Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

Kill Me Softly

Chapter Thirteen

Three Months Later

I looked at Mykah, and rolled my eyes.

“Aye! Love birds! Keep it PG, there are children around!” I screamed at my two best friends.

A week after I moved in with Paul, Embry and I went to go get stuff from my house. The moment he laid eyes on her, they were in love. Embry acted as if she was a gift from heaven.

He treated her like a princess.

And she loved it.

“Shut up!” I heard Mykah yell, and then I saw a specific finger she saved especially for me.

“Lovely,” I muttered to the man next to me.

“They are just having a good time.” Paul whispered in my ear, making me giggle. It tickled.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hooligans these days with their ‘good times’.” I said, sounding like some old woman.

Paul started looking uncomfortable, “Giana, baby, can we go talk?”

I looked at him worriedly, “Sure.”

He wasn’t breaking up with me was he?

He stood up, and then offered me his hand. I took it and pulled myself up gracefully. Then I wiped the sand off my butt, and followed Paul down the beach to where he wanted to talk.

“What’s wrong Paul?” I asked worriedly.

He took in a deep sigh, “You remember all of those Quileute stories Jake’s dad talks about at the bonfires?”

I nodded, “Of course.”

“What would you say if I said they were true?”

I took in a deep breath.

“Please don’t…”

“I’m sorry Guiles. I love you so much. I’m that silver wolf you always see.”

The look on his face told me that he was being 100% honest with me.

Tears slowly trickled down my cheeks. I bit my lip as my chin quivered.

“You were supposed to be my stability. My solid rock. But now you are just as bad as Emmett.” I said quietly, and walked off.

I wanted to be angry. I wanted that more than anything. But I was too deeply in love with him to even care to get mad.

“I wanted to tell you sooner, but it just didn't seem right!” Paul tried to walk next to me, and explain his actions.

“Paul. Baby. If you would have told me from the beginning, then all of this would have been avoided.” I probably looked crazy. My make up was most likely running down my face, the wind raped my hair, and my eyes looked like I was high as a balloon from the crying.

“You mean, you’re fine with it?” He asked, shocked.

I nodded, “I dated a vampire. I’m not species-ist.”

“Then what’s wrong?” Paul was truly confused.

“I trusted you. And I trusted the silver wolf. I told that wolf things that I would never ever tell anyone else. That’s what’s wrong. You abused my lack of knowledge to learn things about me. I don’t like that.”

“I’m sorry Guiles. I really am. I wish I could take it back, so you weren’t mad at me.” He looked down as if he was ashamed of himself.

I sighed, “Paul. I’m not mad. I’m disappointed. And I’m hurt.”

He looked down, “Somehow, that is so much worse…”

I gave him a look, and my heart just broke from the pain that I seemed to be causing.

For once, I didn't care.

I turned away, but before I left I spoke to him for the last time that I would for the night.

“Just leave me be for a while Paul. I need to think some things over.”

And I left him.

I walked past Mykah and Embry who were cuddling against each other next to the fire.

I looked at him, “Tell her. Not when you think its right, tell her before she gets hurt.” I said, looking hurt.

Mykah bit her lip, “He told me a week after he met me…” She looked down, and my heart broke just a little bit more.

My bottom lip quivered, “Oh. That’s awesome Odie! Well, I need to go feed my cat.” I said, and walked off.

“She doesn’t have a cat…” Mykah muttered to Embry.

I kept walking off the beach, until I got to the road. Then it started raining.

“Great! Just fucking great!” I growled, and wallowed in my own pain.

I was soaking wet by the time that I reached my house. I felt a ping of sadness hit my heart when I remembered all of the things that happened in this house.

It has almost been a eight months since I moved here. I cant believe the stuff that I have gone through for love.

Love has beaten me. Love has tore out my heart and stomped on it. Love has hurt me more than ever before. Love has lied. Love has cheated. Love has killed me on the inside.

“That’s not love.” I looked over and saw Edward standing there, looking at me sadly.

The tears started flowing, “It is.” I whimpered out pathetically.

“No, it’s not. Those were all mistakes, made by desperate people. Those were mistakes that are wanted to be taken back.” Edward said, walking forward to wrap me up in a hug.

Sadness wrapped all around me, “I loved them… Both of them.” I sobbed.

“They loved you too.” Edward hugged me, in a comforting way.

I just cried steadily. I couldn’t force words out, and I hated how two men could just hurt me this bad.

“You will be fine soon. Alice has seen it.” I just nodded numbly into his ice cold shoulder.

“I’m going to go,” I let go of Edward feeling awkward, “Thank you for this.”

He just nodded, “That’s what family is for.”

I gave him a sad smile, “If you were family, I’d accept that statement. But even my own brother doesn’t care enough to talk to me from the past 7 months.”

Edward gave me an odd look, “Did he not tell you before he left?”

“Tell me what?”

“He’s in Italy. Trying to dissuade the Volturi from changing you.”

My mouth dropped open a little, “He would do that?”

Edward nodded, “You have so many people that love you Guilia. You really do.”

I smiled awkwardly, “I know.”

“It’s not my decision, but when they come for you, you should say no.” Edward spoke softly.

I got short with him, “Goodbye Edward.”

Something about this topic made me antsy. I wasn’t going to let other people decide for me. Not Edward, not Alyssa, not anyone.

I would pick this out by myself.

“Bye Guiles.” And he was gone.

I opened my front door, and walked into the empty house. I sighed and walked up to my room.

I turned the light on, and instantly froze, looking at the familiar face in my room.

“Hey Giana. We need to talk.”

I just nodded, and felt the impending doom all fall on my shoulders.
♠ ♠ ♠

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