Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

It Never Felt So Good To Be So Wrong;

Chapter Twenty One

“I have a mission for you,” Were the words that woke me from my reverie out the window of my room in the Volterra Castle.

I turned my head, and looked bored at Aro, “Yes?”

“Come into the meeting hall when you’re ready.”

He left swiftly, and I sat up.

I had let my life twirl into a black hole of despair. It had been a whole week since the Cullens left, and I had barely left my spot.

Four months without blood had actually made me able to control my hunger.

I quickly changed my clothes, and then sped to the hall where Aro had directed me.

“Guilianna, glad to see you out and about.” I heard from multiple people. I just nodded respectfully, and kept on course.

“Aro-” I said coming through the doors.

“Guilianna! Great!” He exclaimed, and I gave him an odd look. Why was he so excited to see me?

“You have a mission?” I spoke, soberly, and prepared for the worst.

But I would do anything they asked of me. There was a black hole forming in my heart, and getting my mind off of it would help me. Hopefully.

“There is a woman we need you to locate.” He said, and then I cut him off.

“Then why not have one of the trackers find her?”

“She’s a special woman, and has put a spell on all of our trackers so that they have no sense to find her. But she doesn’t know about you and your power.”

I smirked, “So, you want me to take Dimitri and find her?”

He nodded, “That’s the plan.”

I smiled, “I will. What should we do with her?”

I was relieved; this would be a chance to stop thinking about Emmett. After thinking about him non-stop, I realized a lot of things.

One – I loved him. There was no competition between him and Paul. Sure; Paul was a good guy and he was my imprint, but I just couldn’t love him. My heart already had belonged with Emmett, and that might’ve been why the imprint didn't work for me.

Two – I couldn’t pretend that I didn't care. Not any more.

“I want you to talk to her.” Aro’s simple reply shocked me.

“Why? Is she a threat?” I asked, trying to find a reason for us to find this woman.

“I’m not sure. Go and find her.” Aro said, in a final air of superiority.

I nodded, and then Dimitri appeared next to me. We quickly sprinted out of the Castle, and Dimitri had told me more about our target.

“Don’t be surprised when you see her; its not what you’ll expect.” Dimitri mentioned, and I grew confused.

“What is it?” I inquired.

“Amelia, she, well.” He didn't even know where to start, and that almost made me nervous.

“Spit it out!” I said, getting antsy.

“She’s a witch. But she is 12 years old.” He finally mentioned, looking like he was just uncomfortable talking about it.

“Why was that so hard to say?”

“She has more power than I’ve ever seen before. She scares me.” Dimitri, the big tough buff guy, said quivering like a small child.

“Is she evil?” I asked, trying to get more of an idea of what to expect from this meeting.

He just shrugged, and that was the end of the conversation.

“So you said a cinnamon-y smell?” I asked, referring to the scent that should register in my mind with the 12 year old Amelia.

Dimitri nodded, “With a hint of grass and old books.”

I gave him an odd look, “That’s…weird.”

“She’s a witch, what else can I say?” He shrugged.

“Well, if my nose is correct, she should be back in America, in a small town of Blue Springs, Missouri.” I said, sniffing the air again, to make sure I had it right.

“Then we shall take the first flight.” All the friendliness in his voice was completely gone by now, and he was professional.

I nodded, agreeing with him.

Back to America I go.

Thank god its not Washington.

* * * *

I sat rigid in my seat on the plane, as the plane started to land. I wasn’t so sure that coming here was the greatest idea anymore. I could just feel the pain coming back, from Emmett’s death. It didn't matter that I wasn’t in the same area, but being separated by a sea didn't make it seem as real as it truly was.

“Calm down.” I could practically hear Emmett talking to me, but when I turned my head, it was just Dimitri.

I nodded, and we stepped off the plane and into the airport. When we were safely out of view from humans, I started running in the direction that Amelia’s scent was omitting from.

After a little while of running, we arrived to a small house, on an abandoned road near a forest.

“Careful; who knows what kind of traps she has set up.” Dimitri growled, and I nodded.

We walked up to the front door, and Dimitri was about to kick open the door.

“Stop!” I growled to him.

If I was forced to talk to this girl, it would at least be civil.

He rolled his eyes as I knocked on the heavy wooden door. Just as my hand had lifted off the wood, it was opened, and before me stood the most adorable little girl I had ever seen.

“I figured you would be here, sooner or later. Dimitri, stay here.” She grumbled, and yanked me inside the house.

The older vampire just agreed silently with her orders, and sat down on the soft grass outside.

“I’m Amelia, but I’m sure you already knew that. What are you here for?” She asked, in a cold tone, that no child should ever have.

“Aro had just told me to talk to you…” I was shy. This child, at the mere age of 12, was making me nervous. A human child!

Amelia rubbed her chin.

“Let me ask you a few questions, Giana.” My heart had a hard ping at the name. Emmett had called me that, quite often. But so did Paul, yet it didn't seem as right as it did with Emmett.

I sighed, “Alright.”

“What do you regret most in life?” She asked, having an air of superiority in her voice forming.

I bit my lip, “Uhm, pass?”

Clearly, it was letting Emmett go. When the Cullens and the pack told me to decide, I should have just told them I picked Emmett. It was one of those moments where when a certain amount of time passes, and you regret it more than anything.

Amelia nodded, “I’ll accept that. Are you in love?” Another question, another stab to my heart.

“I…I think I am.” I nodded, looking at my feet.

“Why? Why do you love him?”

I took a deep breath, “He was just so right for me. He accepted me for who I was, and didn't try to change me. He made me feel good about myself, and told me that I was amazing. He wasn’t afraid to take chances on anything. No matter the time, the day, or the week, he was there to help me with my life. There is nothing that could ever replace the hole that has taken in my heart.” I finished my speech, with a heart breaking smile.

I loved him, and I wish I wouldn’t have been too much of a bitch to realize it until now.

“Is there another guy that you could go to?” She acted as if anything I just said, wasn’t even spoken.

But I nodded, thinking of Paul.

“But I cant love him like I loved Emmett.” I spoke sadly.


“It just doesn’t feel right. Sure, there is a bond there, but the romance isn’t as passionate and caring as it was with Emmett.”

Amelia nodded, “Last question; if you had one wish, what would it be?” The was a crypticness to her voice, but I answered none the less.

“To take everything back. To go back to a time where I was happy with Emmett, and I wasn’t a vampire. I want to go back to when everything was perfect.” I sighed, letting the breath I had been holding in out.

“Did Aro ever tell you what my specialty was?” She asked, smiling slightly.

I shook my head.

“I can manipulate the past.”

My mouth dropped open. Was this really happening.

“Guilianna Aligheri; be careful what you wish for.”

And with that I was hit with a blast of bright blue gas, and everything turned black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now, who can guess whats gonna happen? Pretty obvious haha.

But I lost a few readers from killing off Emmett. That was just for the plot. I hope that no one else leaves. I didnt mean to ruin the story for ya if I did :|