Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

If I Leave, I'll Bet You'd Wish I'd Stay;

Chapter Eighteen

I felt like tearing my eyes out. I could not take this anymore…

“Month four, sweetheart.” Thor smirked, coming into the room.

I flipped him off, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hear me. Yet I, unfortunately, could still hear him. Lucky for me, they implanted water proof speakers on the bottom of the glass tank.

Oh, joy.

Anyone note the sarcasm? Just checking.

I was going absolutely insane. My skin was cracked, as if my skin was extremely dry. And my hair had turned white, from the lack of blood. My normally tan skin was a pasty white color, and it really did not suit me.

Just the thought of a drop of blood was ready to send my body into a frenzy.

But this time by myself (well, mostly) was actually giving me a good opportunity to think about everything that has happened.

About Emmett, I still loved him. That was absolutely undeniable. The man truly knew how to keep me on my toes. I wanted to be pissed at him. I mean, he cheated on me. He took a chance for a few moments of pleasure and knowing that he might lose me.

But, to be honest, I’m kind of over it.

He was right, Emmett gave me everything that I would need. And that whole ‘time’ thing, was a big ass excuse. He gave me time. He gave me enough time to grow a relationship with the other dumbass male in my life.

Onto Paul! I loved him also. And I know that he loved me too. But I’m not so sure that we are meant to be together like that.

I was ripped out of my reverie, when I heard screams coming from outside my giant tub. I was reminded at the pain from my whole body, that I had not had blood in about four months.

“Fuck! How did the wolves find us?” I could hear Thor screaming in pain.

I grinned, “Wolves?” I asked to myself, even though the water stopped it from even exiting my mouth.

Suddenly the glass containing me was shattered, and the water along with me, flowed freely onto the ground. I spluttered out the water that had made its way into my mouth, and looked around.

I started growling, seeing only red, as the scent of blood filled my lungs. I hissed, and started flopping my way towards the scent.

It was probably quite the funny scene. A rabid vampire, hopping with her body towards something.

I was pretty pissed that my hands and feet were still bound.

“Guilianna! Calm down.” I could hear Emmett speak softly.

“Blood.” I hissed, while almost blacking out from the scent.

And I was pretty confused. I could smell blood, and the people had said that they saw wolves. So how was Emmett even here?

Someone’s arm was placed in front of me, and I looked up to see Paul.

“Drink.” He insisted.

My fangs extended, and I wanted to dig in. I wanted to so badly.

“No.” I closed my eyes, and concentrated on anything but his delicious blood.

“Giana, baby girl, just take it.” He said, and then I just did it.

He blood tasted very off, but it was the most amazing thing I had ever tasted. I could feel my skin healing itself, and life returning to my features. I pulled my mouth away from him, when I had enough to function.

I licked my lips clean of blood, and my eyes fluttered in pure happiness.

“Thank you.” I sighed quietly.

“That’s what I’m here for.” Paul said, and sounded as if he was high.

I shook my head, and looked at everyone around me.

“You look like a zombie.” Mykah looked at me, and snorted.

“You look like a chipmunk.” I stuck my tongue out, “Can someone please get these handcuffs off of me?” I asked, and they were removed by Edward.

“What the fuck has been going on?” Emmett asked, wrapping me up in a tight hug, that would have killed me if I was a human.

“Four months ago, the day that we fought, I was kidnapped, and put in this giant tank of water. I was supposed to be in there for a year, but you guys came just in time!” I grinned, feeling so much better.

“Without blood?” Carlisle was shocked.

I nodded, “Hence the white hair, and pale skin.”

It was weird for me. I was so used to having dark hair, I actually liked the change. But not my skin. I didn't like being this pale, when my normal color was so much darker.

I sighed, “Can we just go home? I want to get some dry clothes on.” I was quiet. It was different from the emotions that had been coursing through my veins just a few minutes about.

Sam looked at me guiltily.

“The Pack and the Cullens have both come to a decision.” He spoke with sad authority.

“About what?” I asked, with a raised eyebrow and enough curiosity to kill a thousand cats.

“You need to decide.” Edward said.

“Between?” I was still confused.

“Emmett or Paul. This is your last chance.” Mykah said solemnly.

My mouth dropped open, and I spluttered out my words in shock, “W-w-what?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comment. Tell me who YOU want Guilianna to end up being with.

This is 100% up to the commenters (: Finale within the next few chapters.

Go here for a Jared Imprint story. Pleaseeeee[: