Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

I Hate Everything About You;

Chapter Seventeen

“Can we please be back together?”



“I said no, Emmett.”

“Giana! I’ve missed you. And I wanted to take it all back while you were gone.” Emmett whined.

I just stood there, and rolled me eyes, “Honestly, Emmett. You are reminding me of a pathetic puppy that wants bone.”

“Will that get me a bone?” He asked, hopefully.

I scoffed, “Oh, I’m sure Rosalie gave you enough boning.”

“It was one time! Cant you just get over it already!” Emmett yelled.

A full out glare appeared on my face, “Fuck you, Emmett. You cheated, and that’s one hundred percent your fault! You get to pay the consequences.” I hissed.

If I had to choose one person to get into a fight with, it would be Emmett. He doesn’t know how to handle his temper, and that’s what I love.

Pure raw passion.

“Since you clearly aren’t planning on forgiving me anytime soon, why don’t you just go?”

“Don’t do this Em.” I shook my head, feeling my heart break, yet again.

I honestly thought that he would try and work it out this time. I truly did.

“You’re doing it to yourself! I’ve done everything I can to get you to forgive me. I’ve apologized. I’ve gave you space. I even let you have a fling with that mutt!” He was yelling again.

I laughed sarcastically, “You let me? I’m one hundred percent in control of my own life!”

“Yeah.” He just rolled his eyes.

“And there is one thing that you didn't give me.” I said, shaking my head.

Emmett scoffed, “A million dollars?”


I quickly ran off, trying to end the fight between myself and the man that I had once loved. Just keep running. Keep running. That was all I was thinking about.

When I stopped, I was in Canada.

I groaned, “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”

“Let’s test that out, shall we?”

A dark plastic bag was placed on my head, and my vision was blocked. I could sense it was another vampire, and I tried to struggle against them. But I was out of luck.

I was passed around, and locked up with shackles, and thrown over someone’s lap.

“Let me go!” I screamed, trying to get loose.

“Calm down, sweetheart.” A gentle voice tried to soothe me.

This vampire could control minds.


“Let me go.” I repeated, but this time using his power.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nice try sweetheart.”

“Stop calling me that.” I growled.

“Shut her up Thor! I don’t want to hear that bitch whine anymore.” Another voice called from a small distance.

A car started up, and went driving.

“I hate you.” I mumbled, pouting.

The mysterious guy laughed, “Oh you’ll hate me even more when I’m finished with you.”

I groaned, but stopped talking. It would probably save my life.

I lost track of time while we were driving, but I snapped out of my zoning session when I was thrown of someone’s shoulder.

“Hey! I’m not a sack of potatoes!” I protested.

“Shut up.” One guy grumbled.

A door opened, and then I was tossed onto a chair. I groaned when I got whiplash from my head snapping back.

“Ass wipes.” I snarled.

I could only imagine them rolling their eyes.

Suddenly the bag was ripped off my head, and there was a giant camera a few feet in front of me, multiple vampires, and a few humans.

Just like a real movie, one of those things that you snap in front of the camera that is black and white and says the scene number one it, was snapped.

“Take 58.”

A man stepped in front of the camera, and I knew that it was Thor when he started talking.

“My name is Anthony Thoreen. This vampire is Guilianna Aligheri. She is test subject 58. Everyone else has died, but we hold hope. We will start our testing first with the water test.”

“What is going on?” I screeched, trying to keep the men away from me.

The men behind me tightened the handcuffs around my feet and hands, and then picked me up.

“Let me go!” I screamed, wanted to cry.

What the hell was going on?!

I saw a huge see through tank of water in the middle of the next room. The camera was following us, and I bit my lip.

“I don’t know how to swim!” I quickly lied.

“You won’t need to swim.” Thor smirked at me, then at the camera.

“What do I have to do?” I asked, then looked at the camera, since that is where Thor looked.

“This is the beginning of test one; 1 year submerged in water, with no blood, or other substances. Toss her in boys.” Thor laughed, and I panicked.

“No!” I screamed, and then I felt water surround my entire body.

I tried to break the handcuffs, but it was perfect against me.

I wanted to cry.

There was no way out.

1 year in water?

I’d rather die…
♠ ♠ ♠
(: 10 Stars.
Love you guys!

I have a new Jared story out! I would reaaaaaaalllllyyy appreciate it if you guys would all check it out. You wont be dissapointed (:

Go here!

I'll post that at the end of each chapter, incase you dont want to stop or something :P