Status: Finito (:

Fake It for Me, Baby

A Journey of a Thousand Miles, Begins With One Step

Chapter Three;

I knocked on the door of my new house. Yeah, this was supposed to be my new great start to life, and my birth parents didn't even show up to greet me at the fucking airport. I’m kind of guessing that they are going to be like every other hopeless person in the world.

“We’re not interested in whatever you’re selling.” A man stated opening the door.

My eyebrows rose in shock, “Are you Ryan Taycar? My name is Guilianna… I’m your daughter…” My heart was basically in my stomach from fear. What if they hated me?

The man laughed loudly, “Guilianna, you are at the wrong house.”

“W-what?” I stuttered.

“Ryan lives next door.”

“Oh crud. Sorry sir! I didn't mean to disturb you.” I started walking away struggling to grab all of my bags at once.

“Here, let me help you!” I smiled at his offer, and nodded heavily.

“Thank you very much! I didn't seem to catch your name.”

“Charlie Swan.”

I smiled, “Well thank you, Mr. Swan.” I was on super-polite mode.

“Charlie! What are you doing out at this time of night? And who do you have with you?” A woman that was standing outside the front door of the neighbor’s house asked.

I was assuming she was my mother.

“Hello ma’am. My name is Guilianna Aligheri. I believe, if what I have been told is true, that you are my mother.” My polite smile still was etched on my rosy cheeks.

“Guilia! Dear, they told us you were coming next week! I’m so sorry, we would have come and gotten you,” She yelled into the house, “Ryan, get your ass out here, Guilia’s here!”

I could hear his stomping from outside the house.

“Well, this is where I leave you,” Mr. Swan said leaving my bags by the front door, “It was nice meeting you Guilianna Aligheri. I hope to see you again.” He smiled and walked off.

What a nice guy.

Ryan arrived at the door, “Can I take your bags up to your room?” He smiled kindly.

“Sure, thanks.”

“Come in sweetie, I’m sure you must be positively exhausted! I’m Catalina, and I guess, well, I’m your birth mother.” She had a tear in her eye, and I could tell she wanted to hug me.

“Hey Mommy.” I smiled, knowing that saying this would at least make her feel better.

“Oh my baby!” She cried out, and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

I rolled my eyes, and hugged her back, patting slightly. This woman obviously has gone through a tough time, might as well try and lift the burden of being a bad kid.

“Sweetie, let’s take you to your room.” She said, through her blubbering tears.

I nodded, and it took all I had inside me to not roll my eyes again. Women.

We walked inside the house, and up the stairs, “Nice home,” I commented as she showed me around.

“I hope you like your room.” She smiled.

I let a lopsided grin gracefully fall upon my face as I said, “Oh, I’m sure I will.”

Catalina showed me to my room and I saw Ryan putting my stuff on my bed.

“Hey there, Kiddo.” Ryan said, once he noticed we were in the room.

I smiled, “Hey Pops.”

I was getting mentally sick of all this perfect family crap.

“Well we will leave you to unpack your stuff, call us if you need anything.” Catalina said, kissing my forehead, and dragging Ryan out of the room.

I shook my head, and chuckled under my breath.

I looked around the room and it made me smile. It had the appearance of a beach. The walls were painted like a mural of the ocean, and the carpet was a soft sandy color. Even my lamp had seashells on it.

I loved it.

And that’s when I remembered, Aly loved the beach too.

* * *

It was on my 10th birthday, and Aly plus her family had insisted on taking me to the beautiful island of St. Maarten. Currently we are running through the beach and suddenly Aly stops and starts panting like a dog.

“Lyssa? You alright?” I questioned, coming back around to meet her.

She continued to huff and puff, and then looked at me pathetically, “Giana, when we move to America when were older, I am going to take you running on the beaches, like this. I want to be skinny and pretty so that someone hunky will fall in love with me.” She cooed and then giggled.

I giggled along with her, “Sure! I love the beaches.” I smiled and looked at the sun that was shining upon our young innocent faces.

“Me too Giana. If Mami and Papi would let me, I would live here.”

We grinned at each other, since the mere thought was completely ridiculous, then continued walking along the water shores.

* * *

Hmm, so that’s why I remembered that. Alyssa must want me to start running or something on the beach that is down the road. The only reason I know about the beach is because of the cabby driver that got me here was extremely chatty, and has lived here his whole life.

I grabbed my suitcase and started unpacking everything I owned in the places around the room that had been put here for my use.

I was thankful that they were at least kind people, I don’t know what I would have done if they were jerks. Is it even possible to refuse your birth parents rights to claim you?

I shrugged along with my thoughts, and finished unpacking quickly.

I decided that I was going to go for a run, and I grabbed some clothes to run in. Including my Nike shoes, my shorts, and my awesome shirt that says ‘Cute Doesn’t Win Games’.

[Outfit =]

I also grabbed my blue iPod, and skipped down the stairs to find Catalina drinking some water.

“Hey Mom. Can I go for a run? I promise, I’ll be careful, and I’m very good with finding my way around.” I used my innocent voice that automatically made adults do what I want.

“Sure sweetie. Be back soon.” She kissed me on the forehead, and I was on my way.

I plugged in my headphones, and I was in my own little world. I put on my album labeled ‘Running’ and clicked shuffle. The first song to play was Secret Valentine by We The Kings. My feet pounded into the concrete sidewalk, and I could feel the blood pumping furiously through my veins.

After I couldn’t run anymore I started to skid to a stop. I was breathing heavily, but I saw something that made it much more worth it.

Standing before me in all its glory, was a beautiful forest.

Not the beach, but hey, this will do.

I walked into the mysterious forest, pulling out my headphones, and just gaping at the pureness of the entire being.

I could practically smell the fresh rain that had fallen the night before.

I continued to walk through the forest, taking in all of the natural beauty, and I stupidly wasn’t watching where I was going. I was at the top of this hill, and I was looking at this gorgeous house that was just in the middle of the grand forest. This house had so many windows, and it was as if they had no reason to hide.

Which whoever lives here, really has no reason to be ashamed of the actions they do in their home. I mean, who is even ever going to see them?

I muttered to myself, “I wish I could live in a forest away from my troubles.”

And without my consent, my feet started walking forward, and I failed to see the root of a tree next to me up above the ground. I tripped and started tumbling down the hill, letting out loud screams and the sharp branches scratched my face and body.

I coughed violently once I reached the bottom. I looked at my body and it was completely torn up.

“Are you okay?” I heard someone ask from next to me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to trespass.” I whispered pathetically, in so much pain.

I tried to stand up, and the gorgeous blonde man helped me.

“I’m Carlisle and I’m a doctor, would you allow me to heal you lacerations?” Carlisle asked politely, and I nodded.

He carried me into the house while I was clearly bleeding all over the place.

Carlisle tried setting me on his couch and I refused, “You’re couch must be expensive, I don’t want to ruin it with my blood. You can just leave me outside, its quite fine.” Polite mode was back on.

The flawless man shook his head, “Definitely not! Couches are replaceable, human lives are not.” He smiled, causing me to lift the corners of my lips as well.

Carlisle got his first aid kit and I asked him, “What is your last name?” It was forward, but I was curious.

“Cullen.” The name sounded so familiar… Where could I possibly have heard it from?

I made a noise, “Hmm, do you possibly have any relatives in Italy?”

Carlisle tried to cover his shock, “I knew I recognized that accent. And that depends, which part of Italy?”

I smiled, “Well, its this amazing place. Its called; Volterra, Italy. I was born and raised there.”

Mr. Cullen’s mouth dropped slightly, “What’s your name, darling?”

“Guilianna Aligheri.” I let out a gasp as his cold hands touched my cuts. Soon he was almost finished, and I smiled at the thought.

He sighed, “Have you ever known a girl named Alyssa VanPetersom?”

Mr. Cullen looked me straight in the face when he asked the question, and I ripped my hands out of his.

My eyes hardened, “I think I should go.” I rushed out of his grip, and ran towards the door.

I opened the door quickly, and rushed out. Why the hell did I go in there! While I was running, I didn't see the giant man in front of me.

I ran right into him, and he chuckled.

“Where are you running to?” The stunning guy asked.

“Not where I’m running to, its what I’m running from.” I muttered, but he heard me none the less.

“Will you just come inside for a while, and let us explain?” He asked, touching the lower part of my back, leading me towards the house.

I got a queasy feeling in my stomach, but his golden eyes were so mesmerizing that I couldn’t help it.

I walked back into the house, and saw the man smiling apologetically.

“I’m sorry if I over stepped my boundaries.” Carlisle said.

I sighed, “I apologize as well. I shouldn’t have over reacted.”

“The past is the past, and lets look forward to our future.” He said insightfully, “Would you like to meet the rest of my family?”

I nodded extremely curious.

“You can all come down now! She isn’t bleeding anymore,” Carlisle yelled up the stairs, and then told me, “They don’t like the sight of blood.”

I nodded as if I understood. Blood never freaked me out.

Dead bodies though, that was a completely different story.

“Hi!” A girl chirped, and I noticed that she was taller than me. Which isn’t hard to beat…

“Hello.” I stated politely.

“Well Guilianna, these are my adoptive children.” Carlisle pointed everyone out, and saved the best for last.

“Don’t forget about me.” The tall, hunky, guy that had convinced me to come back in, had said.

“How could I? Guilianna, that is Emmett Cullen.” I turned and looked at him.

“Emmett… hm. Fitting.” I looked him up and down, and smiled.

“Oh my! I’m so excited!” The Alice girl grinned, jumping around.

“Why?” I questioned.

“There is finally someone who is shorter than me!” She grinned, and I just shook my head.

I was a measly 5 foot nothing. 2 whole inches above midgetness.

I heard the Bella girl laugh, “It looks like Emmett is going to kidnap her.”

I smiled fakely, and Jasper and Edward gave me weird looks. Well, its not like they have anything against me. Buttheads.

“Look, I really should get going…” I muttered looking at a clock in their house.

Emmett jumped at the opportunity, “I can give you a ride.” He smiled, which made me feel a bit of jump in my heart.

My eyes fluttered at the strange feeling in my chest, and I just nodded, agreeing with his offer.

I said my goodbyes, ignoring the looks from Jasper and Edward, and the smirk from Alice, and went outside to get a ride from Emmett.

“I’m going to have to help you get in the truck,” Emmett’s deep laugh made me want to melt.

Oh no, I cant be feeling this way… I swore to Aly…

“Is that a short joke?” I laughed.

I sighed mentally though, I hate not being able to be myself anymore. I want to actually feel the emotions that I’m portraying…

“Yeah, it was.” Emmett stuck his tongue out at me.

I laughed, and it was an actual laugh from the inside. And it felt…good.

“That was weird…” Emmett muttered.

“What?” I questioned, as he helped me into the car.

“Your laugh just changed. Hmm, I must just be going crazy or something.” Emmett laughed and shrugged.

I muttered quietly, “Or something is right…”

The drive was quiet, but comfortable. As we reached my house, Emmett looked at me grinning widely.

“I like you Emmett. Call me sometime.” Then I magically found a pen in his truck and I wrote my number on a piece of paper.

“Goodnight.” He said helping me out of the car, and walking me to the front door.

“Night.” I smiled, and kissed his cheek.

I walked into my house and smiled.

Maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad change after all…

“Who’s Alyssa?” Catalina asked coming up to me.

“W-what?” I stuttered.

“Your mother just called.” Catalina’s jaw was set.

I gulped, “Alyssa was my best friend…” I started out my story.

And that’s when I remember, that this was a reminder, not a change.

I cant be happy, when I killed an innocent girl.
♠ ♠ ♠