Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

I'm Becoming Another Victim of Conformity.

Chapter Fifteen

I walked up to the door, and was about to knock. Alice practically threw open the door, and yanked me inside.

“I cant believe you!” She screamed.

My eyes were wide, and my mouth open from confusion.

“What the heck are you talking about?”

“You are going to change.” She said, and the flopped down on the couch. Very dramatically, might I add.

I nodded, “Alice, I’m going to help people. Now where is everyone else, I want to tell everyone.”

She just sighed, even though there was no need, since she didn't breathe.

“Come downstairs!” She yelled, and then there was a massive amount of people in the room. I looked at everyone, and there was a mixed emotion in the group.

“Look, I know that some of you don’t want me to change, but it really is for the best. Everyone that I know is either a vampire, or a shifter. Now I wont have to see everyone I love die.” I said, looking at my shoes.

“Guiles, can I talk to you?” Emmett said, and when I nodded, he took my hand and led me outside.

I bit my lip, as Emmett held my hand while we walked into the forest. Thoughts of Paul, flashed in my head, but I pushed them away.

“I’m so sorry Guilianna. I love you more than you could ever imagine. These past months have been absolutely terrible without you.” I could see the pain in Emmett’s eyes as he spoke.

“Shh.” I hushed him, “I forgive you. But just because I forgive you, doesn’t mean that we are together.”

He growled, “It’s because of that mutt, isn’t it?”

I shook my head, “No Em. We’re over.” I spoke softly, as if trying to keep my heart from breaking.

“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking…”

“He did a stupid bet.” I let out a little laugh filled with hurt, “And then I told him that I was going to change. He wants nothing to do with me.”

I was struggling to keep to tears inside. I just let it all go, yet again, when Emmett wrapped me up in a cool hug.

“It’s okay, love. You’ll move on, and the pain will fade.” He cooed softly in my ear. I just nodded, and wiped my cheeks.

“I’m going to get going Emmett.” I said, and then looked up at him.

“I still love you Giana. I always will.” He kissed me, and I could feel the passion in a simple touch of our lips.

I smiled, and a small blush went to my cheeks.

I turned away, and started walking. I didn't want to tell Emmett that I loved him, because I honestly wasn’t sure anymore. I wasn’t sure about anything.

I walked to my house, and stepped inside. I went up to my room, and got a suitcase, and started filling it with clothes and other things that I thought I would need. I slipped off my shoes and then laid them by the door.

I looked around my room, and let out a little whimper. It was going to be hard, letting go of my human life. But if Alyssa was right, then it would be worth it.

I laid down on my bed after I was done packing, and took a little nap. I had a few hours before Aly would come and get me. The second I put my head down on my pillow I was out like a light.

* * *

“Pst,” I felt a light shove, “Hey, loser, get up.”

I groaned, but got up. I looked over and saw Alyssa, standing there grinning.

“Dude, where are we?” I asked, looking around not seeing my familiar room.

“Italy. Duh.” She stuck her tongue out and I giggled.

I yawned slightly, “So when is this whole shindig going down?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are not going anywhere dressed like that.”

I looked down, “What wrong with what I’m wearing?”

Aly just shook her head, “It’s not deemed appropriate for the people you are going to meet.”

I groaned, “What’s ‘appropriate’?”

“Go take a shower, and I’ll have it ready when you’re done.” I just sighed, and went into the hotel bathroom.

I took a quick shower, and got out and dried off. I walked out into the hotel room, only in a towel, and saw the clothes Aly left for me.

My mouth dropped open.

“Fuck my life.” I muttered.

“Oh hush. Its not that bad.” Aly sang, coming into the room.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I groaned.

“Well,” She said the word for a while, “You’re going to die anyways. Might as well make you sexy.” She shrugged.

I laughed a little, and grabbed the dress. I went into the bathroom, and put it on.

When I walked back out, Aly let out a whistle.

“I knew you had it in you.” She let out a wink, and I just smiled.

“Are you sure it’s not to tight? Or to short?” I bit my lip, nervously.

She shook her head, “When I’m done with you, you will be the hottest person in the world.”

I smiled and let out a laugh, “Whatever you say Lyss.”

She put me on the chair, and then started working on my hair. She curled it, and let it flow down my back. Then she turned me around and did my makeup.


I looked in the mirror, and smiled. I looked pretty.

“Holy cow.” I whispered.

I didn't look like myself. I actually looked… like some form of actual attractiveness.

“Oh, I’m good. I know.” Aly winked, and then yanked me out of my seat.

She handed me a pair of the highest shoes I’d ever seen in my life. Well, not really, but they were damn tall!

“Oh hell no.” I shook my head, instantly protesting against it.

“Put them on Giana.” She rolled her eyes, “I’m not letting you leave this house unless you are in these shoes.”

I groaned, but put them on.

I was perfectly fine with walking in high heels, but I didn't want to look trashy.

“Damn girl!” Aly laughed.

I walked around in the shoes, getting a test run. It was fine.

“Are you sure I don’t look like a hooker?” I bit my lip.

She nodded, “You are looking fine!”

I just chuckled, “So, what’s next?”

She gave me a bunch of jewelry, a purse, and quick spray of perfume.

“You’re ready.” She smiled, and then grabbed my hand.

We walked out of the hotel, and down the street. I was surprised to see how many people were staring at us.

We arrived at this huge ancient looking building, and Aly just walked right in. I was a bit more cautious, but soon she came back for me and yanked me in.

I bit my lip, as we walked through the dark hallways.

We reached this area where there was just a big drop into the ground. My eyes widened as I thought that I would have to jump down there.

Felix! ” Alyssa yelled down the hole.

“What?” He yelled back.

“You guys don’t need to scream.” I laughed lightly.

“Catch what I’m about to throw down.” She said, thankfully not yelled, to this Felix guy.

“Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. You are not throwing me down there.” I groaned.

“Throw? Nahh, I’m thinking more along the lines of push.”

My eyes opened wide, as she gave me a gentle shove into the hole.

I landed into someone’s arms, and I looked up, to see Aly smirking down.

“I hate you Lyss!” I screamed up at her. The man holding me just laughed, “I hate you too Felix.” I was hoping that’s who this was at least.

He just grinned, and set me down, “You must be Guilianna.”

Aly jumped down, and I told her, “Wow, who would have thought? This one’s a smart cookie.” I said sarcastically.

They both rolled their eyes, and we started walking towards this room. Some guards gave me a suspicious look, but opened the giant doors for us nonetheless.

“Guilianna Aligheri! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” A man with white hair said as he approached me.

“You as well,” I bowed my head down a little.

“Happy 18th birthday, my dear.” He smiled, and my eyes widened. I cant believe I had forgotten my own birthday.

This man vampire that I barely knew went into hug me. I gave him an odd look.

Hugs are not as fun when you don’t realize that, they don’t want a hug.

Instead of getting a nice, cute, innocent little hug, I was bit.

And that’s when I started my long journey of screaming, crying, and feeling the worse pain I had ever felt in my life.

They say it’s supposed to last 3 days.

Oh, I wish.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, I love you. Yes you. 207 Readers, 45 Subscribers, 33 Comments, And 8 Stars.

Oh lordy.


Wellllll, if I get five comments, I'll update again tonight. But if not then I'll post tomorrow or the day after.

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