Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

Lover, Lover, Lover, You Don't Treat Me No Good No More.

Chapter Fourteen

“You want me to do what?!” I hollered.

Alyssa stood up and glared at me, “You don’t understand, do you?”

I hissed, “Well explain it to me, bitch.”

I could not understand for the life of me how we got this way. I loved Alyssa. And now I could barely stand to look at her. Just her name makes the pit of my stomach erupt into flames of anger.

“We need you Giana…” She said sadly.

I gave her an odd look, “I thought the Volturi were some powerful group that never depended on one certain person?”

She sighed, and shook her head, “No.”

I felt kind of bad for being a total bitch to her. I mean, she was the one person who was there for me throughout my whole childhood, up to 14 years old.

“Just please, I need your help.” Alyssa started dry sobbing, and I bit my lip. Should I help her?

“You don’t understand how big of a decision this is for me…” I spoke softly, feeling bad that I made her ‘cry’.

“You’re right. I don’t. Because it should be an obvious answer!” She said, sitting up, done with her crying fit.

“But it’s not. I have to live forever and watch everyone I love die!” I growled.

Alyssa let out a loud laugh, “You are joking, right? Everyone you love is a vampire or a mutt!”

I gave her another odd look. She was right .

“Giana, I need you. They will kill me if I don’t come back with you…” She spoke softly, as if I was a small animal she was trying not to frighten.

“I…I’m scared.” I told her in a quiet voice.

“Sweetie, there’s nothing to be scared of.” Alyssa came and wrapped me up in a hug.

“I am going to die. That is something to be scared of.” I said into her shoulder.

“You are going to live forever. And you will help thousands of people with your powers. Baby girl, I am going to give you a day to say goodbye to your human life. I will pick you up tomorrow at 9 p.m. and we will go to Volterra, then you will be on your way to happiness.” She said, and kissed my forehead.

I just nodded silently.

I can not believe I just let her talk me into becoming a vampire…

“I’ll see you soon then.” And then she disappeared.

I sat down on my forehead, and started shaking. In less than 24 hours, I was no longer going to be human.

And the sad part is, I wasn’t regretting my decision. No matter the advice Edward gave me, and the fact that Paul was going to hate me, just didn't falter my decision.


I groaned, just thinking of what he was going to say… I remember saying that he was supposed to be my stability, and I bit my lip. He was supposed to be the one who didn't cheat on me, and he didn't. But that’s not the point.

He hurt me. It might not have been worse than what Emmett did, but he still ripped my heart apart just a little more.

I laid down in bed, and thought about something.

When I turn into a vampire, everyone that I had been mad at when I was a human, I would forgive them.

Tomorrow, I would tell them that.

I put a shaky smile on my face, and drifted off into a deep sleep.

My last sleep ever…

* * *

The next day I awoke and was ready to face the day as a new person.

I went to shower and got ready.

I decided that I would look nice today, and I skipped down the stairs, smiling.

For some odd reason, I was actually happy.

I didn't care that all that shit happened last night with Paul.

I didn't care that Emmett cheated on me.

I didn't care that I was about to die.

None of that really mattered.

I grabbed a banana, put on a beanie, grabbed my bag, and walked out the front door. I headed over to La Push in order to see Paul. I was going to apologize for last night, and try to talk it over with him about me being a vampire. I mean, it’s not like he can change my mind.

It was a long walk, but it was one that I was already used to.

I could have driven, but I always felt like the fresh air would help me think about my problems, while the long walk would give me time to work them out.

I text Mykah really quick, asking where her and the guys were going to be today. She texted back within a few minutes, and I let out a short laugh.

‘The cliff. Like always. These dumbasses r gonna jump so much, they will lose what little brain cells they have left.’

I grinned, and texted back a response.

I was about to turn the corner to the area that Mykah had told me that they were going to be. I saw her and Embry sitting down on the beach, cuddling into the sand. I smiled softly. I’m so glad that she got someone who is really good for her.

I could hear Paul laughing from the place that I was standing. No one could see me, but I could still hear everything they were saying clearly.

I took a deep breath, and was about to step forward and have my presence known, but then I stopped. They were talking about me.

“She just ran off?” I heard Jake ask him.

“Yeah,” Paul sighed, but then he started sounding cocky, “But Myke said that she was coming today.”

“Don’t do anything stupid Paul…” Sam said in a warning tone.

My boyfriend let out a boisterous laugh, “I bet you all… a hundred bucks, that when she comes today, she will forgive me.”

I glared at him, even though he couldn’t see me.

All of the guys laughed, “You’re on!”

I literally felt sick to my stomach. I cannot believe that they would just bet on me like this. I am a human being, not a game to gamble money at.

My face was set in determination.

I was not going to let them make me into a toy.

I walked out of my hiding spot, and walked over to the guys. Paul sent them all a smirk, and then walked over to me. I jumped up on him, and wrapped my legs and arms around him in a hug.

“I’m sorry. I forgive you.” I spoke in his ear, but with all of the guys superb hearing, they all heard.

The guys all let out groans, and I secretly sent them a wink.

Jake let out a laugh, and shook his head.

I got off of Paul, and then looked at him. He smiled, and went in to kiss me.

Instead of getting a kiss, he got a swift punch in the mouth.

I swore a few choice profanities, and glared at Paul. My hand was pounding, but the anger in my heart was hurting so much more.

“You’re a freaking asshole.” I hissed.

“What? How? You’re the one who punched me!”

I rolled my eyes, “Not about that dipshit.”

“Then what?” He sounded confused.

“Don’t play dumb with me. I know you just made a bet about me forgiving you. Well congrats! You won.” I turned away, and tried to storm off.

Paul didn't find that acceptable, he grabbed me by the waist, and pulled me back over by the guys.

I growled, “Let me go Paul.”

“You still forgive me?” He asked, looking hopeful.

I sighed, trying to blow away some of my anger.

“I forgive you. But you won’t forgive me.”

Paul gave me a look, “What are you talking about?” He was starting to get angry, because I could see him shaking.

I took a few steps back, and then everyone was looking at me. Even Mykah and Embry were standing next to the pack now.

“In a few hours, I will be a vampire.” I said steadily, no more fear in my voice.

I was sure of my decision. Alyssa said I would be helping a lot of people, and I was determined to do just that.

Paul let out a ferocious growl, then he phased. I let out a terror filled scream as he lunged at me.

Before he hit me, he was on the ground, and Alyssa was holding him down. I was crying, and she fluttered over to me, and helped me up.

Paul shifted back, and glared at the vampire, and at me.

“If you turn, then don’t come back.” He snarled.

The tears just fell harder, as I continued to sob. I looked at the pack, and everyone was glaring at me. Except for Mykah. But Embry was holding her back, so she couldn’t get to me.

I sniffled, “If that is what you want…”

“It is. Now leave this land, before I kill you.” Paul growled, and Aly just picked me up and ran off to Forks. We reached the border, and she let me down softly.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” She asked, hugging me tightly.

That simple question turned my tears onto another level, and I just sobbed into her shoulder.

Sure I was mad about the bet. But I had truly loved Paul. I had forgiven him about not telling about the whole shifting thing by the time that he told me.

I was broken.

This time, it was just as bad as Emmett.

I sniffled, and tried to stop crying.

“Thank you Lyss.” I spoke, looking at my living-dead best friend.

“Not a problem.” She smiled, and then asked, “Do you still need to go to the Cullen house?”

I nodded, “Could you just drop me off?”

“Sure thing baby girl.”

I would have snorted if I wasn’t so upset. She was giving me all of these pet names, and it mad me feel like she was older than me.

That made a question arise from me. We were on our way walking to the Cullen’s house, when I asked her.

“Alyssa, when were you changed?” I asked quietly.

She sighed, “I knew this would come up. It wasn’t the day of the attack.” Aly looked ahead.

“Then what was all of the blood, if you weren’t changed?” I felt like a little child asking all of these questions.

“It was a set up. Yes, I was bit, but I wasn’t changed when I was 13. They waited until I turned 16. When you change, you will be forever 18. We could be sisters for all everyone knows.” She chuckled lightly.

I nodded, “Okay.”

After continuing to walk in silence Aly suddenly stopped, “Their house is right ahead. Say your goodbyes, and I will pick you up tonight.

“Goodbye.” I said to her, and continued to walk towards the house that I wished I could call home.

“Oh, and Guilia?” Alyssa called out to me.


“I love you. And I’ve missed you so much.”

“You too Aly. You too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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