Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

Just Turn Around;

Chapter Twenty

I sat by the beach, digging my toes into the sand when they came to me. The first thing that hit me was their scent.

The Cullens had come to pay me a visit.

“Guilia…” I could hear the pathetic tone in Edward’s voice.

“Don’t.” I said strongly, with a voice full of tears.

I already knew what they were going to say; and I didn't want to imagine it.

“He’s dead, Guilianna.” Jasper pushed forward, and threw a feeling of happiness at me as if that would have helped.

“I know!” I yelled, and stood up quickly. I turned to walk away from them when Edward’s voice stopped me.

“You could have saved him.” He spat, maliciously.

I spun, and glared, “Don’t you think I know that?” I was fuming.

They really thought that the whole family could come here and make me feel guilty? Oh no. I was not going for that.

“Clearly not!” The new blonde woman, hissed.

“Who the hell are you? Oh wait! I know exactly who you are.” I growled, stepping forward menacingly.

“My name is Rosalie.” She spoke, with confidence.

I looked fiercely at her, “You’re the bitch who ruined my relationship with Emmett.”

She laughed sarcastically, “And you’re the bitch who killed him.”

I used Edward’s power, and looked into everyone’s mind.

Emmett’s death was still clear and evident in their minds. There was not a doubt in their minds that it was my fault.

The memory from Edward hit me like a bus;

“Esme, I cant do it anymore…” The voice of my once beloved spoke to the motherly figure, and the pain was evident in his voice.

“She will come around, Em. Don’t even worry about it.” She was so confident. Esme had full faith in the Italian vampire, and she knew that they would be together.

How wrong was she?


A week had passed, and Emmett was acting just as weird as ever.

“I’m going hunting.” He spoke to the family that was in the living room, and then he sprinted out of the house.

“Follow him.” Carlisle said to Edward after a few minutes of awkward silence had passed.

The mind reader complied.

He was too late.

Emmett’s body was mutilated, along with a small human child laying next to him. Edward was shocked to see the wolves with blood on their snouts.

“W-what?” Edward muttered, flabbergasted that his brother was just killed.

Sam transformed, and was naked, then spoke.

“He killed an innocent girl. On our land. We had no choice but to kill him.” Sam was a small bit sad for having to kill an ally, but he was far to angry about the death of the little girl to even let a bit of empathy show.

Edward was broken. He nodded respectfully, and took Emmett’s body quickly running back home.

Esme was already in tears when they arrived. Alice must have told everyone.

“My baby!” She was dry sobbing, and Edward felt guilty, even though he shouldn’t have.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Why?” Esme continued to sob.

My heart broke as I replayed the memories.

I didn't even know what to say anymore.

Grief hit me like a bus.

“You are right; it is my fault. But there is nothing I can do now. Life must go on.” I turned to the familiar cold voice I had been using lately.

“Bull! You must feel more than a simple pity!” Bella roared.

“Look, newbie. You might have just been turned, but I am not afraid to kill you.” I spoke maliciously, not holding back any emotion.

Edward wrapped his cold arms around his wife, and then pulled her away.

“Lets go. She’s just a pathetic beast that shouldn’t even be able to walk this earth. Karma will soon get her.” Edward hissed, and my heart sunk just a tad bit further into my stomach.

Jasper gave me a sad look, but followed everyone out. He knew exactly how I was feeling.

I fell to the ground; the tears would have been falling, but my dry sobs took their place.

“Guilianna, you have a letter.” Aro spoke gently, noticing the pain I was in.

I snatched it up, not understanding.

What if it was Emmett who had been sending me the letters? Then how could I get this one?

Giana –

I’ll always love you.

Never forget.

♠ ♠ ♠
End in one or two chapters. FYI.