Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

Slip Out Of Me, and Into You.

Chapter Eleven

Emmett drove me home. I could tell that my lack of devotion to making him feel my love could clearly hurt him.

“I’m sorry.” Emmett muttered, looking at me sadly.

“I’m sure you are.”

I jumped out of his jeep, and ignored the tingles my legs got from the impact of the fall.

“Bye Giana. I love you.” Emmett said looking hopeful.

As if I would say anything back.

I walked into my house, and ignored the stare that Emmett was digging into my back. If I was feeling annoyed right now, then I would probably be rolling my eyes.

I went up into my room, and laid down on my bed. I looked at my ceiling fan, and followed it with my eyes. I soon got dizzy, and stopped myself from following it.

I closed my eyes, and then lazily fell asleep.

”Run!” Emmett screamed for me, and I complied to his request.

I was sobbing my eyes out the whole way. I was about to lose the man I love because I betrayed him…

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Guilianna. You should be happy to see me.”

I glared, once I stopped running, “How could I be happy to see you Uncle Aro. You are a murderer.” I spat.

“You learn from the best.” He chuckled darkly.

“I had to kill her! She was threatening my baby.” I hiss defensively.

“Your baby is a freak.” Aro laughed.

I lunged and the moment I hit him I almost –

I sat up with a start, “Damn it.” I wanted to finish that dream.

I got out of bed, because I heard someone in the kitchen downstairs, banging pots and pans. It might be Catalina, but I don’t know why she would make this much noise.

I walked down the stairs, and calmly into the kitchen.

“Do you mind keeping the ruckus do-” I stopped right in the middle of my sentence, “Alyssa?”

“Hey there Gi-Gi.” She smiled, and wrapped me up in a hug.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, coldly.

Aly sighed, “I’m sorry. I over reacted when I used my power on you. I’d like to take them back.”

I gave her a look, “How?”

“You will see.”

I just sighed, “Fine. But before we do that, can we talk?”

“Sure thing chicka.” She smiled, and I kind of missed that.

I went into the living room, knowing that she would follow. I sat on the couch, and Aly sat right next to me.

“Why did you have to leave? I thought you died…” I said quietly.

Aly bit her lip, “I didn't want to do it. The people who took me in forced me to.”

I sighed, “Okay.”

That wasn’t a sufficient answer, but I didn't even feel like questioning her anymore.

“I have a question for you.” Alyssa said.

“Go for it.”

“Why didn't you forget about me? But then suddenly, you did?” She asked, and a look of pure confusion came on her face.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to keep the headache away.

“I blamed myself, you know. It was my fault that we went in the ally. It was my fault that you were attacked. It was my fault that you ‘died’. I blamed myself, and I felt like everyone else did too. So then I just promised myself that since I was the one who killed you, I wouldn’t get to enjoy the things that you did.” I shrugged, and looked at my unpainted nails, picking out the dirt underneath them.

“Then why did you start?”

I looked at her, “They said you were alive. The Cullen family. And then I realized that maybe I just wasn’t seeing the big picture. You died, but I couldn’t hold it against myself forever.”

She smiled, “Good answer.”

She leaned forward, and kissed me again. It was as if I was breathing again, and I looked at her.

“Stop kissing me!” I growled from anger.

It was seriously getting annoying.

She just chuckled, “I have to kiss you, in order to control your emotions. You are free. For now.”

And with that Alyssa fled the scene.

I rolled my eyes. I’m sick of everyone leaving me with cryptic answers. I stretched once I stood up, and went into my room. I laid down on my bed, and luckily was able to fall asleep once again.

* * *

The stench of something woke me from my dreamless sleep. I sat up, and looked around my room.

My nose crinkled in disgust. That smell is horrible!

It smelled like…death, almost.

I jumped out of my bed, and followed the scent with my trusty nose. It lead me to Catalina’s and Ryan’s room. I opened the door quickly, and rushed in.

My heart stopped.

My nose stung as the tears started flowing.

Catalina and Ryan’s bodies were propped up against the headboard of their bed.

They were drained of blood, and looked as if they had been taking multiple beatings.

I was sobbing my eyes out, and I just couldn’t believe it.

I looked around the room, and I saw someone in a dark brown hoodie, covering their face, and he started speaking.

“Become a vampire by your 18th birthday, or this is what will happen to you.” He growled, and then flew off.

I sat on the ground pathetically, and put my head in my hands as I cried. Why did this have to happen to them? They were such good people!

I felt a abrupt change in attitude. I was going to find out who did this, and make them pay.

I stood up, wiped my tears, and then walked out of their room. I stormed out of my house, and started on a long run to the Cullen Household.

I appeared at the house and Jasper, Alice, and Esme all tried to stop me from going in.

I pushed past them, and ran up to Emmett’s room.

For once again, my mouth dropped open in shock and pain.

There was Emmett. The man I thought I was deeply in love with.

Having sex, with another woman.

I guess they were having too much fun to notice I was in the room, until I let out a cough.

“Goodbye Emmett.”

The simple words meant so much.

I wasn’t going to let myself open up to him.

I stormed out of the room, and down the stairs. He didn't follow.

I glared at Alice, “How could you not tell me?”

She stuttered, “It wasn’t my s-secret to tell.”

I growled, “No! Not about Emmett fucking that slut. About my family! You knew. You had to. You can see the future. They killed my parents. And used their bodies as a threat against me.”

Alice gasped, “I never saw anything!”

I shook in pure anger.

And I ran out of the house before I did something I would regret.

“Giana wait!” I heard Emmett yell, while pulling his pants on.

I felt so defeated, “What Emmett?”

“It wasn’t…I mean, I didn't…” He tried to come up with an excuse.

“Don’t.” I cut him off, and turned away.

“I love you!”

I turned and glared furiously at him, “I don’t love you.”

It was a lie, but he didn't need to know that…

I turned away, and headed off to a man that I know wouldn’t try and hurt me.

♠ ♠ ♠
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