Sequel: Drain Notes

Break out of This Hospital Scene


Tiana looked at Scout then the TV then back at Scout.
"will you quite doing that, your gonna give your self whiplash"
"that's okay, I'm fine, whiplash is better than being stabbed"
Tiana gave a shrug as scout roller her Hazel eyes.
"what is that smell" scout asked making a face.
"that would be me" Tiana said raising her hand slightly.
"god don't they give you bath or something?" scout asked.
"yea, but I refuse. They are not seeing my cuca"
Scout laughed, "you do know all they do it wash you off with a wet sponge"
"oh, well tomorrow your giving me a shower then" Tiana said sitting up.
"I ain't given you shit" scout smiled.
Tiana shrugged, "I guess I figured that much"
Scout laughed and looked at The clock. It was almost 12 at night and scout had wondered how log they have been here.
"get some sleep okay, you will be out of the hospital tomorrow morning"
"yea and I can finally get some freaking Ramen Noodles!"
Scout laughed as her cousin closer her eyes and fell asleep.
Scout figure she would just stay up until Tiana was admitted out of the hospital. It would be a while but scout slept so much since yesterday she figured she didn't want to over sleep.
After about about 5 on tiana's laptop scout decided to take a walk through the hospital. She walked at a slow pace through the whole hospital which took about  45 minutes to complete, without much on her mind. She could have thought of anything but instead she thought of Jordan. She couldn't help but think of his smile. His eyes and how blue they were, they reminded her of a blue crystal, she loved how his hair, no matter how wild it was, looked like he spent hours on it.
She got so lost in thought she hadn't noticed she walked the hospital three times. She finally made her way to her cousin's room who was still sleeping peacefully.
Scout sighed and looked at her phone, checking the time. 
She sighed and took a seat on the light blue uncomfortable couch.
A doctor walked into the room and looked at scout.
"how long has she been asleep?" he asked.
"7 or so hours" scout said thinking about it.
He walked  out of the room only to return 5 hours later.
Tiana had awoken and was rather impatient. All she wanted to do was leave and be in the comfort of her own home.
"good morning" the doctor said, flashing a  warming smile.
Tiana nodded before speaking, "when can I go home?" she asked.
"soon but first I just need to ask you a few questions" he flipped a page in his chair and read over the questions. "does anything hurt?"
"no" Tiana said quickly.
"do you have stomach cramps?"
"I just got stabbed, yes I'm gonna have a few pains!" Tiana said in a smart ass tone.
"any bleeding"
"no" Tiana said sarcastically.
"do you have any....l
"no, no. no. no. no. no! Nothing hurts, nothing bleeding, just let me sign some shit and get me out of this hospital. It's so depressing!"
"alright, Ms. Smith if I could have you sign this that would be great." the doctor handed scout his clip bored and a red pen and scout quickly signed the paper and handed it back.
A nurse came in the room and helped Tiana get her clothes on before putting her into a wheel chair.
"a wheel chair really? I'm not a fucking paraplegic!" Tiana shouted.
"oh quit it, you'll be out of it soon"
Tiana crossed her arms as they put her into scout car. The drove home, the radio turned up playing Tiana's favorite album.
"what are you doing tonight, for new years I mean" Tiana asked scout.
Scout had forgotten about going to Jordan house, but she wasn't going to let her cousin stay home alone.
"I'm hanging out with you" scout smiled.
"aw yeaaa, Party, woot woot!" Tiana shouted.
"even stabbed you still never seem to change" scout said pulling into their driveway.
"hell nah, you will never be able to change me" Tiana smiled.
Scout let out a laugh before helping Tiana into a wheel chair and into their house. Getting get up the porch stairs was the hardest part of it all but they managed.
Scout pushed her cousin into the house helping her up to the couch before she pulled out her phone to text Jordan.

When Jordan woke up it was almost 3 in the afternoon. 
His first instinct was to look at his phone to see if Scout had Texted or even called.
Jordan smiled when it said he had one new text message.
He opened the message and read it.
"hey, I can't make it tonight, it doesn't feel right leaving Tiana alone. I'm sorry"
Jordan sighed. He saw this coming he figured that she would cancel. He was disappointed but he also understood, her cousin had just been attacked and leaving her home alone, especially on new years eve, would be a bad idea. Jordan sighed and threw himself out of bed making his way to his closet. He changed slowly, no body was waiting for him and he had no where to go now.
He heard a crash in his kitchen and rolled his eyes. He walked out of his room now fully dressed and found Keegan with a broom trying to pick up the shattered glass that lay on his white kitchen floor.
"what are you doing?" Jordan asked as he stood in the doorway, his hands in his pockets.
Keegan stood up frightened by Jordan sudden appearance.
"sorry man, I dropped a cup"
Jordan shrugged, not really caring, "okay, Just pick it up"
He said before he entered into his living room.
He figured watching some TV would take his mind off of things.
As he flipped through channels he felt Keegan sit down next to him.
"where have you been the last two days?" he asked.
"the hospital" he said not taking his eyes off the screen.
Keegan gave Jordan a questionable look, "why?" he asked holding out the y.
"Scout cousin was stabbed and Scout was worried so I went to comfort her" Jordan said, still not looking at Keegan. He knew that as soon as his eyes connected with Keegans he would know what Jordan was feeling fir scout was more than just friendship. Keegan could read Jordan very well, he knew when Jordan was lying or upset no matter how hard he  tried to hide it.
Keegan didn't say anymore, he didn't have too, he knew Jordan didn't want to talk about it so he left well alone.
They watched the TV in silence before it was time to leave for the party.
"you ready?" Keegan asked Jordan as he stood up.
Jordan sighed "yea" he said. He shut off the TV before heading to his car with Keegan right behind him.
though Jordan didn't want to go he knew he had to, if he didn't his friends would think there was something wrong  with him, they reside to guessing and their first thought would be he's depressed and not leave him alone, ever.
Jordan kept quiet the whole ride there as did Keegan for once in their lives they has nothing really to say to each other.
They made their way into the apartment that seemed to already be a mess.
Jordan watched as his friends drank, Jordan wasn't big into drinking he never really did it and tonight he felt like was one of those nights he shouldn't.
Keegan walked over a few hours later with a cup of champagne.
"Here take this, the ball is gonna drop soon" Jordan looked at keegans out stretched hand.
"how soon?" Jordan questioned.
"10 minutes" Keegan smiled.
Jordan got an idea. He pushed keegans hand back into keegans chest.
"I'll see you guys later. There is something I have to do" Jordan smiled and ran out the door jumping in his car.
He slammed the door and something shiny fell down off the dash. Jordan picked it up and turned the necklace around in his hands. His smile only growing wider as he turned the car on and drove down the empty street.

Scout sat down next to her cousin who had her feet on the coffee table in front of her.
"what's this?" Tiana asked Scout.
"Ramen noodles" scout smiled handing Tiana the plate of food.
"oh my god what would I do without you" scout shrugged taking a seat next to her. In the hours she had been home she moved around the couch and TV so Tiana could see the door so she wouldn't be startled by anyone.
Scout watched the TV, the old man talking into the microphone.
Scout was startled by the sound of someone knocking on the door.
"who in the hell?" she asked as she sat up and walked towards the door. Scout had her hand on the door knob as she looked back at Tiana who leaned over to see everything.
Scout opened the door at the boy in front of her.
Surprised she asked "Jordan?" 
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys :]
notice anything different?
Ah yes, I now have a banner, and I want to thank NotTonightJosephine for the amazing banner.
I'm not 100% about this chapter but I figure I needed to update. More updates Sunday night, guarantee it, maybe earlier, nit sure.
Check out my Alex Gaskarth Story I just posted.
l o v e & r o c k e t s
-meeeee :)