Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

Just The Thought Of You Can Drive Me Wild

Chapter Ten

Third Person P.O.V

“How could you have let this happen?!” Guilianna woke up and heard Emmett screaming.

Mykah was stuttering because Emmett can be very scary when he wants to be, “I-I, she went out for a w-walk.”

He let out a ferocious growl.

Guilia sat up from the couch, and looked at both of them.

“Enough.” She said emotionless.

Emmett looked at her startled, “Are you okay?”

“Yes. I am fine. Why?” Monotone.

“You sound…dead.”

“Oh. Shit happens.” She shrugged, as if she really couldn’t care less.

Guilia didn’t know what was going on with herself right now… but it was almost as if she couldn’t feel anything. It was like she was going back to faking her emotions, but she doesn’t even have emotions to fake.

“I am so glad you’re okay!” Emmett said, and engulfed her in a huge hug.

Alls she did was patted his back awkwardly, and took a step back.

“What’s wrong?” Emmett gave her an odd look.

“I would appreciate it if you kept the skin to skin contact to a minimal amount. Actually, make that non-existent.” She said, with absolutely no emotion. Many people would take her talking like this, as being a bitch, but it wasn’t that.

“What happened?” Emmett asked, truly confused.

“I saw Alyssa.”

Emmett let out a growl, “She didn't kiss you, did she?”

Guilianna just nodded.

Mykah was freaking out at this point, so she left the house. No one was worried. She could take care of herself.

“That bitch!” Emmett roared.

“Calm yourself. She said that she was coming for me.”

Emmett started shaking, and then took a strong grip on Guilianna’s small body, and then he was running. She don’t know where to, but they were there in a few minutes.

She looked at his house in wonder, “Why are we here Emmett?”

“I am going to fix this, god damn it!” He was furious.

She just sighed, “This is annoying. Stop freaking out.” The look that she gave him could only be described as being bored.

Then he exploded, “Do you not see what’s wrong? You have absolute no emotion! You are talking to me as if I am just a spec on your shoe!” Emmett was so upset, and Guilianna just couldn’t fathom why.

“You are a spec on my shoe. Don’t you see, Emmett? I just simply…don’t care anymore. This life is so trivial. I wake up every morning, and look in the mirror. I hate what I see. You can never change that.”

Everything Guilianna was saying broke poor Emmett’s heart. And the thing is, Guilia, doesn’t even realize that she’s talking until after she has said it. But she feels no remorse, so she wont apologize.

“You’re just saying that…” Emmett said, worriedly, and then dragged her into the house.

“What is going on?” Esme, Emmett’s mother for extensive purposes, asked flittering into the room.

The only word that Emmett spoke was, “Alyssa.”

Esme gasped, “Oh dear. How is she holding up?”

Guilia didn't like them talking about her like she wasn’t there. She didn't like that at all. If she had her emotions, she’d feel a ping of anger start to eat away at her stomach.

“For your information, I am right here. There is no need to talk about me as if I can not hear you.” I said coldly.

The look on Esme face was as if she was in pain.

The rest of the family came downstairs, and Bella was the first to start up drama.

“What is she doing here?” She hissed.

Guilianna looked at her as if she was a little mosquito flying around.

“For your information Isabella, this numnut,” She pointed to Emmett, “Believes that there is something wrong with me. I tend to disagree.” Guilia said coldly.

Bella gasped at the lack of feeling in her voice. Everyone could see that there was no life left in the eyes of Guilianna Aligheri.

“I can’t feel anything…” Jasper said, in pure shock.

“Guilianna, when did you see Alyssa?” Carlisle asked quickly.

She responded, “I lost track of time… Why does everyone assume that Aly did this?” Guilia asked, quietly, not bothering to raise her voice because she knew they could hear her.

Carlisle voice held foreboding, “The moment that Alyssa VanPetersom’s lips touch another beings’, she steals their emotions.”

“What do you mean ‘steals’?”

“She sucks out the feelings from your heart, and you are left without any passions for life.” Carlisle said sadly.

Guilianna didn't really care, “Oh. Shit happens.”

“You might never be able to care for anyone for the rest of your life. Are you willing to risk that?”

Guilia scoffed, “As if anyone here is actually worth caring about.”

Emmett’s heart simply broke by those words.
♠ ♠ ♠
121 Readers. 29 Subscribers. 16 Comments. Thank you <3

Oh, and this is short. Obvi. But, the next chapter has HUGE HUGE HUGE things happening. I want to post this next chapter today. I will if I get three comments! :)

But If I dont, then I will just post tomorrow :P

I love you all. You keep me going (: