana smiled and Jordan shook his head.
Scout watched as he stopped at the doorway and looked back at scout. He smiled before he walked out into the busy hallway.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Hampshire got HAMMERED with snow last night, so I have a snow day today so updates :)
there might be one later I don't know yet. I might be having to much fun with my little 4 month old niece, Alexis. She is so friggen cute.
Also- if you haven't heard this song yet look it up, Stephen Jerzak- She Said (the killbits Dubstep)
it's friggen awesome.
Thank you to all who have subscribed and commented I love you guys so much :)